In the second millennium BC, the international community change at the ancient Near East, There has been a significant developments with the appearance of five kingdoms (Babylon, Assyria, Mitanni, Egypt, and Hatti) called themselves the (Great Powers) and their kings named (Great King), and Correspondence among themselves on behalf of (the brothers), to differentiate themselves from the small kingdoms Minor of them.
This is a philosophical statements regrading the structural and functional ponds between criminal law and philosophy.
Aiming to prove the practical value of philosophy regarding the question of the true nature of law in general and criminal justice – law in particular.
We try to revel the deepest connections that shape the fundamental character us tics of law in reality far from the misunderstanding general by social, political and cultural influences that affection negatively the efficiency of the law.
The elementary question of the study is how to
... Show MoreThe caliphs of Tukalti Able III (Tiglath-pileser) sustained their extension and enclosure strategy whom they were highly talented with outstanding potentialities. They performed their political plan of extinguishingthe ambitions of the upper class and the internal uprisings. The Assyrian Kingdom, in the eighth century BC reached to the highest degree of expansion that no other ancient Iraqi kingdom had reached It dominated the whole near eastbut it did not have absolute command due to the subsequent uprisings that out bursted in the regions attached to the kingdom near the borders.
اعتمدت الدراسة على (65) نصاً ذات مضامين اقتصادية، تم اختيارها من المتحف العراقي من المجموعة ماتعرف بالمصادرة، ومن خلال دراسة النصوص ومقارنتها مع نصوص منشورة من سلالة أور الثالثة تبين أنها تعود الى العصر نفسه استناداً الى الصيغ التاريخية الواردة فيها، اذ ذكرت سنوات حكم اَخر ثلاثة ملوك هم أمارسين وشوسين وأبي سين، كما أمكن من خلال الدراسة أيضاً وأستناداً الى أسماء الاشهر وأسماء الاشخاص الواردة فيها تحديد عائديت
... Show Moreتعرضت المواقع الاثریة في الع ا رق الى النبش والتخریب،وقد أدى ذلك الى أستخ ا رج أعداداً كبیرة من النصوص المسماریة وتهریبها الى خارج الع ا رق. ومن ضمنها نصوص مدینة أ ري- ساكرك، فقد درست مجموعة من هذه النصوص والبالغ عددها ( ١١٥٩ ) نصاً التي نش رت في في هذا البحث قمنا بد ا رسة ( ٤) نصوص مصادرة لصالح المتحف .(Nisaba مجلد ( 15 الع ا رقي ذات مضامین أقتصادیة تتعلق بالحیوانات،ارخت بین السنة الثانیة والاربعین من حكم الملك شولكي وحت
... Show Moreبعد الانتهاء من مرحلة المحاكمة وصيرورة الحكم نهائياً فى المحاكم الجنائية الدولية ، تأتي مرحلة تنفيذ هذه الاحكام التي تصدرها المحكمة، ومدى حجيتها ازاء القضاء الوطني ، واستنادًا إلى مبدأ التكامل فإن الأحكام التي تصدرها المحكمة الجنائية الدولية يكون لها الحجية إزاء القضاء الوطني، وإزاء المحكمة الجنائية الدولية ذاتها؛ حيث لا يجوز محاكمة الشخص عن الجريمة ذاتها مرتين سواءً أمام المحكمة ال
... Show MoreIt is no secret to everyone that the Arab individual suffers from poor self-awareness and political awareness, which made the state and the importance of its existence and preserving its institutions not among his interests, which made researchers wonder about the possibility of strengthening it and the extent of its impact on the future of building the contemporary Arab state. So, the study attempts to addressing the issue of community awareness and its impact on building the state through a clear intellectual vision that blended what is social and political to define the concept of community awareness and highlight its importance and role as a basic pillar in shaping and building modern Arab countries in the Arab world and ways to enha
... Show Moreلما كان القانون هو أداة تنفيذ السياسات العامة للدولة، فإن من الطبيعي أن تسعى أحكامه (أو البعض منها على الأقل) للمحافظة على كرامة الإنسان باعتبارها المعين الذي تقوم عليه الحقوق والحريات كافة. ومن مصاديق أنسنة أحكام القانون في فرنسا ما يُعرف بالهُدنة الشتوية، فما هي هذه الهُدنة، وما مُبررات منحها، وما هو أصلُها التاريخي، وكيف تطورت المُعالجة التشريعية لها، وما هي أوجه الشبه والاختلاف فيما بينها وبين غيرها من ا
... Show MoreThe owner and possessor may meet in one person, thus who have these property they have its fruit. But in sometimes the owner is different than possessor, this happen in case the original owner succeeds in recovering his property or right. About that the legislations differed on the determination the person who deserves the fruits and whether the possessor is bona fide or mala fide. This paper is focused on the idea of the excluded from the rule of possession of the thing. And the applications of the rule (acquisition by possession) that belong to modern Roman law also the standpoint of Iraqi law.
The importance of international treaties reside at the present time in regulating a several issues within the internal scope of the state, and that after it was monopolized by the internal legal system of the latter, besides this the three authorities of the state assume the task of implementing the obligations imposed by international treaties on the states party to them.
Therefore, we will expose in this study the mechanism used by the Iraqi state in incorporation the international obligations into the Iraqi internal legal system under the successive constitutions from the establishment of the Iraqi state until the issuance of the constitution (2005) in effect, as Iraq fol
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