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New Studies for Topological Generalizations and Uncertainty in Graph Theory
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Topology and its applications occupy the interest of many researching centers in the advanced world. From this point of view and because the near open sets play a very important role in general topology and they are now the research topics of many topologists worldwide and its sets doesn’t enter in fibrewise topology yet. Therefore, we use some of the near open sets to be model for introduce results and new spaces in fibrewise topological spaces. Also, there is a very important role of closure operators in constructing a topological spaces, so we introduce a new closure operators on the power set of vertices on graphs and conclusion theorems and new spaces from it. Furthermore, we discuss the relationships of connectedness between some types of graphs and new spaces by using graph closure operators and we give some definitions of near open subgraphs using the new closure operators on graphs. The boundary regions in approximation spaces are considered as uncertainty regions. There are a lot of information which result from many experiments that may make the boundary regions to be all elements of the society under study or to be all elements of the society except a small number of elements, which leads to the failure of several results and decisions which could be reached in such cases. In the context of this thesis, we tried to introduce some solution to such dilemmas, through the division of the boundary regions into several levels. This leaves us to get to the mechanism for decreasing the boundary regions and making it small as possible. We also offer some theories of uncertainty through the topological spaces which result from new closure operator of graphs on the approximation spaces. Finally, we study some related applications.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Association Between Lipid Profile ,BMI , and Some Pituitary Hormones Abnormalities In Sera of Iraqi Infertile Females
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In this study , the clinical impact of interaction between gonadotrophin hormones (luteinzing hormone, LH, and follicle stimulating hormone ,FSH ) and prolactin PRL in serum of seventeen Iraqi infertile female with the lipid profile . In addition to control group involving age matched fertile females . Immunoradiometric assay ( IRMA ) technique for the determination of (LH , FSH and PRL) was utilized. The lipid profile { i.e. total cholesterol ( Tc ) , triglycerides (TG) , and high density lipoprotein – Cholestrol ( HDLc )} ,were evaluated by using colorimetric method , while{ low density lipoprotein cholesterol ( LDLc ) and very low density lipoprotein – cholesterol ( VLDLc )} , were evaluated by using a mathematical formu

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Efficacy of Polidocanol foam Sclerotherapy in Treatment of Infantile Hemangioma and Slow-Flow Vascular Malformation
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Background: Sclerotherapy is a simple treatment modality for treatment of infantile hemangioma and slow-flow vascular malformations; Polidocanol is a mild sclerosing agent that is traditionally used in treatment of varicose veins. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness, treatment outcome, and complications of polidocanol foam sclerotherapy for infantile hemangioma and slow-flow vascular malformations. Materials and methods: Between March 2013 and December 2014, seventeen patients with infantile hemangioma and slow-flow vascular malformations treated with polidocanol 1% foam sclerotherapy. Foam was prepared by Tessari’s method. Injection performed under general or local anesthesia, injections were repeated (if necessary) on mon

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological adjustment and social relationship with the phenomenon of violence among children in pre-school stage
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The childhood is an important stage in building the character of the individual and where children acquire the most important experiences . providing proper growth requirements of the things follows assist them in achieving a stable and together Childhood is the violence of indicators that can determine whether personal or illness social .the social circumstances experienced community Iraqi and continues through crises successive wars and explosions and the displacement and that these events may lead to changes in the social behavior of individuals and may contribute to the spread of violence in Iraqi society and observed various forms in (home, school, street, and work), so it was natural that a child the first affected by these waves o

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Effect of COX-2 Inhibitors Selectivity on Lipid Profile in Hyperlipidemic and Normolipidemic Type 2 Diabetics
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Development of NSAIDS based on inhibiting cyclooxygenase activity. However, the different physiological consequences arrised by appearance of new drugs with different selectivity to COX-2 enzyme upon their administration with their relevant affects on some cardiovascular risk factors. To study the potential effects of relatively  diclofenac and highly specific  celecoxib COX-2 inhibitors on lipid profile and serum C-reactive protein in type 2 diabetes, whom have hyperlipidemia to be compared by their effects with normolipidemic patients. A total number of 34 type 2 diabetics (14 normolipidemics and 20 hyperlipidemics) treated with either diclofenac 100mg/day or celecoxib 200mg/day for eight weeks. Analysis  of results indi

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Study on Transportation Models in Their Minimum and Maximum Values with Applications of Real Data
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The purpose of this paper is to apply different transportation models in their minimum and maximum values by finding starting basic feasible solution and finding the optimal solution. The requirements of transportation models were presented with one of their applications in the case of minimizing the objective function, which was conducted by the researcher as real data, which took place one month in 2015, in one of the poultry farms for the production of eggs

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Effects of Interleukin-2 (IL-2) and Interleukin-6 (IL-6) in Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion (RSA)
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         Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion (RSA) is the most painful experience for couples expecting a child. This study aimed to determine the relevance of IL-2 and IL-6 in recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA).  Serum samples were collected from 90 women attend Al Kadhmiya teaching hospital in Baghdad. 60 women (first group) had recurrent abortion the women were negative for rubella virus, herpes simplex virus and toxplasma gondii. And they were negative from bacterial infection eg. Niesseria gonorrhea and Chlamydia trachomatis. The histopathological tests for fetus abnormalities were negative in this group, and 30 women (second group) with successful pregnancy (normal delivery). All samples we

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The status of the state and its relationship to the concept of force in international relations
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The concept of power despite its implications unclear and unknown was one of the most standards in international relations ambiguity and lack of clarity, however was more standards important and influential in the conduct of international relations, and since that time until today since that ambiguity in the meaning of power and use it as a factor of international relations factors and drive the engines were very different and irony from case to case and from researcher to another, but it may be classified force as the international status enjoyed by the state in the international ocean and here is a structure formed of forces posed by the state, such as economic and political nature of the political system and military power and concept

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the integration of the knowledge economy and international accounting in achieving sustainable development
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     The current environment is witnessing several developments as a result of the changes  taking place in all areas of economic, social , political and legal that led to the transformation of the industrial economy , which depends based on quantitative production to a knowledge economy which relies based on information and knowledge , as the central pillar of this economy during the trading  of  these information and knowledge between all individuals in general and decision makers , in particular, through information and communication technology of computers and the Internet to achieve sustainable human development in the social dimension.         &

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The role of advanced glycation end products and oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of thyroid disorders
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
The Role of Internal Auditing in Governance of Strategic Operations and Its Reflection on Management Decisions
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The international business environment faces many challenges, including the intensity of competition, the speed of expansion, and control of the market. This leads to its shadow on the local business environment, which prompted many economic units to adopt modern strategies, including mergers and acquisitions, for expansion and prosperity. The research was conducted to verify the role of internal audit in the governance of strategy operations (Mergers and acquisitions) and its reflection on management decisions and making them efficient and effective. Internal auditing is the independent variable related to the other variable, the governance of strategic operations and its impact on management decisions for strategic operations as a depende

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Scopus (8)