تهدف هذه المقالة إلى توضيح أخلاقيات العلم وضوابطه التي يجب على من يعمل في هذا المجال أن يكون متحلي بها حتى يحافظ على القيم والأخلاق الفاضلة والموروثة من الآباء والاجداد والنابعة من الصالحين والاخيار لديم ومة الحياة بأفضل وجه وكما يتمناه الكل وكذلك عدم تجاوز الحدود التي تؤدي إلى الأض ا رر بالمجتمع والبيئة . وتوضيح الحدود الغير مسموح بتجاوزها في مجال العلم والتكنولوجيا ومن هذه الأخلاقيات أو الضوابط التي يجب أن يلتزم بها العاملين في مجال العلم والتكنولوجيا هي: الأمانة ' الانفتاحية ' الحرية. التقدير ' التعلم ' المسؤولية الاجتماعية ' المشروعية ' الاحت ا رم المتبادل ' الفعالية ' احت ا رم الذات ' تكافؤ الفرص.
The Al-Shishtary is considered one of the well-known Andalus poets. His poetry represents a flood of kind emotions, springs from the sincere sources of Divine Love, and this is what we felt in his life and his literary prestige. He was a poet who was familiar withthe art of his timeknowsthe oldand popularintellectual assets ofIslamicSciencesof Sharee'a. This wide culture, which he had, is available to him through his many travels between the coasts of Syria, Egypt and others ... to become Imam of the religion way known as(Al-Shishtariyah)resonatedin the hearts ofthe general publicespecially the poor people. This showshis smoothand influential styleand his humanitarian andsimple words which resonate in the hearts of his followers, therefo
... Show MoreThe research tackles the monetary policy of the Abassynian state in Baghdad – the center of the Abassynian caliphate in her last days. This age lasts for morethan eight decades . success – sively four caliphates ruled throuyhout these decades. First. ALNaser Ledeen Alah. AL- Daher Be Amer Alah, AL- mustanser Be-Alah then ALmustausem Be-Alah. This caliphate witnessed a sense of release from the boundage of the Salju guian supremqcy which resulted in an interest in coinage of money (Dinarsamd derhem) and engraving it usiny new forms and new weight that reflects the states monetary independence and national sovereignity being an essencial means for treating in the ex– change of trading between people. Caliphat e also made sure of prot
... Show MoreThe research aimed to study the role that the media play in shaping the public knowledge of human rights issues among the people of Kirkuk, which will be the focus of the study. The research was conducted by applying a survey panel to a random sample of the city's audience. The research dealt with the theoretical aspect of a theory that relied on the media, and the loans provided by the theory, on the basis of which the research was conducted and the research problem was determined based on a major question: What is the role that the mass media play in developing the knowledge of members of the public on human rights and the relationship between the intensity of view in that, as well as the identification of the effect of two variables G
... Show Moreهدف البحث الى التعرف على العلاقة والاثر بين متغيرات البحث والمتمثلة بأخلاقيات الاعمال بمثابة متغير مستقل بأبعاده ( فريق العمل ، المسؤولية ، السرية ، القواعد والاجراءات الوظيفية ) ومحاسبة المسؤولية بمثابة متغير تابع، ومتغير وسيط هو الثقافة ، تمثل مجتمع البحث بمجموعة من الشركات الصناعية العراقية وتم اخذ عينة قصدية من محاسبي تلك الشركات بلغ عددهم (60) محاسبا حيث تم توزيع الاستبانة عليهم كأداة للبحث وتم تحليلها ب
... Show MoreMinister Yacoub Ben Keles distinguished himself with leadership and administrative talents, as well as his abilities in the field of jurisprudence, which made him the top political, administrative and cultural scene of the Fatimid state and left its mark on it by influencing its fateful decisions.
He was the son of Kels of the Jews of Baghdad, where he learned writing and arithmetic, and moved with his father to Syria and then carried him to Egypt.
Egypt embraced the son of Kels, living in a transitional period from the Achaishid era to the Fatimid period. Both these two covenants reconciled this man to his career until he became minister in the Fatimids in 368 A.H. / 978 A.D.
His character was overshadowed by most of the state'
This research reviews the basis for the settlement of claims when marine losses occur, including the settlement of claims in the case of joint maritime losses for goods and ship objects, as well as the settlement of claims for damage to vessel objects when they are at sea risk and loss during the sea voyage. Construction
The Research used descriptive, analytical and historical methods in preparing the research; the society of study composed of the employee in the insurance companies working in Sudan, the questionnaire was distributed for all study samples. The study concluded some important results of which it is , there is a weak of awareness, and lack of
... Show MoreE.M. Forster (1879-1970) is one of the important novelists who dealt with the personal and social lives of the people in England during the early beginning of the twentieth century. During his literary career, he developed gradually his views about man and his position in society.
In his first novel, Where Angels Fear to Tread (1902), the focus is laid on local and personal issues in the lives of the characters. It is limited to the relations between neighbours in small communities. Though the setting is shifted to Italy, Forster does not make full use of this shift to present cultural or racial conflicts; rather he limits his plot to the private tr
... Show MoreFollowers and their followers (may Allah be pleased with them all) followed the approach of the guidance and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the collection and codification of the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad in various Arab and Islamic areas. Subsequent judge Faqih Abu Bakr al-Ansari had a distinct effect during that time immortalized in the pages of our Islamic history in preserving the Sunnah of our great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and documenting the constants of Sharia and Islamic jurisprudence and its importance in the activity of intellectual and scientific movement in the Arab Islamic State.
Arts acts to reduce and exclude everything that is not necessary in the delivery of meaning, especially representative performance, which is based on the intensification of the physical and vocal actions, and in drawing the dimensions of the character. And because that, the artistic staff, among others in the ministry of education, are considered the cornerstone, in the development of theatrical activities in schools, this research came to find out the extent to which teachers in primary schools, in secondary schools and artistic supervisors rely on shorthand mechanisms in the representative performance.
The current research relied on the descriptive approach, in analyzing his sample, which was deliberately chosen, Among the most imp
يهدف البحث الى التعرف على اثر استراتيجية نجمتين وامنية في تحصيل مادة الكيمياء عند طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسطولتحقيق هدف البحث تم اتباع المنهج التجريبي ذو الضبط الجزئي وتم تحديد مجتمع البحث بطلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط لجميع المدارس الثانموية والمتوسط التابعة لمديرية تربية الكرخ الثانية وتم اخنيار احد هذه المداس بصورة قصدية لتطبيق تجربة ابلبحث الحالي