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Conservative Treatment of Closed Fracture Shaft Humerus in Adult Patients
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Background: Fractures of the humeral shaft accounting for approximately 3% of all fractures. There is a wide array of good options for their treatment and controversy over the best methods. Although good techniques of osteosynthesis are available, the aim of this article is toemphasize on the benefit and good outcome of conservative treatment for properly selected cases to decrease the cost and avoid the complications of surgery. Method : During the period from February 2011 to June 2012 fifty-five fractures of humeral shaft were treated at orthopedicdepartment in the ALKindyteaching hospital. 22 fractures considered suitable for the study. The patients treatedconservatively by using the‘U’ shaped coaptation slab. Then we shift to POP cast or functional brace after one week.Then we follow the patient clinically and radiologically every 2weeks until the fracturehad united and the limb functions were restored. The outcome of treatment was assessed by specificparameters which include alignment, rate of union and limb functions. outcome: This study showed thatthe initial deformities of angulations were considerably reduced by the use of U slab and the POP castwhich act as a dynamic rather than a static splint,or functional brace through soft-tissue compression correcting angulation to less than 30° in coronalplane and less than 20° in sagital plane. Manipulation of the fracture was not required and didnot affectneither the rate of union nor the final position, as the cast appeared to be capable of correctingangulation deformities. Perfect anatomical reduction was found not to be essential for satisfactory limbfunction, which was present with varus angulation and posterior bowing. The incidence of delayedunion compares favorably with other reported series, although the definition of delayed union isvariable. Conclusion: In fracture shaft of humerus, neither rigid immobilization nor perfect alignment are of great importance for final outcome, so conservative treatment is one of the most effectivemethods of treatment and the operative treatment can lead to adverse effect on the outcome in case ofbad judgment and should be limited as much as possible to specific indications

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New Method for the On-Line Determination of Molybdenum Via New Microphotometric Home Mode Instrument, Using Hight Emitting Diode as a Variable Intensity Radiant Source with a Miniture Photosilicone Diode Detector for System: Molybdenum(VI)-Hydrogen Peroxide-Ammonium Solution
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This research work aims to the determination of molybdenum (VI) ion via the formation of peroxy molybdenum compounds which has red-brown colour with absorbance wave length at 455nm for the system of ammonia solution-hydrogen peroxide-molybdenum (VI) using a completely newly developed microphotometer based on the ON-Line measurement. Variation of responses expressed in millivolt. A correlation coefficient of 0.9925 for the range of 2.5-150 ? with percentage linearity of 98.50%. A detection limit of 0.25 ? was obtained. All physical and chemical variable were optimized interferences of cation and anion were studied classical method of measurement were done and compared well with newly on-line measurements. Application for the use

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Advances In Materials Physics And Chemistry
The Role of Cooling Condition on the Superconducting Properties of Tl<sub>2-x</sub>Hg<sub>x</sub>Sr<sub>2</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>10+δ</sub> System
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On The Nearby-Tip Strain Investigation and Failure-Propability Evaluation for Impacted Thin Plates Using the 2-Random-Variables Multi-Canonical-Based Joint Propability Distributions
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The study of the validity and probability of failure in solids and structures is highly considered as one of the most incredibly-highlighted study fields in many science and engineering applications, the design analysts must therefore seek to investigate the points where the failing strains may be occurred, the probabilities of which these strains can cause the existing cracks to propagate through the fractured medium considered, and thereafter the solutions by which the analysts can adopt the approachable techniques to reduce/arrest these propagating cracks.In the present study a theoretical investigation upon simply-supported thin plates having surface cracks within their structure is to be accomplished, and the applied impact load to the

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Space Charge Effect for Design Electron Gun Using Five Electrode Immersion Electrostatic Lenses
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 Computer theoretical study has been carried out on the design of five electrode immersion electrostatic lens used in electron gun application. The finite element method (FEM) is used in the solution of the Poisson's equation fro determine axial potential distribution, the electron trajectory under Zero magnification condition .      The optical  properties : focal length ,spherical and chromatic aberrations are calculated,From studying the properties of the designed electron gun. we have good futures for these  electron gun where are abeam current 4*10-4A    can be supplied by using cathode tip of radius 100 nm.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Classical Continuous Optimal Control for Quaternary Nonlinear Parabolic Boundary Value Problems with State Vector Constraints
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This paper aims to study the quaternary classical continuous optimal control problem consisting of the quaternary nonlinear parabolic boundary value problem, the cost function, and the equality and inequality constraints on the state and the control. Under appropriate hypotheses, it is demonstrated that the quaternary classical continuous optimal control ruling by the quaternary nonlinear parabolic boundary value problem has a quaternary classical continuous optimal control vector that satisfies the equality constraint and inequality state and control constraint. Moreover, mathematical formulation of the quaternary adjoint equations related to the quaternary state equations is discovered, and then the weak form of the quaternary adjoint

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Producing Sustainable Roller Compacted Concrete by Using Fine Recycled Concrete Aggregate
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One-third of the total waste generated in the world is construction and demolition waste. Reducing the life cycle of building materials includes increasing their recycling and reuse by using recycled aggregates. By preventing, the need to open new aggregate quarries and reducing the amount of construction waste dumped into landfills, the use of recycled concrete aggregate in drum compacted concrete protects the environment. Four samples of PRCC were prepared for testing (compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength, density, water absorption, porosity) as the reference mix and (10, 15, and 20%) of fine recycled concrete aggregate as a partial replacement for fine natural aggregate by volume. The mix is designed according to

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
International Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology
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The Internet image retrieval is an interesting task that needs efforts from image processing and relationship structure analysis. In this paper, has been proposed compressed method when you need to send more than a photo via the internet based on image retrieval. First, face detection is implemented based on local binary patterns. The background is notice based on matching global self-similarities and compared it with the rest of the image backgrounds. The propose algorithm are link the gap between the present image indexing technology, developed in the pixel domain, and the fact that an increasing number of images stored on the computer are previously compressed by JPEG at the source. The similar images are found and send a few images inst

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 11 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The pre-equilibrium and equilibrium double differential cross sections for the nucleons and light nuclei induce nuclear reactions on 27Al nuclei
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The pre - equilibrium and equilibrium double differential cross
sections are calculated at different energies using Kalbach Systematic
approach in terms of Exciton model with Feshbach, Kerman and
Koonin (FKK) statistical theory. The angular distribution of nucleons
and light nuclei on 27Al target nuclei, at emission energy in the center
of mass system, are considered, using the Multistep Compound
(MSC) and Multistep Direct (MSD) reactions. The two-component
exciton model with different corrections have been implemented in
calculating the particle-hole state density towards calculating the
transition rates of the possible reactions and follow up the calculation
the differential cross-sections, that include MS

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Semi-Essential Submodules
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Let R be a commutative ring with identity and let M be a unitary left R-module. The purpose of this paper is to investigate some new results (up to our knowledge) on the concept of semi-essential submodules which introduced by Ali S. Mijbass and Nada K. Abdullah, and we make simple changes to the definition relate with the zero submodule, so we say that a submodule N of an R-module M is called semi-essential, if whenever N ∩ P = (0), then P = (0) for each prime submodule P of M. Various properties of semi-essential submodules are considered.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Techniques مجلة التقني
A STUDY OF SOME TECHNICAL AND ECONOMICAL PARAMETERS FOR MACHINERY UNIT (NEW HOLLAND &DISC PLOW) BY USING THREE DIFFERENT TILT ANGLES دراسة بعض المؤشرات الفنية والأقتصادية للوحدة الميكنية (الجرار نيوهولاند مع المحراث القرصي الثلاثي القلاب) بأستخدام زوايا ميل مختلفة للأقراص
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