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The Confinement Profile Effect on the Optical Properties in Different Inverse-shaped Single InGaN/GaN Quantum Wells
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In this work, the effects of size, and temperature on the linear and nonlinear optical properties in InGaN/GaN inverse parabolic and triangular quantum wells (IPQW and ITQW) for different concentrations at the well center were theoretically investigated. The indium concentrations at the barriers were fixed to be always xmax = 0.2. The energy levels and their associated wave functions are computed within the effective mass approximation. The expressions of optical properties are obtained analytically by using the compact density-matrix approach. The linear, nonlinear, and total absorption coefficients depending on the In concentrations at the well center are investigated as a function of the incident photon energy for different values of temperature and quantum wells size. The results show that the In concentrations, size and temperature have a significant effect on these optical properties. The positions of the resonance peaks of the absorption coefficients were blue-shifted under increasing indium compositions in the quantum wells (InGaN) and temperature while they were red-shifted with the increase in the thickness of the wells. Moreover, the amplitudes of the resonance peaks were enhanced under the increase of the In composition, the temperature, and the thickness of the quantum wells. The optical absorption in ITQW structure is slightly greater than that in IPQW one.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 20 2021
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
The Effect of Quantum Confinement on Optical Properties of CdSe Quantum Dots at Room Temperature
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CdSe quantum dots possess a tuning energy gap which can control gap values according to the size of the quantum dots, this is made the material able to absorb the wavelengths within visible light. A simple model is provided for the absorption coefficient, optical properties, and optical constants for CdSe quantum dots from the size 10nm to 1nm with the range of visible region between (300-730) nm at room temperature. It turns out that there is an absorption threshold for each wavelength, CdSe quantum dots begin to absorb the visible spectrum of 1.4 nm at room temperature for a wavelength of 300 nm. It has been noted that; when the wavelength is increased, the absorption threshold also increases. This applies to the optical propertie

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2005
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Bending Effect on the Single Mode Optical Fibers
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Bending effects on the transmission of optical signal are investigated on a single mode
optical fiber (SMOF) of 10 m length, core radius of 5 μm and optical refractive index difference
0.003. The bending radii (R) were between 0.08 and 0.0015 m. A great decrease in the amplitude is
shown for radii below 0.01 m. Sudden break down occurs for radii less than 0.0015 m. Birefringence
(B) is difficult to measure for long fibers. Meanwhile, B was found by comparing with calibrated
fiber of the same properties but of length of 0.075 m. The results show an increase in propagation
constant (Δβ) and the decrease in beat length (Lb), and show that bending decreases the critical radius
of curvature (Rc) related to B. The chang

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The Effect of the Concentration of Colloidal Silver Nanoparticles on Optical Limiting Reliability
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The effect of the concentration of the colloidal nanomaterial on their optical limiting behavior is reported in this paper. The colloids of sliver nanoparticles in deionized water were chemically prepared for the two concentrations (31 ppm and 11ppm). Two cw lasers (473 nm Blue DPSS laser and 532 nm Nd:YAG laser) are used to compare the optical limiting performance for the samples. UV–visible spectrophotometer, transmission electron microscope (TEM) and Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR) were used to obtain the characteristics of the sample. The nonlinear refractive index was calculated to be in the order of 10-9 cm2/W. The results demonstrate that the observed limiting response is significant for 532nm. In addition, t

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Electrospinning Parameters on Morphological and Mechanical Properties of PAN-based Nanofibers Membrane
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The electrospun nanofibers membranes (ENMs) have gained great attention due to their superior performance. However, the low mechanical strength of ENMs, such as the rigidity and low strength, limits their applications in many aspects which need adequate strength, such as water filtration. This work investigates the impact of electrospinning parameters on the properties of ENMs fabricated from polyacrylonitrile (PAN) solved in N, N-Dimethylformamide (DMF). The studied electrospinning parameters were polymer concentration, solution flow rate, collector rotating speed, and the distance between the needle and collector. The fabricated ENMs were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to understand the surface morphology and es

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Scopus (6)
Crossref (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Temperature and Alcohol on the Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration of Non- Ionic Surfactants in Magnetic Water
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The determination of critical micelle concentration of selected non-ionic surfactants (Tween 20,40 and 80) have been investigated using magnetic water(MW)as an aqueous medium.Conductometry technique is used to determine critical micelle concentration.The effect of alcohol addition and temperature variation at the range(293.15 -303.15K) are also pursued. It is concluded that the process of micellization is spontaneous and endothermic because of the observed free energy of micellization (ΔGom) , enthalpy change of micellization  (ΔHom), and entropy change of micellization (ΔSom) for the system was also studied.The properties of the non-ionic surfactants were studied, both in absence and presence of

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Scopus (7)
Crossref (6)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Sep 04 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Effect of Cutting Parameters on Temperature Distribution and Tool Life During Turning Stainless Steel 316L
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This paper is focused on studying the effect of cutting parameters (spindle speed, feed and depth of cut) on the response (temperature and tool life) during turning process. The inserts used in this study are carbide inserts coated with TiAlN (Titanum, Aluminium and Nitride) for machining a shaft of stainless steel 316L. Finite difference method was used to find the temperature distribution. The experimental results were done using infrared camera while the simulation process was performed using Matlab software package. The results showed that the  maximum difference between the experimental and simulation results was equal to 19.3 , so, a good agreement between the experimental and simulation results  was achieved. Tool life w

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Modeling and Simulation for Performance Evaluation of Optical Quantum Channels in Quantum key Distribution Systems
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In this research work, a simulator with time-domain visualizers and configurable parameters using a continuous time simulation approach with Matlab R2019a is presented for modeling and investigating the performance of optical fiber and free-space quantum channels as a part of a generic quantum key distribution system simulator. The modeled optical fiber quantum channel is characterized with a maximum allowable distance of 150 km with 0.2 dB/km at =1550nm. While, at =900nm and =830nm the attenuation values are 2 dB/km and 3 dB/km respectively. The modeled free space quantum channel is characterized at 0.1 dB/km at =860 nm with maximum allowable distance of 150 km also. The simulator was investigated in terms of the execution of the BB84 p

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Optical Properties of GaN Thin Flim
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GaN thin films were deposited by thermal evaporation onto
glass substrates at substrate temperature of 403 K and a thickness of
385 nm . GaN films have amorphous structure as shown in X-ray
diffraction pattern . From absorbance data within the range ( 200-
900 ) nm direct optical energy gap was calculated . Also the others
optical parameters like transmittance T, reflectance R , refractive
index n , extinction coefficient k , real dielectric constant 1 Î , and
imaginary dielectric constant 2 Î were determined . GaN films
have good absorbance and minimum transmittance in the region of
the visible light .

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 17 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Effect of Different Reinforcements on the Damping Properties of the Polymer Matrix Composite
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In this research, damping properties for composite materials were evaluated using logarithmic decrement method to study the effect of reinforcements on the damping ratio of the epoxy matrix. Three stages of composites were prepared in this research. The first stage included preparing binary blends of epoxy (EP) and different weight percentages of polysulfide rubber (PSR) (0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%). It was found that the weight percentage 5% of polysulfide was the best percentage, which gives the best mechanical properties for the blend matrix. The advantage of this blend matrix is that; it mediates between the brittle properties of epoxy and the flexible properties of a blend matrix with the highest percentage of PSR. The second stage

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Publication Date
Thu May 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Phonon Confinement Effect on Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Zn4Sb3 Quantum Well Structure
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We have theoretically investigated the in-plane lattice thermal conductivity of Zn4Sb3single quantum well structure taking into account spatial confinement of phonons. The calculations were carried out for free-surface quantum wells with thickness 8.5nm in the room temperature. We show that the lattice thermal conductivity is a significant reduce. The reduction is mostly due to the drop in the average group velocity caused by the spatial confinement of acoustic phonons and the corresponding increase in phonon relaxation rates. The predicted decrease is important for the anticipated applications of Zn4Sb3 nanostructure materials for room-temperature thermoelectric devices. Our theoretical results are in a good agreement with available exp

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