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Performance of Wind Turbines at Three Sites in Iraq
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Matching between wind site characteristics and wind turbine characteristics for three selected sites in Iraq was carried out. Site-turbine matching for potential wind power application in Iraq has not yet been well reported on. Thus, in this study, five years’ wind speed data for sites located in Baghdad (33.34N, 44.40E), Nasiriyah (31.05N, 46.25E), and Basrah (30.50N, 47.78E) were collected. A full wind energy analysis based on the measured data, Weibull distribution function, and wind turbine characteristics was made. A code developed using MATLAB software was used to analyse the wind energy and wind turbines models. The primary objective was to achieve a standard wind turbine-site matching based on the capacity factor. Another matching based on the power density ratio of wind site and wind turbines was used to assure that the initially-selected turbines operate at the most-efficient capacity factor. Results from the wind-energy analysis revealed that the Basrah site ranked the highest with wind class (5-Excellent) according to the international system of wind classification. Results from the wind turbine-site matching showed that Wikov W2000-93 was the best-matched wind turbine model for the Basrah site from the viewpoint of capacity factor. The results also showed that Nordex N90 Beta was the best-matched wind turbine model from the perspective of energy capture.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Assessment of Annual Wind Energy Potential at Three Sites in Iraq for Wind Energy Applications
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Assessment of annual wind energy potential for three selected sites in Iraq has been analyzed in the present work. The wind velocities data from August 2014 to July 2015 were collected from the website of Weather Underground Organization (WUO) at stations elevation (35m, 32m, and 17m) for Baghdad, Najaf, and Kut Al-Hai respectively. Extrapolation of stations elevation and wind velocities was used to estimate wind velocities at (60m, 90m, and 120m). The objectives are to analyze the wind speed data and assess the wind energy potential for wind energy applications. Computer code for MATLAB software has been developed to solve the mathematical model. The results are presented as a monthly and annual average for wind velocities, standard deviat

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
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Benthic invertebrate at three sites on the Tigris River, Iraq
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The study was conducted from November 2021 to May 2022 at the three study sites within the Baghdad governorate. The study aims to identify the impact of human activities on the Tigris River, so an area free of human activities was chosen and represented the first site. A total of 48 types were diagnosed, 6204 ind/m3 spread over three sites. The following environmental indicators were evaluated: Constancy Index (S), Relative abundance index (Ra), Richness Index (between 17.995 and 23.251), Shannon Weiner Index (0.48-1.25 bit/ind.), Uniformity Index (0.124 -0.323). The study showed that the highest percentage recorded was for the phylum Annileda 34%; and the stability index shows that taxes (Stylaria sp., Aoelosoma sp., Branchinra sowerby, Ch

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 17 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Analysis of Wind Speed Data and Annual Energy Potential at Three locations in Iraq
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 09 2021
Journal Name
Applied System Innovation
Design and Optimization of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines Using QBlade
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Wind energy is considered one of the most important sources of renewable energy in the world, because it contributes to reducing the negative effects on the environment. The most important types of wind turbines are horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines. This work presents the full details of design for vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) and how to find the optimal values of necessary factors. Additionally, the results shed light on the efficiency and performance of the VAWT under different working conditions. It was taken into consideration the variety of surrounding environmental conditions (such as density and viscosity of fluid, number of elements of the blade, etc.) to simulate the working of vertical wind turbines under di

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 17 2025
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal For Electrical And Electronic Engineering
Optimal Hybrid Fuzzy PID for Pitch Angle Controller in Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines
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Wind turbine (WT) is now a major renewable energy resource used in the modern world. One of the most significant technologies that use the wind speed (WS) to generate electric power is the horizontal-axis wind turbine. In order to enhance the output power over the rated WS, the blade pitch angle (BPA) is controlled and adjusted in WT. This paper proposes and compares three different controllers of BPA for a 500-kw WT. A PID controller (PIDC), a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) based on Mamdani and Sugeno fuzzy inference systems (FIS), and a hybrid fuzzy-PID controller (HFPIDC) have been applied and compared. Furthermore, Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle swarm optimization (PSO) have been applied and compared in order to identify the optimal

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2023
Journal Name
2023 Ieee International Conference On Energy Technologies For Future Grids (etfg)
Optimal Hybrid Type-2 Fuzzy-PID Controller for Blade Pitch Angle in Horizontal-axis Wind Turbines
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In the modern world, wind turbine (WT) has become the largest source of renewable energy. The horizontal-axis wind turbine (HAWT) has higher efficiency than the vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT). The blade pitch angle (BPA) of WT is controlled to increase output power generation over the rated wind speed. This paper proposes an accurate controller for BPA in a 500-kw HAWT. Three types of controllers have been applied and compared to find the best controller: PID controller (PIDC), fuzzy logic type-2 controller (T2FLC), and hybrid type-2 fuzzy-PID controller (T2FPIDC). This paper has been used Mamdani and Sugeno fuzzy inference systems (FIS) to find the best inference system for WT controllers. Furthermore, genetic algorithm (GA) and particl

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Estimating Electricity Generation from Wind Power by V82 at ThiQar – Iraq
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One of the most demanded studies is wind turbine site assessment. It is difficult to build a simulation program because of the many variables that affect the wind speed and direction. The procedure of this research depend on two approaches, the Wind Atlas Analysis model and the Inverse Distance Wait interpolation. These procedures give the estimated annual energy production for each turbine (V82) with 82m blades diameter at 70m hub heights. The output at this location for each turbine is about (4.3 GWh). The studied area is about 20x20km2 and could be plant at least 600 turbine and have about 2500 GWh of annual energy production.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal Of Science
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The different interactions between cometary tail and solar wind ions are studied in the present paper based on three-dimensional Lax explicit method. The model used in this research is based on the continuity equations describing the cometary tail-solar wind interactions. Three dimensional system was considered in this paper. Simulation of the physical system was achieved using computer code written using Matlab 7.0. The parameters studied here assumed Halley comet type and include the particle density , the particles velocity v, the magnetic field strength B, dynamic pressure p and internal energy E. The results of the present research showed that the interaction near the cometary nucleus is mainly affected by the new ions added to the

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 06 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Performance Augmenting of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine using Adaptable Convergent Ducting System
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Developments are carried out to enhance the performance of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT). This paper studies the performance of the ducted wind turbine with convergent duct (DAWT). Basically, the duct technique is utilized to provide the desired wind velocity facing the turbine. Methodology was developed to estimate the decisive performance parameter and to present the effect of the convergent duct with different inlet angles. The ducted wind turbine was analyzed and simulated using MATLAB software and numerically using ANSYS-Fluent 17.2. Result of both approaches were presented and showed good closeness for the two cases of covering angles 12  and 20 respectively. Results also showed that the convergent duct with an inlet angl

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2008
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Three Years Experience in the Management of Uterine Rupture at Al-Battool Teaching Hospital Mosul-Iraq
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Background: Ruptured uterus is a catastrophic event to both
mother and her fetus. Apart from maternal and fetal mortality
rates, the incidence of rupture of uterus is often taken as an
index of the standard of obstetric care.
Objective: To determine the frequency, causes, management
outcome of ruptured uterus at Al Batool maternity hospital.
Method: The study was conducted in the department of
obstetrics and gynecology at Al Batool maternity hospital
Mosul-Iraq over a period of three years from October 1st 2002
to August 30th 2005. All the cases of uterine rupture presented
during the study period were recorded and managed in the
department. Data was recorded on designed forms.
Results: Thirty nine cas

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