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أتجاهات طلبة التعليم التقني نحو الزواج المبكر
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مشكلة البحث واهميته :-

    تنبع مشكلة البحث الحالي من الآثار الاجتماعية سواء أكان على مستوى الفرد أم المجتمع . أذ العزوف عن الزواج مشكلة اجتماعية بل انها مشكلة حقيقية , فهناك عزوف من الشباب عن الزواج وقد اصبح العدد كبيرا في السنوات الأخيرة  وقد بينت إحصائية متخصصة بأن عدد العازفين عن الزواج يقدر بأكثر من مليون شاب وشابة (2-2ص3) . وهذا يعود لأسباب عديدة فقد يكون العامل الاقتصادي هو الذريعة التي يتمسك بها شباب اليوم للعزوف عن الزواج مما يشكل خطرا كبيرا على المجتمع في الوقت الذي نحتاج فيه إلى زيادة أعداد أفراده , هذا من جهة ومن جهة أخرى يستطيع الشاب تحصين نفسه ضد كل ما يسيء إليه من انحرافات سلوكية أو علاقات جنسية غير سوية مما يترتب عليه نتائج صحية ونفسية واجتماعية في وقت نريد للفرد نشأة صحية مبنية على قيم وتقاليد مجتمعنا العربي الإسلامي سواء أكان ذكرا أم أنثى .

 ومن هنا جاءت أهمية البحث الحالي لان شباب الأمة هم رجالها وقادتها في الغد القريب ومنهم شباب الجامعات والمعاهد الذين هم عماد المستقبل وعليهم سيقع العبء الكبير في تطوير المجتمع وتقدمه بمختلف مجالاته لأنهم يشكلون مادتها الأولية ويتفاعلون مع قدراتها العلمية . فلا بد من إجراء دراسة تتناول هذه الشريحة وهي - شريحة الشباب – فأن فرصة الطالب الجامعي في اختيار شريكة حياته هو في سنين دراسته الجامعية ويحلم بفتاة احلامه ، وكذلك الفتاة فهي تحلم بفتى أحلامها يمكن ان تختاره من خلال وجودها في الجامعه او المعهد . لان العمر يكون متكافئ بينهما .

ويعد سن الزاوج عاملاً مهماً لداوم الرابطة الزوجية بين الزوجين ، هذا من حيث العلاقة المباشرة ، أما العلاقة غير المباشرة ، فأكثر ما تؤثر في النسل من حيث قوته وضعفه ، ويستحسن أن يكون عمر الزوج القانوني والوسطي اكبر من عمر الزوجة من خمس سنوات الى خمسة عشر سنة ، وإذا كان أحد الزوجين اكبر من الآخر بخمس وعشرين سنة فان هذا الزواج يكون مغايرا للطبيعة وضدها ، فيكون اصحاب هذا الزواج غالبا ما غير مسرورين و غير سعداء ، وقد لا تبالي المرأة احيانا من أن تتزوج برجل متقدم في السن طمعا بمال أو جاه أو نفوذ وسلطان ، مما يدفعها في آخر المطاف إلى الندامة والأسى والتحسرعلى ما قد سلف (18 – ص15). وأن التكافؤ الإنساني الصحيح بين الرجل والمرأة ، والشراكة القائمة على هدف مشترك هو وحدة الاسرة . لقد اتفق علماء الاجتماع على أن الشخص المتزوج زواجا سليما يكون اكثر فاعلية و اتزانا في مجال الحياة اليومية ، وأن الزواج عنصر أساسي للمسؤولية الحقيقية للرجل والمرأة على حد سواء ، هذا من جهة ومن جهة اخرى فأن الزواج المبكر سيؤدي الى تشكيل أسرة بوقت مبكر ويكون الولد أو البنت عونا لوالديه في سن معينة (1- 1 ص4) .

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The quality of higher education requirements and its impacts in achieving organizational excellence: The case study of the Universities of Baghdad and AL-Nahrain
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This research aims to determine the role of the quality of higher education in achieving organizational excellence at the universities of Baghdad and Al-Nahren, was based on research on the main hypothesis is:First:- There is correlation and between the quality of higher education dimensions (continuous improvement, measurement and analysis, the culture of the organization, optimal use of resources , customer satisfaction) and organizational excellence dimensions (strategic planning, focusing on the market and the customer, information and analysis, the effectiveness of operations, processes and resources), Second:- Second, there is the impact of relationship sig

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Environmental Stress and their relationship to self-rebellion for Preparatory Stage Students
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The Present research aimed at identifying:   

1- The level of environmental stress among preparatory students

2- The level of self-rebellion  among preparatory students

3- The correlation between the two variables of research (environmental stress and self-rebellion) and the extent to which the independent variable contributes to the variable of the middle school students

The current research has determined the students of the fifth stage of the preparatory stage and all the branches in the departments of education in Baghdad province the morning study for the academic

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Self Protection and it's Relation with the social ignorance OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS
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The aim of this research is to find a relation between self-protection and the social - ignorance of the univresity students. In applying the aims of the reaearch, the ressearcher has constructed two scales to measure
self - protection and the social - ignorance. After finding their validity and stability and their discriminative power, the researcher has applied them on a sample of (200) male and female. University students, who were selected randomly. The results of the research has arrived at finding a positive relation between self-protection and social - ignorance.

The researcher has recommended a concentration on the role of parents in raising their childern depending on themselves and making f

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Personal Efficacy And Its Relationship With Mindfulness Among University Students
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The study seeks to examine the level of personal efficacy and its relation to mental alertness among university students. Besides, the statistically significant differences in regard of students' gender, and the correlation between male and female. To do this, the researcher adopted two scales: one to measure the personal efficacy which was made up by (abed al-jabaar, 2010) included (26) items, and the other to measure the mental alertness that designed by (abed Allah, 2012) included (36) items. A total of (120) student were selected randomly from three-different colleges at the Al-Mustansiriyah University for the academic year 2016-2017. The findings revealed there are no significant differences among students in regard of the personal

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Family Atmosphere and Relationship to Academic Adjustment for Student at Baghdad University
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The research aimed: 1. Definition of family climate for the university students. 2. Definition of statistical significance of differences in family climate variable depending on the sex (males - females) and specialization (Scientific - humanity). 3. Definition of academic adjustment for university students. 4. Definition of correlation between climate and academic adjustment. The research sample formed of (300) male and female students by (150) male of scientific and humanitarian specialization and (150) female of scientific and humanitarian specialization randomly selected from the research community. To achieve the objectives of the research the researcher prepared a tool to measure family climate. And adopted the measure (Azzam 2010)

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mental wandering and its relationship to attention control among university students
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Research summary: The current research aims to identify:

1-Mental wandering among university students 2- Attentioncontrol among universitey students. 3- The relationship between mental wandering and attention control among university students. 4- The difference in the relationship among university students: accoerding to a- the gender variable (males - females) b- according to the specialization variable) Scientific-human), and the results of the current research reached the following: 1- University students have mental wandering associated with the task, and mental wandering that is not related to the task. 2- University students have attentive control 3- There is no relationship between mental wandering associated with task and

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of recent technology on university students’ skills
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The study aims to identify the students’ attitudes toward recent techniques’ use in teaching; using power point software and data show to facilitate teaching approaches as well as following the approach of lecture in giving subjects, do these techniques facilitate, increase, and tackle the difficulties of subjects, do these attitudes positive or negative?, and to what extent these techniques raise up students’ motivation.   

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Ulma with feeling of freedom at student of secondary stage
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The ulma is one of the most spread social phenomenon.It occupies people in their different tendencies,the ulma imposes itself strongly in their social ,economic and politic sidies.

The   problem of freedom quarrel is the older problem in creation .The groups as well as the individuals look for their liberty and it is restricted, they isolate themselves from others for a achieving it. Isolation phenomenon is one of common humanity phenomenon among individuals for looking  of individuals psychological and social compatibility with other and society so they feel anxiety and tension and restriction of will and freedom. IT is known that college student from the major never in development and ren

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The impact of education differentiated strategy to modify the alternative conceptions Geographical concepts when students First grade average
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The aim of this study was to know ( the impact of education differentiated strategy to modify the alternative developments of geographical concepts when students first grade average) .
      To achieve the goal of this study , researcher relied on the experimental design of a partial set , the design is ( the experimental group with a control group of post-test )


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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Constructing The Psychological Tranquility Scale of the University of Baghdad Students
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Constructing The Psychological Tranquility Scale of the University of Baghdad Students
The research aimed to :
- Constructing the Psychological Tranquility Scale of the University of Baghdad Students.
- Appointing the psychological content standard for the accepting Answer of student about the scale.
The research Sample was (414) boy and girl from Baghdad University Students for the Studying year (2008-2009), So the Scale of the Psychological Tranquility Scale was bilt on them in good psychometric properties from truth Factor analyzing which was its super saturation was reached to (50) item from its items a value more than the super sutution norm (0,30) for kaizer, also the firm value was Relaibility for the scale by the way

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