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Development and control of shaped metal deposition process using tungsten inert gas arc heat source in additive layered manufacturing
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Tungsten inert gas arc welding–based shaped metal deposition is a novel additive manufacturing technology which can be used for fabricating solid dense parts by melting a cold wire on a substrate in a layer-by-layer manner via continuous DC arc heat. The shaped metal deposition method would be an alternative way to traditional manufacturing methods, especially for complex featured and large-scale solid parts manufacturing, and it is particularly used for aerospace structural components, manufacturing, and repairing of die/molds and middle-sized dense parts. This article presents the designing, constructing, and controlling of an additive manufacturing system using tungsten inert gas plus wire–based shaped metal deposition method. The aim of this work is to design and develop tungsten inert gas plus wire–based shaped metal deposition system to be used for fabricating different components directly from computer-aided design data with minimum time consumed in programming and less boring task compared to conventional robotic systems. So, this article covers the important design steps from computer-aided design data to the final deposited part. The developed additive system is capable of producing near-net-shaped components of sizes not exceeding 400 mm in three-dimensional directly from computer-aided design drawing. The results showed that the developed system succeeded to produce near-net-shaped parts for various features of SS308LSi components. Additionally, workshop tests have been conducted in order to verify the capability and reliability of the developed additive manufacturing system. The developed system is also capable of reducing the buy-to-fly ratio from 5 to 2 by reducing waste material from 1717 to 268 g for the sample components.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 11 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Control the deposition uniformity using ring cathode by DC discharge technique
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Simulation of direct current (DC) discharge plasma using
COMSOL Multiphysics software were used to study the uniformity
of deposition on anode from DC discharge sputtering using ring and
disc cathodes, then applied it experimentally to make comparison
between film thickness distribution with simulation results. Both
simulation and experimental results shows that the deposition using
copper ring cathode is more uniformity than disc cathode

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Study of Power Increase Transient in Heat Generation Systems Simulated By Immersed Heat Source
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Theoretical and experimental investigations of the transient heat transfer parameters of constant heat flux source subjected to water flowing in the downward direction in closed channel are conducted. The power increase transient is ensured by step change increase in the heat source power. The theoretical investigation involved a mathematical modeling for axially symmetric, simultaneously developing laminar water flow in a vertical annulus. The mathematical model is based on one dimensional downward flow. The boundary conditions of the studied case are based on adiabatic outer wall, while the inner wall is subjected to a constant heat flux. The heat & mass balance equation derived for specified element of bulk water within the annulu

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Open Access Journal Of Chemistry
Gas Storage and Separation in Metal Organic Frameworks
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Open Access Journal Of Chemistry
Gas Storage and Separation in Metal Organic Frameworks
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
D.C conductivity of In2O3: SnO2 thin films and manufacturing of gas sensor
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Compounds were prepared from In2O3 doped SnO2 with different doping ratio by mixing and sintering at 1000oC. Pulsed Laser Deposition PLD was used to deposit thin films of different doping ratio In2O3: SnO2 (0, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 % wt.) on glass and p-type wafer Si(111) substrates at ambient temperature under vacuum of 10-3 bar thickness of ~100nm. X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy were used to examine the structural type, grain size and morphology of the prepared thin films. The results show the structures of thin films was also polycrystalline, and the predominate peaks are identical with standard cards ITO. On the other side the prepared thin films declared a reduction of degree of crystallinity with the increase of doping ra

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Publication Date
Fri May 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement of Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Using Metal Foam Fins
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The influence of adding metal foam fins on the heat transfer characteristics of an air to water double pipe heat exchanger is numerically investigated. The hot fluid is water which flows in the inner cylinder whereas the cold fluid is air which circulates in the annular gap in parallel flow with water. Ten fins of metal foam (Porosity = 0.93), are added in the gap between the two cylinder, and distributed periodically with the axial distance. Finite volume method is used to solve the governing equations in porous and non-porous regions. The numerical investigations cover three values for Reynolds number (1000 ,1500, 2000), and Darcy number (1 x10-1, 1 x10-2, 1x10-3). The comparison betwee

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 14 2022
Journal Name
Physica Scripta
A wavelet-based collocation technique to find the discontinuous heat source in inverse heat conduction problems
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Abstract<p>This paper is devoted to an inverse problem of determining discontinuous space-wise dependent heat source in a linear parabolic equation from the measurements at the final moment. In the existing literature, a considerably accurate solution to the inverse problems with an unknown space-wise dependent heat source is impossible without introducing any type of regularization method but here we have to determine the unknown discontinuous space-wise dependent heat source accurately using the Haar wavelet collocation method (HWCM) without applying the regularization technique. This HWCM is based on finite-difference and Haar wavelets approximation to the inverse problem. In contrast to othe</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2022
Journal Name
Frontiers In Chemistry
Numerical analysis of the energy-storage performance of a PCM-based triplex-tube containment system equipped with arc-shaped fins
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This study numerically intends to evaluate the effects of arc-shaped fins on the melting capability of a triplex-tube confinement system filled with phase-change materials (PCMs). In contrast to situations with no fins, where PCM exhibits relatively poor heat response, in this study, the thermal performance is modified using novel arc-shaped fins with various circular angles and orientations compared with traditional rectangular fins. Several inline and staggered layouts are also assessed to maximize the fin’s efficacy. The effect of the nearby natural convection is further investigated by adding a fin to the bottom of the heat-storage domain. Additionally, the Reynolds number and temperature of the heat-transfer fluid (HTF) are e

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Gas Adsorption and Storage at Metal-Organic Frameworks
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Dry gas is considered one of the most environmentally friendly sources of energy. As a result, developing an efficient strategy for storing this gas has become essential. In this work, MOF-199 was synthesized and characterized in order to investigate the MOF-199 in dry gas adsorption using a built-in volumetric system (methane, ethane, and propane from Basrah gas company). The MOF-199 (metal organic framework) was synthesized using the solvothermal method at 373K for 24h, and then it was characterized. The dry gas adsorption on MOF-199 was studied under various conditions (adsorbent dosage, contact time, temperature, and pressure). The isothermal adsorption of the dry gas had been studied on MOF-199 using two types of mo

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Arduino-Based Controller for Sequence Development of Automated Manufacturing System
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It has become necessary to change from a traditional system to an automated system in production processes, because it has high advantages. The most important of them is improving and increasing production. But there is still a need to improve and develop the work of these systems. The objective of this work is to study time reduction by combining multiple sequences of operations into one process. To carry out this work, the pneumatic system is designed to decrease\ increase the time of the sequence that performs a pick and place process through optimizing the sequences based on the obstacle dimensions. Three axes are represented using pneumatic cylinders that move according to the sequence used. The system is implemented and

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