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الدور المفاهيمي للمحاسب في تصميم نظام المعلومات المحاسبي
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ان تقدير مسؤولية المحاسب في تصميم نظام المعلومات المحاسبي من منظور تاريخي سبقت استخدام الحاسوب كأداة معلوماتية للاعمال، لما له من رؤيا بالتطورات الرئيسية لنظام المعلومات والتي اهمها تحديد متطلبات مستخدمي المعلومات وتعيين مضمون وشكل مخرجات النظام من التقارير وتحديد مصادر البيانات وانتقاء القواعد المحاسبية الملائمة فضلاً عن الرقابة الضرورية لتكامل وفاعلية النظام.

ان النظم المحاسبية التقليدية غالباً ما كانت اجراءات المعالجة فيها يدوية ويمثل الورق وسيلة للترحيل وخزن البيانات، لكن ومع وصول الحاسوب تم إحلال برامج الكمبيوتر بدل الاجراءات اليدوية وتم خزن بيانات السجلات بالوسائل الممغنطة (قرص مدمج، ديسك).

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of the External Auditor in Review of Interim Financial Information Accordance with the Internation: بحث تطبيقي في عينة من الشركات المدرجة في سوق العراق للأوراق المالية
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In light of the increasing importance of interim financial statements they provided these lists of information that enables users of accounting information to make wise investment decisions and predict the company's activities in light of changes the updated rather than wait until the end of the year and accessing information provided by the annual financial statements. In light of this research has come to the most important set of conclusions the adoption of interim financial information has been audited by the external auditor to the availability of basic qualitative characteristics in the accounting information contained in the (appropriate and timely manner, reliability and comparability) and this in turn leads to the impact on reli

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Influence of the Magnetic Abrasive Finishing System for Cylindrical Surfaces on the Surface Roughness and MRR
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Magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) is one of the advanced finishing processes, which produces a high level of surface quality and is primarily controlled by a magnetic field. This paper study the effect of the magnetic abrasive finishing system on the material removal rate (MRR) and surface roughness (Ra) in terms of magnetic abrasive finishing system for eight of input parameters, and three levels according to Taguchi array (L27) and using the regression model to analysis the output (results). These parameters are the (Poles geometry angle, Gap between the two magnetic poles, Grain size powder, Doze of the ferromagnetic abrasive powder, DC current, Workpiece velocity, Magnetic poles velocity, and Finishi

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An improved neurogenetic model for recognition of 3D kinetic data of human extracted from the Vicon Robot system
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These days, it is crucial to discern between different types of human behavior, and artificial intelligence techniques play a big part in that.  The characteristics of the feedforward artificial neural network (FANN) algorithm and the genetic algorithm have been combined to create an important working mechanism that aids in this field. The proposed system can be used for essential tasks in life, such as analysis, automation, control, recognition, and other tasks. Crossover and mutation are the two primary mechanisms used by the genetic algorithm in the proposed system to replace the back propagation process in ANN. While the feedforward artificial neural network technique is focused on input processing, this should be based on the proce

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effectiveness of instructional design according to whole brain theory of Herman in the achievement of chemistry of the fifth scientific students
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The research aimed to identify the effectiveness of instructional design according to whole brain theory of Herman in the achievement of chemistry at the fifth scientific students at a secondary school of the General Directorate for Educational in Diyala / Baladruz in Iraq. The research sample Consisted of (57 student, (29) students as experimental group studied according to instructional design strategies for whole brain theory of Herrmann and (28) a student as a control group studied by the usual way for two semesters, a prepared achievement test as article and objective type of multiple choice, the coefficient stability of alpha-Cronbach equation reached (0.86). The research Results showed the presence of a statistically significant d

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
Educational -Learning Design in the Achievement and Motivation of Students in the High School towards Art Education: كنعان غضبان حبيب
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  The present study aimed at ((building an educational -learning design based on the theory of Merrill in (CDT) and measuring the effectiveness of this design in the motivation and achievement of the high school fifth grade students to art education in the subject of the history of modern art)). The research community is made of fifth grade preparatory students in the secondary school of Umm Ayman in the Directorate of Education of Baghdad / Ar-Rusafa in a simple random way. The study sample (58 students) was chosen from section (e) to study according to Merrill theory (CDT) and section (d) to study according to the traditional way.
The pilot design of the control and experimental equivalent groups that have partial control in t

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Deposit insurance system and its role in financial security for the period (2010-2018) Study the experiences of Selected countries with reference to Iraq
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Founding a System to secure deposits and protecting the depositors is considered one of the important and exchanged subjects out there in the banking system/field in Iraq at the current time, and the reason behind the exchange and spread of this subject is due to the financial crisis of which the banking sector is suffering from and the stumbling of many banks, those factors have had led to the insecurity of the depositors and their mistrust towards banks, thus, it is necessary to create a system to secure deposits in which depositors would be compensated for the losses caused by the banks' failures. in addition, it could be a countermeasure system which maintains the banking stability, protects the rights of depositors and gains

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
المجلة العلمية للبحوث التجارية في كلية التجارة جامعة جنوب الوادي في جمهورية مصر العربية
استعمال نظام محاسبة العميل كأحد اساليب المحاسبة الادارية الحديثة لتحقيق الميزة التنافسية بحث تطبيقي في عينة من المصارف العراقية
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Publication Date
Mon May 06 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Designing Teaching Aids and Their Effects on Learning and Retaining Diving and Cartwheel on Floor Exercises in Women’s’ Artistic Gymnastics
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Designing Teaching Aids and Their Effects on Learning and Retaining Diving and Cartwheel on Floor Exercises in Women’s’ Artistic Gymnastics

The research aimed at designing teaching aids that develop and help retain diving and cartwheel for third year college of physical education and sport sciences students in women’s artistic gymnastics. In addition to that, the researchers aimed at identifying the effect of these aids on learning and retaining cartwheel and diving in floor exercises. The researchers used the experimental method. The subjects were (20) third year female students from the college of physical education and sport sciences/ university of Baghdad sections K and H. the main experiment lasted for

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
مشكلات البنى التحتية وسبل معالجتها بأستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية شبكة مياه الشرب –الصرف الصحي –الاتصالات اللاسلكية
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 29 2007
Journal Name
رسالة ماجستير
دور نظام معلومات الموارد البشرية في تحقيق متطلبات تقويم اداء اعضاء الهيئة التدريسية : دراسة تطبيقية في كلية الادارة والاقتصاد - جامعة بغداد
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هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على دور نظام معلومات الموارد البشرية في تحقيق متطلبات عملية تقويم أداء أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد/جامعة بغداد. وقد تحددت مشكلة الدراسة في عدد من التساؤلات، أهمها: ما تأثير كل متغير من متغيرات نظام معلومات الموارد البشرية في عملية تقويم أداء أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في الكلية المبحوثة؟ وما تأثير متغيرات نظام معلومات الموارد البشرية مجتمعة في عملية تقويم الأداء

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