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The Impact of Electronic Payment systems on the Profitability of Banks: An applied research on a sample of Iraqi commercial banks
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Due to technological developments in the Iraqi banking sector, which is the use of electronic payment systems within the banking infrastructure. This has led to speed and accuracy in the completion of transactions, reduced costs, increased revenues and efficiency. This research examines the challenges and risks facing the Iraqi banking sector as a result of its use of electronic payment systems. And show its impact on the profitability of commercial banks. The research was based on the main hypothesis that there is a statistically significant moral impact relationship between electronic payment systems and the profitability of banks. Iraqi commercial banks were chosen as a research community, All Iraqi commercial banks that participate in each of the immediate Real Time Gross settlement system (RTGS), the Automated clearing House system (ACH) and the retail payment system infrastructure (RPSI) have been listed. Based on data obtained from the Central Bank of Iraq and some banks, the research sample was identified, which includes AL-Rafidain Bank, National Bank of Iraq, Ashur International Bank and The International Development Bank. From the statistical analysis of the research variables, the results of the analysis and measurement showed a statistically significant moral effect relationship between electronic payment systems and the profitability of commercial banks sample research. The more commercial banks use electronic payment systems to complete their transactions, the profitability of these banks has increased. The research recommended the need to increase investment by banks on the infrastructure of electronic payment systems, as they should be reliable, cost-effective and accessible from the majority of the community, which positively affects profitability.

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Almost Bounded Submodules
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        Let R be a commutative ring with identity, and let M be a unitary R-module. We introduce a concept of almost bounded submodules as follows: A submodule N of an R-module M is called an almost bounded submodule if there exists xÃŽM, xÏN such that annR(N)=annR(x).

        In this paper, some properties of almost bounded submodules are given. Also, various basic results about almost bounded submodules are considered.

        Moreover, some relations between almost bounded submodules and other types of modules are considered.


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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Revista Aus
On Simply* Compact Spaces
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In the present paper, a simply* compact spaces was introduced it defined over simply*- open set previous knowledge and we study the relation between the simply* separation axioms and the compactness, in addition to introduce a new types of functions known as 𝛼𝑆 𝑀∗ _irresolte , 𝛼𝑆 𝑀∗ __𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑜𝑢𝑠 and 𝑅 𝑆 𝑀∗ _ continuous, which are defined between two topological spaces.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On Semiannahilator Supplement Submodules
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Let R be associative; ring; with an identity and let D be unitary left R- module; . In this work we present semiannihilator; supplement submodule as a generalization of R-a- supplement submodule, Let U and V be submodules of an R-module D if D=U+V and whenever Y≤ V and D=U+Y, then annY≪R;. We also introduce the the concept of semiannihilator -supplemented ;modules and semiannihilator weak; supplemented modules, and we give some basic properties of this conseptes

Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2011
Journal Name
Australian Journal Of Basic And Applied Sciences
Closure Operators on Graphs
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The aim of this paper is to generate topological structure on the power set of vertices of digraphs using new definition which is Gm-closure operator on out-linked of digraphs. Properties of this topological structure are studied and several examples are given. Also we give some new generalizations of some definitions in digraphs to the some known definitions in topology which are Ropen subgraph, α-open subgraph, pre-open subgraph, and β-open subgraph. Furthermore, we define and study the accuracy of these new generalizations on subgraps and paths.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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Most of the Weibull models studied in the literature were appropriate for modelling a continuous random variable which assumes the variable takes on real values over the interval [0,∞]. One of the new studies in statistics is when the variables take on discrete values. The idea was first introduced by Nakagawa and Osaki, as they introduced discrete Weibull distribution with two shape parameters q and β where      0 < q < 1 and b > 0. Weibull models for modelling discrete random variables assume only non-negative integer values. Such models are useful for modelling for example; the number of cycles to failure when components are subjected to cyclical loading. Discrete Weibull models can be obta

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Publication Date
Thu May 17 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Contractible J-Saces
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Jordan  curve  theorem  is  one  of  the  classical  theorems  of  mathematics, it states  the  following :  If    is a graph of  a  simple  closed curve  in  the complex plane the complement  of   is the union of  two regions,  being the common  boundary of the two regions. One of  the region   is  bounded and the other is unbounded. We introduced in this paper one of Jordan's theorem generalizations. A new type of space is discussed with some properties and new examples. This new space called Contractible -space.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Notes on Exponential Distribution
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المتغير العشوائي X  له توزيع أسي اذا كان له دالة احتمالية الكثافة بالشكل:

عندما  ، هذه هي الحالة الخاصة لتوزيع كاما.

غالباً جداً ولسبب معقول تأخذ . الحالة الخاصة لـ (1) التي نحصل عليها تسمى بالتوزيع الاسي لمعلمة واحدة.

اذا كانت  ، ، التوزيع في هذه الحالة يسمى التوزيع الاسي القياسي

اما بالنسب

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Weakly Prime Submodules
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Let R be a commutative ring with unity and let M be a left R-module. We define a proper submodule N of M to be a weakly prime if whenever  r  R,  x  M, 0  r x  N implies  x  N  or  r  (N:M). In fact this concept is a generalization of the concept weakly  prime ideal, where a proper ideal P of R is called a weakly prime, if for all a, b  R, 0  a b  P implies a  P or b  P. Various properties of weakly prime submodules are considered. 

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On 2-Absorbing Submodules
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 Let R be a commutative ring with 10 and M is a unitary R-module . In this paper , our aim is to continue studying 2-absorbing submodules which are introduced by  A.Y. Darani and F. Soheilina . Many new properties and characterizations are given .

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 08 2022
Journal Name
Aequationes Mathematicae
On graceful antimagic graphs
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