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Yacoub Ben Keles, the First of the Fatimid Ministers ( 368-380 A.H. / 978-990 A.D. )
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Minister Yacoub Ben Keles distinguished himself with leadership and administrative talents, as well as his abilities in the field of jurisprudence, which made him the top political, administrative and cultural scene of the Fatimid state and left its mark on it by influencing its fateful decisions.
He was the son of Kels of the Jews of Baghdad, where he learned writing and arithmetic, and moved with his father to Syria and then carried him to Egypt.
Egypt embraced the son of Kels, living in a transitional period from the Achaishid era to the Fatimid period. Both these two covenants reconciled this man to his career until he became minister in the Fatimids in 368 A.H. / 978 A.D.
His character was overshadowed by most of the state's men, and those who were credited with the emergence of the Fatimid state in Egypt, such as the leader Jawhar al-Saqli, played an important role in the context of the internal politics of the Fatimid state. In foreign policy, the Levant occupied most of its interests, The great powers at the time exceeded his role in the Hijaz, Iraq,BaniZirid
and with the Byzantines, and during the time of this minister, the Fatimid state reached its fullest extent.
Upon the death of this minister, the Fatimid were keen to establish the grief of his death, and to preserve the rights of his beloved and the rights of his family and slaves, and the depth of the feelings of sorrow for his departure, but a clear proof of the majesty of this minister and his clear role in the history of their state.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Relation of the Prophet Muhammad (May Peace be Upon Him) with the Byzantines from the Revelation to the Trance of the Mu'ta (8 A.H. / 629 A.D)
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Relations of the prophets Muhammad (May peace be upon him) with by
gantlines from the revelation to the trance of al-hdybya 6 A.H/610 A.C.
This research is concerned with Islamic historical events, particularly dunning
the time of the prophet Muhammad. It also explores relations of the apostle of god
with the rums and their allies the Arabs of Syria.
During the first years of revelation Muslim had achieved great victories
against the unbelievers. This accomplishm-ent had draw attention of some foreign
forces such as the Arabs of Syria, who became snapicions of this new and active
power. Their hostile attend was demonstrated by striking an economical siege against
Muslims. They attacked the nabtins merchants who

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Inclusive leadership in the General Secretariat for the Council of Ministers - An analytical research
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The current research aims to evaluate the level of inclusive leadership within the General Secretariat for the Council of Ministers, and its role in achieving integration in work through the need to improve relationships between different administrative levels, facilitate participation, expression of opinions, and belonging to the organization. In order to achieve the research objective, the descriptive analytical statistical method was chosen using the SPSS V.25 programs, with various statistical methods and measures, including mean, standard deviation, variance coefficient, relative importance, and simple regression, through a questionnaire tool for data collection. The research community included the leadership in the sample of resear

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Christian Taghlib tribe in the first century A.H: The Christian Taghlib tribe in the first century A.H
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Taghlib tribe had an important part in the history of the first century of
hijra. She managed to get the best social, economic and political basis in the
Arab- Islamic state. In this basis Taghlib was the best Dhimies in the Islamic
state. This tribe refused to be among the people of the book, and to be from
the people of dhima. That tribe refused to pay the Jizya and Khraj, but
accepted to pay double Sadaqa in stead of Jizya and Khraj, so in that case
many Muslims become angry.
Although their Christianity was naïve and simple, Taghlib hold it until the
end of the third century A.H. Taghlib did so because her people wanted to
keep their good relation with the Byzantine. Taghlib thought that the

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The commercial dealing means in the Albidaya Walnihaya book by Iben Katheer Al Dimashqi (701-774 A.H./1301-1372 A.D.)
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Iben Katheer Al Dimashqi is considered among the eminent scholars in the eighth Hijri century / fourteenth Gregorian century. He acquired eminent academic and social standing. His book Albidaya Walnihaya is considered among the important historical sources. This book's study of the subject of commercial dealing methods clarifies that the commercial dealing methods dealt by the people throughout the successive historical eras were multiple, most prominent of which was money (whether Dirhams, Dinars, measures (mikyals), weights (like Sa') in addition to other means like usury. But here we notice that Iben Katheer stressed that usury must be prohibited because it is religiously forbidden and cited many Quranic verses and Prophetic sayings w

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Camille Ben Ziad and his Place in the Arab-Islamic Heritage (Historical Study)
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In a quick reading of the character of Camille Ben Ziad al-Nekha al-Kufi al-Taabi, one of the most sincere companions of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), he enjoyed great status and status because he was one of the people of his people who lived alongside Imam Ali (peace be upon him) since his tribe migrated from Yemen to Kufa To this end, he became loyal during the reign of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), who is also a member of the delegation coming from Kufa to protest against the actions of the Wali of Kufa during the reign of Caliph Uthman ibn Affan. After the death of Caliph Uthman bin Affan, (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) (Duaa kamil), one of the most famous and important supplications in Islamic history, and each one of u

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
The recepient’s beauty in the algerian theatre and the recepient’s hypothetical bet , reading in stop theater by m’hammed ben gataf
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Meditationsuggetsthat the theatrical world and the receiptindicatethattherie a thread connection or relationshipbetweenthembecausetheateris an art thatfailsinto the abyss of the humanfield ,receivingis a practice thatisreffered to by corners of society and islocated in the context of thisfield. Thus, the relationshipbetweenalgeriantheater and the recepientissanctified by the nature of theaterwhichisbased on a social basis thatbuildsitsexistance and continuityfrom the recepient.Its impossible to imagine a real theaterthatwillbeestablishedunlessit’sassociatedwith an audience so one hand never claps to makesound. This connectionis the first phenomenonthatcanbecome accessible to all people and itremains the second phenomenonthatrequires th

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
"Explanation of the Fundamentals for Al-Bazdawi" Study and Investigation (From the beginning of Prohibition Chapter to its End)
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This research addresses: Sharh Usul Al-Bazdawi "Explanation of the Fundamentals for Al-Bazdawi", by studying and investigating, from the beginning of prohibition chapter to its end. The researcher conducted a study about this book stating its significance and introducing the compiler and the commentator. The researcher as well mentioned that the prohibition has a special formula and requires repetition, and he went on explaining that prohibition according to Hanafis does not require absolute corruption of the prohibited matter unless based on an evidence, and that what is condemned as wrong act for itself is considered void and what is condemned as wrong act for external reasons is considered corrupt accor

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Higher education in Iraq : its process and features of development during the period of 1932 A.D – 1958 A.D
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In order to specify the features of higher education process and its quantitative and qualitative development in Iraq ; one should look back at its historical process and the need of interesting with it .

Accordingly , there will be a chance for verifying the demand of the Iraqi society according to the political , social , and cultural changes especially  during the national governance (1932 – 1958 ) .

For depicting the most important quantitative and qualitative development of this kind of education the period of 1932 -1958 , and since there is no previous study that tackled this topic , here comes the need of writing this paper .

After historical

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Description of nature and the joys of life in Fatimid poetry
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This research deals with the aesthetics of describing nature and the joys of urban life in the environment of Fatimid Egypt, among a group of poets, who were deceived by its enchanting beauty and breathtaking scenery, through it they depicted the reality of the life they live, and the things that involved them, as well as showing their personal culture, and the joys of life that experience, articulating this with a descriptive and analytical study, focusing on how the poet portrayed the visual scene, in an important stage of Arabic literature in Egypt.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
First Record of Mint Leaf Beetle, Chrysolina herbacea (Duftschmid, 1825), (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Iraq
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The  insect is diagnosed and named by the National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI), USA as the Mint leaf Beetle Chrysolina herbacea alnadawi (Duftschmid, 1825), (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). The diagnosis was performed depending on the DNA analysis by 73% similarity with Chrysolina herbacea (Duftschmid, 1825) sequence, In the present study. It is recorded as a new insect pest on mint plant Mentha  puleguim (L,1753) (Lamiaceae). DNA analysis confirmend that it is recorded for the first time in Iraq and the Arab world as well as the Middle East. Those insects were observed initially during August 2017 in residential gardens of Al-Bonooq district in Baghdad / Iraq.

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