وهوعبارة عن طائفة من القواعد المصوغة من اجل الوصول الى الحقيقة في العلم.وهو قبل كل شيء اسلوب منطقي وعملية ذهنية تتلازمان لكل عملية تحليل ترتدي الطابع العلمي .
The specialist researcher fined the relations between economic ideas with economic facts in his theory which called humanity building it is appeared clearly ( in Ibn Khalduons’ Muqaddimah) in a clothe of economic social phenomenon's as a systematical analysis in all fifty chapters of al Muqaddimah ,therefore this paper deal with Ibn Khalduon economic thoughts as important says which describe the society building in its economic subjective and examine the relationship between The dissert and the city within economic says which are cover the social analysis ,and determinate the analysis objects which clearly in this dualism model ,between the state and economic bas
... Show Moreعاش البيروني في القرن الرابع الهجري الذي كان يمثل مثاراً للصراعات السياسية والفكرية، ومن خلال هذه الأوضاع المتأزمة برز البيروني كعلم من اعلام هذا القرن، ومن أبرز مفكري الحضارة العربية الاسلامية فنجده كتب في الرياضيات
Allah the Almighty has honored many of his slaves in the high houses for their efforts in building the scientific edifice of this nation, by demonstrating what is needed from the legal provisions for all the relations between them, and the actions that they emanate from. The tasks of the abbreviations and Almstsot, and deposited in the mabahith after various investigations and precious precious matters and showed all the human needs in his life and what is expected to happen, even on the rarest possibilities, and their efforts that left the nation on the cases of Goliath. , And Ask They are in Dar dignity with the best creatures and make us a share of those good things, and Odamna to obey Him and His pleasure until death, and forgive us
... Show MoreThis research shows Ibn Battuta's approach in his book Ibn Battuta's Journey that is called "Tuhfet Al-Anzar fi Ghera'ib Al-Amsar wa Eaja'ib-Al-Asfar", which explore the urban aspects of shops, markets, palaces, houses, mosques, monasteries and other antiquities within its pages, whether in terms of the site or in terms of studying it and the plans that explained the basis for the art and architecture of these cities, the intellectual dimensions in their civilizational history are clarified
This study aims to illustrate and compare the perspectives of Ibn Sahnun and al-Kabasi about educational system. To this end, the researcher adopted the inductive-analytical approach to analyze their educational perspectives. The study included two chapters: one to give an overview of the life of Ibn Sahnun and al-Kabasi and the other to analyze their perspectives. The findings revealed Ibn Sahnun and al-Kabasi confirmed that compliance with the Islamic rules is an essential condition over all aspects. As for Ibn Sahnun pointed out to the important of teaching Quran as a basic reference and guide of Muslim daily-life skills and behaviors. On the other hand, al-Kabasi focused on the creation and religion as two-main aspe
... Show MoreIndexing manuscripts is one of the important technical operations carried out by the indexer because of the descriptive or bibliographic data it provides.
This research examines aspects of Imam Al-Qurtubi's efforts in matters related to the topics of faith that he dealt with in his interpretation (the provisions of the provisions of the Qur’an); and it has been shown that Imam Al-Qurtubi in most of the doctrinal issues dealt with in his interpretation approximates the doctrine of the Sunnis of Ash'aris, Maturids and people of impact. He had responses to some of the teams, such as stereoscopic, karami, and Mu'tazilite, reinforcing the responses with transfer and mental evidence.
It was found that Imam Al-Qurtubi says that there is an increase in faith and a decrease in it, that the increase is through actions (so obedience increases and decreases in sin) and that the
1- The Granadian, Lisan Ad-Din Ibn ul Khateeb, was a brilliant thinker and a great writer who filled Andalus and Morocco with literature and poetry and his genius emerged in different knowledge fields.
2- He was one of Andalus famous people, as he was a first class physician and philosopher, a great historian, a farsighted politician and had a strong cognition.
3- Ibnul Khateeb proved that his age, that he lived in, was a sophisticated in which arts, literatures and sciences thrived.
4- Ibnul Khateeb dedicated his life for the service of Granada Kingdom and that was clear in his writings, both prose and poetry.
5- Ibnul Khateeb witnessed a group of great Andalus scientists and writers, firstly the thinker Ibn Khaldun who sing
The present paper talks about balance between two poems which are the Nouniya for Ibn Zaidoun and Andalusia for Ahmed Shawqi. This study is not claimed to be the first of its kind but we found some artistic aspects that deserve to stop at them. This what makes the two the focus of critics and scholars as well in addition to their emphasis on the unity of the human feelings and immortality through the poet's ability to employ those feelings and emotions in a way that it can express the human soul in every time and place. That is what we believe Ibn Zaidoun had reached in his poem. Therefore, the present paper has come into the conclusion that Ibn Zaydoon's Nouniya is better than Shawqi's Andalusia due to what we got through reading and an
... Show Moreمشكلة البحث والحاجة إليه.
من المشاكل الشائعة والمألوفة بين طلبتنا هي قلق الامتحان، ذلك القلق الذي يبقى طبيعيا مادام في مستواه الطبيعي وهو يختلف من طالب الى آخر في صور ظهوره المختلفة فقد يبدو واضح الأعراض لدى بعض الطلبة؛ فقد يؤثر على تذكرهم للمادة العلمية أو الإجابة على بعض الأسئلة أو يؤثر على تركيزهم وتشتت انتباههم وتفكيرهم والتوتر وسرعة الانفعال. (11: بلا)
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