This research shows Ibn Battuta's approach in his book Ibn Battuta's Journey that is called "Tuhfet Al-Anzar fi Ghera'ib Al-Amsar wa Eaja'ib-Al-Asfar", which explore the urban aspects of shops, markets, palaces, houses, mosques, monasteries and other antiquities within its pages, whether in terms of the site or in terms of studying it and the plans that explained the basis for the art and architecture of these cities, the intellectual dimensions in their civilizational history are clarified
Greatest travelers Muslims and Ousahm fame, called sheikh Rahalin to frequent roam in outlook, he spent twenty-eight years of his life in travel-related trips and successive, is Ibn Battuta, who wander in, as it was of adventurers who pushed curiosity to ride a lot of difficulties.
The harsh human suffering experienced by the Andalusians were a religious conflict and racist impact on all aspects of public life. The religious factor most important factors that determined the nature of the hostile relationship between the Andalusian and Castilian, Castile has sought to make them Christians by force through laws that deprived them of all their rights. In spite of the large number of those laws, the authority admitted inability to subdue the Andalusians to its will through the issuance of the final decree of expulsion.
Social Aspects in the Kingdom of Mali Through Ibn Battuta's book Tuhfat Alnuddar in Garaeb Al Amsar Wa Ajaeb Al Asfar
خصتظهر اعمال دنيس لفرتوف (1923-1997) ميلها بوضوح الى وصف القضايا الدينية، إذ تشير الصور الدينية في اعمالها اما الى قناعة عميقة بوجود اله،او انه مجرد وصف لعجائب عالم ماوراء الطبيعة ،بالرغم ةيرعشلااهتعومجمنالااةينيدلاتاراعشلانمريثكلايوحتاهلامعانانم"شموع في بابل" اخذت مسار اخر.حيث انها تعطي وصف و اضح الى الطريقة التي اتبعتها الشاعرة في رحلها الروحية الطويلة والتي تشبه رحلة الشاعر نوجبنيان في "رحلة الحاج"(1678 )في و
... Show MoreThe cities are not yet a temporal status in the process of the human and civilization development. The cities consider as a life pattern, this mean that people cannot live without cities, which surround us. Several phenomena like globalization, revolution of information, technical development, increased of consumption, do not confirmed without the living in cities. The urbanization – in its simple meaning – means transferring from rural community to city community. In other word, it means that socioeconomic changes happened subject to the patterns and conditions of the urban life. Each government depend a certain policy, this policy contains set of plans and programs, that targeting to affect the population factors and the st
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The research discusses the biography of Imam Al-Qanuji, his syllabus in his book “ Raudha Al- Nadia , and Public, particular, edition definition. Then it mentions the types of matters and the Imam Al-Qanuji’s opinion in it, and it mentions the early and contemporary scholars’ opinions and simplifies their logical and unwritten proofs. It also discusses and librates the place of dispute, then it swages reliable based on the power of the proof and interest without any contravention which the orthodox law orders. Furthermore, the research discusses matters like, whether there is any particular formula for public, or whether the public considers the Quraan as i
... Show MoreThe excessive and rapid urban growth witnessed by most cities in the world can be a cause of diseases and epidemics, especially those problems related to population, which include problems of transportation and increase in density in the centers, in addition to the lack of interest in planning and designing those cities to take into account the health aspect of the city and obtain The health well-being of the population, and each of these problems has negative effects on health in general and on human health in particular through its prevalence. Therefore, many concepts that serve as a tool for achieving public health and the physical health of the population have emerged, including the concept of city health, which is defined as cities
... Show MoreUnter Exilliteratur versteht man „die literarische Produktion von Autoren, die wegen politischer, religiöser oder rassistischer Verfolgung gezwungen sind, sich an einem anderen als dem von ihnen gewünschten Lebens- und Arbeitsort aufzuhalten.“[1] Deswegen unterscheidet sich „Migration“ von „Exil“ dadurch, dass sie freiwillige Auswanderung ist. Bereits in der Antike und auch im Mittelalter gab es Schriftsteller, die vor Zensur oder politischer Verfolgung ins Exil geflohen sind, wie zum Beispiel der griechische Satiriker des
... Show MoreBecause of the diverse circumstances in Andalusia, the Jews lost much of the atmosphere of freedom and coexistence, which they enjoyed under Islamic rule there, to leave more Jews in the sixth century AH, under Spanish rule abolishing the existence of the other. And to impose his negativity with unjust domination. What motivated the people of Judaism; to turn their faces on the Islamic East; according to the coexistence climates that glorified various religions. It has emerged in this regard Benjamin Title (d. 685 e), who made a long journey to the east, recorded in the texts of the traveler, what will be shown research, God willing.
Writing as a female playwright in theatre gives a deeper depiction of woman’s real- self. Beth Henley has succeeded in providing a new realist vision of women’s abilities to face their inevitable tragic fates and how to conquer their despair. In Crimes of the Heart, the playwright uses certain method to present the development of the heroines’ characters through blending the tragic events with a comic frame. In fact, Henley focuses on the simple humorous activities more that the importance of the tragic event to present her vision of how to survive and face the crisis of life.
Crimes of the Heart is a play that is concerned about three sisters whose lives are headed in distinctly different directions; howe
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