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Optimization Kerosene Bio-degradation by a Local Soil Bacterium Isolate Klebsiella pneumoniae Sp. pneumonia

Isolated Bacteria from the roots of barley were studied; two stages of processes Isolated and screening were applied in order to find the best bacteria to remove kerosene from soil. The active bacteria are isolated for kerosene degradation process. It has been found that Klebsiella pneumoniae sp. have the highest kerosene degradation which is 88.5%. The optimum conditions of kerosene degradation by Klebsiella pneumonia sp. are pH5, 48hr incubation period, 35°C temperature and 10000ppm the best kerosene concentration. The results 10000ppm showed that the maximum kerosene degradation can reach 99.58% after 48 h of incubation. Higher Kerosene degradation which was 99.83% was obtained at pH5. Kerosene degradation was found to be maximum at 35°C with 98.63%, where 10000ppm kerosene showed the highest degradation at 99.527%. The results indicate that the isolated Klebsiella pneumonia sp. is extremely efficient in degrading kerosene hydrocarbons.

Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Pure And Applied Microbiology
Optimization Kerosene Bio-degradation by a Local Soil Bacterium Isolate Klebsiella pneumoniae Sp. pneumonia

Isolated Bacteria from the roots of barley were studied; two stages of processes Isolated and screening were applied in order to nd the best bacteria to remove kerosene from soil. The acve bacteria are isolated for kerosene degradaon process. It has been found that Klebsiella pneumoniae sp. have the highest kerosene degradaon which is 88.5%. The opmum condions of kerosene degradaon by Klebsiella pneumonia sp. are pH5, 48hr incubaon period, 35°C temperature and 10000ppm the best kerosene concentraon. The results 10000ppm showed that the maximum kerosene degradaon can reach 99.58% aer 48 h of incubaon. Higher Kerosene degradaon which was 99.83% was obtained at pH5. Kerosene degradaon was found

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Purification and Characterization β - lactamase produce from local isolate Klebsiella pneumonia

Beta-lactamase was purified from local isolate Klebsiella pneumonia by several steps included precipitation with ammonium sulphate at 20-40% saturation, DEAE- ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 column. The obtained purification fold and recovery were 32.66; 47.04% respectively. The characterization of the purified beta-lactamase showed that the molecular weight was about 4000 daltons as determined by gel filtration.Purified enzyme had an optimal pH of 7 for activity and an optimal stability between pH 6.5-7.5, results shows that the optimal temperature appear to be 35 ? C .During storage the enzyme retained 72% at -20 ? C and retained 25% of the activity at the same period at 4 ? C.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 19 2014
Journal Name
Romanian Biotechnological Letters
Optimization conditions for bioemulsifier production by local Streptomyces sp. SS20 isolated from hydrocarbon contaminated soil

Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Classical and Statistical Optimization of Medium Composition for Promoting Prodigiosin Produced by Local Isolate of Serratia Marcescens

Prodigiosin is a ‘natural red pigment produced by Serratia marcescens which exhibits immunosuppressive and anticancer properties in addition to antimicrobial activities. This work presents an attempt to maximize the production of prodigiosin by two different strategies: one factor at time (OFAT) and statistical optimization. The result of OFAT revealed that sucrose and peptone were the best carbon and nitrogen sources for pigment production with concentration of prodigiosin of about 135 mg/ L. This value was increased to 331.6mg/ L with an optimized ratio of C/N (60:40) and reached 356.8 with pH 6 and 2% inoculum size at end of classical optimization. Statistical experimental design based on Response surface methodology was co

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection

The current study aimed to investigate the viability of biofilm formation klebsilla pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus. 440 urine samples were collected from patients suffering from urinary tract infection (UTI) from those who were admitted and visitors to Al-Ramadi Teaching Hospital, Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, Al-Ramadi Teaching Hospital for women and children and , Teaching Laboratories in the Medical City for both genders for a period extended from 5 July, 2017 to 10 October, 2017. Samples were diagnosed by culturing them on a selective media and by biochemical testes , also, diagnosis was ensured by using VITEK-2 compact system. Results showed that K.pneumoniae isolation ratio was 17.1%(68) and S.aureus ratio was 13.1%(52). Thei

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Biodegradation of Imidacloprid by the Local Isolate Rhizobium pusense

Imidacloprid is systemic insecticide (1-[(6-chloro-3-pyridinyl) methyl]-N-nitro-2-imidazolidinimine) and the world’s most widely used has significant efficacy against a broad variety of pests and a unique mode of action by using it spreader and irrigation. The persistence of this pesticide in the soil means that it causes environmental damage that must be cleaned up. In this study collected and identified the best bacteria isolate that breakdown imidacloprid from the Plant Protection Director in Baghdad, which has been using neonicotinoid pesticides for years in their own greenhouse for pest control. Using high-performance liquid chromatography HPLC to measuring the residual concentrations of imidacloprid in MSM media at a concentration o

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Bioremediation of Imidacloprid by the Local Isolate Psychrobacter celer
Abstract<p>Pesticide biodegradation can be accomplished by the technique of bioremediation, which makes use of microorganisms’ ability to degrade pesticide residues. This study aimed to separate and identify imidacloprid-biodegradable from botanical fields soil of greenhouses in the Plant Protection Directorate /Ministry of Agriculture in Baghdad, which has been using imidacloprid pesticides for many years. Using high-performance liquid chromatography, residual imidacloprid concentrations in MSM medium at a concentration of 25 mg/L after 21 days were measured to identify the best degrading bacterial isolates. Isolate No.37 the best bacterial isolate was able to degrade 63% of imidacloprid. was</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Aug 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Purification of algnic acid by Local isolate of Azotobacter Vinelandi

The bacteria Azotobacter Vinelandii  was taken from a central research in Baghdad, The purification of alginic acid which produced from the bacteria by several steps starting with precipitation with isopropanol (3:1) v/v , Washing by ppt with 100ml of isopropanol       : distilled water (3:1) v/v , then the ppt was dissolved in warm distilled water and dialysis against distilled water from 24 h/s . To Complete the purification , gel filtration chromatography was conducted on sephacryl s-100 column followed by ion – exchange chromatography . Using DEAE cellulose column . The molecular Weight of purified al ginic acid was higher than that of blue dextran 2000,It was more than (2) millions Dalton .<

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Reviews In Medical Microbiology
Virulence factors genotyping of Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates from Baghdad

Seventy of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates had been collected from some Hospitals in Baghdad city from October to December 2017. The 70 isolates were taken from diverse clinical specimens. All K. pneumoniae isolates were identified based on API 20 E and Vitek2 compact system. Antibiotics sensitivity test was carried out toward 10 antibiotics using discs diffusion method. The level of antibiotics resistance was 81.42% for Ceftriaxone, whereas the low level of antibiotics resistance was 37.14% for Piperacillin. K. pneumoniae isolates were typed genotypically by using two different methods of amplification, multiplex-PCR and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC)-PCR typing methods. Results showed that out of 70 isolates, there

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Scopus (11)
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Role of Extracted Genomic DNA on Biofilm Formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae in vitro

   Bacteria form complex and highly elaborate surface adherent communities known as biofilms.Biofilm have been shown to be associated with several human diseases ,and to colonize a wide variety of medical devices . The current study focuses on contribution of extracted genomic   DNA in  biofilm formation by   P. aeruginosa and  K. pneumoniae isolates   .The percentages of Pseudomonas aeruginosa recovery from drinking water  in this study were  10%(20 positive P. aeruginosa  samples ) and K. pneumonia.,  7%(14 positive K. pneumonia samples).The results showed that all P.aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae isolates (100%) were slime producer but in different degrees by forming  of black

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