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Removable shear connector for steel-concrete composite bridges
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The conception and experimental assessment of a removable friction-based shear connector (FBSC) for precast steel-concrete composite bridges is presented. The FBSC uses pre-tensioned high-strength steel bolts that pass through countersunk holes drilled on the top flange of the steel beam. Pre-tensioning of the bolts provides the FBSC with significant frictional resistance that essentially prevents relative slip displacement of the concrete slab with respect to the steel beam under service loading. The countersunk holes are grouted to prevent sudden slip of the FBSC when friction resistance is exceeded. Moreover, the FBSC promotes accelerated bridge construction by fully exploiting prefabrication, does not raise issues relevant to precast construction tolerances, and allows rapid bridge disassembly to drastically reduce the time needed to replace any deteriorating structural component (e.g., the bridge deck). A series of 11 push-out tests highlight why the novel structural details of the FBSC result in superior shear load-slip displacement behavior compared to welded shear studs. The paper also quantifies the effects of bolt diameter and bolt preload and presents a design equation to predict the shear resistance of the FBSC.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Tensile and Compressive Properties of Kaolin Rienforced Epoxy
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The toughening of epoxy resins with the addition of organic or inorganic compounds is of great interest nowadays, considering their large scale of applications. In the present work, composites of epoxy are synthesized with kaolin particles having different particle sizes as reinforcement. Composites of epoxy with varying concentration (0 to 40 weight %) of kaolin was prepared by using hand lay method. The variation of mechanical properties such as modulus of elasticity, yield, tensile, and compressive strength with filler content was evaluated. The composite showed improved modulus of elasticity and compressive properties on addition of filler. In contrast, the tensile and yield strength of the composite

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Influence of Alkaline Treatment of Recycled Natural Materials on the Properties of Epoxy Resin Composites
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Natural fibers and particles reinforced composites are being broadly used due to their bio and specific properties such as low density and easy to machine and production with low cost. In this work, water absorption and mechanical properties such as tensile strength, flexural strength and impact strength of recycled jute fibers reinforced epoxy resin were enhanced by treating these fibers with alkaline solution. The recycled jute fibers were treated with different concentration of (NaOH) solution at (25 0C) for a period of (24) hours. From the obtained results, it was found that all these properties are improved when fibers treated with (7.5wt% NaOH) related to untreated fibers. Conversely, the mentioned properties of composit

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of RCMD Beams with Large Circular Opening Strengthened with CFRP Material
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This paper presents the non-linear finite element method to study the behavior of four reinforced rectangular concrete MD beams with web circular openings tested under two-point load. The numerical finite elements methods have been used in a much more practical way to achieve approximate solutions for more complex problems.  The ABAQUS /CAE is chosen to explore the behavior of MD beams. This paper also studies, the effect of both size and shape of the circular apertures of MD beams. The strengthening technique that used in this paper is externally strengthening using CFRP around the opening in the MD beams. The numerical results were compared to the experimental results in terms of ultimate load failure and displace

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Fire Flame (High Temperature) on the Behaviour of Axially loaded Reinforced SCC Short Columns
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Experimental research was carried out to investigate the effect of fire flame (high temperature) on specimens of short columns manufactured using SCC (Self compacted concrete). To simulate the real practical fire disasters, the specimens were exposed to high
temperature flame, using furnace manufactured for this purpose. The column specimens were cooled in two ways. In the first the specimens were left in the air and suddenly cooled using water, after that the specimens were loaded to study the effect of degree of
temperature, steel reinforcement ratio and cooling rate, on the load carrying capacity of the reinforced concrete column specimens. The results will be compared with behaviour of columns without burning (control specime

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Agriculture - Food Science And Technology
Determination of Operating Characteristics of 540 and 540E PTO Applications in Disc Type Silage Machines
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In this study, performance characteristics such as power take off (PTO) power consumption, fuel consumption, fuel consumption for the unit field-unit product were determined at different working speeds with two different PTO applications (540 and 540E) in a single row disc type silage machine. In particular, the 540E PTO application greatly reduces fuel consumption for unit work. The best results in terms of hourly fuel consumption were achieved in 540E PTO application and V1 working speed. When the field - product fuel consumption is evaluated, the best results were obtained with the 540E PTO application at the V3 working speed. When an evaluation is made considering all the parameters, it is concluded that the 540E PTO application will p

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
hermo-Physical and Mechanical Properties of Unsaturated Polyester /Cobalt Ferrite Composites
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Unsaturated polyester was used as a matrix which was filled with different percentages of cobalt ferrite using hand lay-up method. Cobalt ferrite was synthesized using solid state ceramic method with reagent of CoO and Fe2O3. Mechanical properties such tensile strength, Young's modulus and shore D hardness of the composite have been studied. All these properties have increased by 10% with increasing cobalt ferrite contents. Also the thermal properties such thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity are highly increased as the ferrite content increased, while the thermal diffusivity increased by 22 %. On the other hand dielectric strength of composite has been measured which increased by 50% by increasing the cobalt ferrite content.&

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 07 2021
Journal Name
Jordan Journal Of Biological Sciences
Evaluation of Quorum-Sensing, Antibiotics Resistance, and Biofilm Formation in Pathogenic Bacteria from the Hospital Environments
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Abstract Background: Multidrug-resistant bacteria (MDR) often contaminate hospital environment and cause serious illnesses. Quorum Sensing (QS) regulates a variety of downstream cellular processes, including antibiotics resistance mechanisms and biofilm formation, and causes harm to the host. This study investigates antibacterial susceptibility and biofilm formation of pathogenic bacteria in hospital environment. Methods: Hundred bacterial isolates were collected from various environments in the Medical City hospital. The antimicrobial susceptibility technique was evaluated through disk diffusion method. Next, biofilms formation was detected by the microliter plate assay. Finally, PCR was used to analyze the frequency of QS system gene

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Biotechnology
Synergistic Effect of Conocarpus erectus Extract and some Antibiotics against Multi-Drug Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa
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Over the past few decades, the health benefits are under threat as many commonly used antibiotics have become less and less effective against certain illnesses not only because many of them produce toxic reactions but also due to the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria. The clinical use of a combination of antibiotic therapy for Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections is probably more effective than monotherapy. The present study aims to estimate the antibacterial and antibiofilm activity of Conocarpus erectus leaves extracts against multi-drug resistant P. aeruginosa isolated from different hospitals in Baghdad city. One hundred fifty different clinical specimens were collected from patients from September 2021 to January 2022. All samples were

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect of Compound Exercises on Added Weights on Some Skill Abilities in Youth Soccer Players Aged 17 – 19 Years Old
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The study aimed at designing compound exercises using added weight on some skill abilities in youth soccer players aged (17 – 19) years old. The researcher sued the experimental method on (30) players aged (17 – 19) years old from Al Zawraa Sport Club. The subjects were divided into three groups and the training program was applied for (8) weeks with (3) training sessions per week. The data was collected and treated using proper statistical operations to conclude that compound exercises with weights between improved the subjects compared to the groups that did not use the added weights. Finally, the researchers recommended the necessity of using compound exercises using added weights during training sessions for youth soccer pla

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Assessment of Pipe Pile Axial Response under Seismic Excitation
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In engineering, the ground in seismically active places may be subjected to static and seismic stresses. To avoid bearing capacity collapse, increasing the system's dynamic rigidity, and/or reducing dynamic fluctuations, it may be required to employ deep foundations instead of shallow ones. The axial aptitude and pipe pile distribution of load under static conditions have been well reported, but more study is needed to understand the dynamic axial response. Therefore, this research discusses the outputs of the 3D finite element models on the soil-pile behavior under different acceleration intensities and soil states by using MIDAS GTS NX. The pipe pile was represented as a simple elastic, and a modified Mohr-Coulomb mode

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