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كفايات مدير المدرسة , مشرف تربوي
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لقد تطورت مفاهيم الباحثين والمتخصصين والانظمة التي تعمل المدرسة بموجبها بتطور العصر ، واحدثت تغييرات كبيرة في مفاهيم الادارة المدرسية ونمط القيادة ، حيث تغير هذا المفهوم من تسيير الواقع الحالي وفقاً للواقع والقوانين الى مفهوم جديد هو الادارة المستقبلية التي تقوم على الرؤى والسياسات والستراتيجيات التي تتفاعل مع متغيرات المستقبل واصبحت مهمة مدير المدرسة لتنسيق هذه الرؤى والسياسات والستراتيجيات المستقبلية وفقاً لمبادئ المشاركة الجماعية والشفافية (البيلاوي ، 2002 : 238-247) .

          والادارة المدرسية هي احدى اوجه الادارة التعليمية التي تعني بمفهومها العلمي ، العملية التي تتم من خلالها تعبئة الجهود البشرية والمادية وتوجيهها من اجل تحقيق اهداف المدرسة التعليمية ، فهي كل نشاط يتحقق من ورائه الاهداف التربوية تحقيقاً فعالاً ، وفي هذا الاطار تعني النواحي الادارية والفنية جميعاً ، وتهتم بالمعلم والمنهج وطرق التدريس والنشاطات المدرسية والاشراف الفني وتمويل البرامج التعليمية وتنظيم العلاقة بين المؤسسات التعليمية والمجتمع (المعهد العربي للتخطيط ، 1982 : 11) .

          وان وجود ادارة علمية حديثة هي من اهم المتطلبات الهادفة الى تطوير العملية التربوية وتحسين جوانبها ، وبأمكان هذه الادارة ان تؤدي دوراً قيادياً مسؤولاً في توجيه العملية التربوية وتحقيق اهدافها (احمد ، 1985 : 10) ، وتتضح هذه الاهمية من خلال التطورات العلمية والتقنية في العصر الراهن التي شملت ميادين متعددة من المعرفة ، وادت الى ازدياد مجالات النشاطات البشرية واتساعها نحو مزيد من التخصص ، مما ادى الى احداث تغييرات واسعة في الانماط الادارية لمواجهة مشكلات التنظيم البشري والعلاقات الانسانية وتعقيداتها (مرسي ، 1971 ، 11) .

          ومن بين ما اهتمت به الادارة التربوية الحديثة ، الاشراف التربوي بوصفه عنصراً هاماً من عملياتها الاساسية وجزءاً اساسياً من مكوناتها الرئيسية ، الهدف منه تحسين العملية التعليمية بأبعادها المختلفة وعملياتها المتعددة ، فهو ذلك الجزء الذي يعنى بالعناصر البشرية المكونة للتنظيم الاداري او المؤسسة الادارية التربوية من اجل اقامة علاقات انسانية تجعل جميع الافراد العاملين في قطاع التربية يقدمون اسهاماتهم بصورة كاملة(الحدراوي1988: 3)

          فالاشراف التربوي دوره الهام في اعداد وتطوير الهيئة التعليمية من خلال اهتمامه بتقويم النظام التربوي بجوانبه المختلفة ، ودوره الاساس في تنمية المعلمين مهنياً وعلمياً واسهاماته بدراسة وتحليل المشكلات التربوية التي تعترض سبل التعليم وتوفيره للمواطنين ، واهتمامه بمبدأ العلاقات الانسانية التي تسود اطراف العملية التربوية وجميع الافراد الذين يؤثرون في سيرها (وزارة التربية العراقية 1976 : 2-4) ، ويرى علماء تربويون ان الاشراف مهمة قيادية وتدريبية ، وان هذه المهمة تعتبر ان تعليم المعلمين كيفية التعلم والقيادة المهنية في اعادة تشكيل التربية العامة ، وبتحديد ادق تطوير مناهج التربية وكيفية تدريسها واشكالها .

          ويمكن تحديد الاشراف على انه سلوك يعمم رسمياً من قبل المؤسسة المسؤولة عن التعليم والتي تؤثر في سلوك المعلمين وبطريقة تسهل عليهم تربية التلاميذ وتحقيق اهداف المؤسسة التربوية ، كما يعرف الاشراف الفني بصورة اكثر تطوراً بأنه مهمة قيادية تمد جسور الاتصالات بين الادارة والمناهج والتدريس وتنسيق الانشطة المدرسية المصاحبة للتعليم (رفاعي وآخرون ، 2000 : 173) ، ومن مهامه ايضاً اتخاذ القرارات واختيار الاشخاص لتولي المسؤوليات المختلفة ، وتشجيع ودعم المبدعين وطرح الاراء والافكار الحديثة والتأكيد على ان يكون العاملين فيه قدوة صالحة معهم في سلوكهم التعليمي .

          وهنا يجب ان لا نغفل كون الادارة المدرسية ليست غاية في حد ذاتها وانما هي وسيلة تحقيق اهداف العملية التربوية ، وتهدف الادارة الى تنظيم المدرسة على اسس تمكنها من تحقيق الرسالة المناطة بها في تربية النشئ ، وتقوم على قواعد واصول علمية توجه العمل في المدرسة من خلالها ، ولذا يجب على مدير المدرسة ان يكون على وعي تام بهذه الاصول والقواعد ليتسنى له القيام بدوره القيادي بدرجة عالية من الكفاية(الدويك وآخرون، ب ت :13)

          فالادارة المدرسية لها دور كبير في تحقيق العملية التعليمية بجميع نواحيها الادارية والفنية والانسانية ، فهي المسؤولة عن كل ما يتصل بالهيئة التعليمية والتلاميذ والمناهج وطرق التدريس والاشراف الفني والنهوض بالمكتبات وتنظيم العلاقة بين المدرسة وبيئتها والمجتمع المحلي ، وعلاج التأخر المدرسي وانتظام الطلاب والخدمات الصحية المقدمة لهم ، والتوجيه والارشاد واشراك اولياء امور التلاميذ بكل ما يعود بالمنفعة على ابنائهم وتشجيع العلاقة الايجابية بين المعلمين (المطلق 1989 : 130-131) .


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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological adjustment and social relationship with the phenomenon of violence among children in pre-school stage
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The childhood is an important stage in building the character of the individual and where children acquire the most important experiences . providing proper growth requirements of the things follows assist them in achieving a stable and together Childhood is the violence of indicators that can determine whether personal or illness social .the social circumstances experienced community Iraqi and continues through crises successive wars and explosions and the displacement and that these events may lead to changes in the social behavior of individuals and may contribute to the spread of violence in Iraqi society and observed various forms in (home, school, street, and work), so it was natural that a child the first affected by these waves o

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Developing Faculty Performance Competencies and their Reflection on Achieving Total Quality in Higher Education Institutions
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Total Quality Assurance Concept have appeared in Higher Education Institutions as a result of the continuous criticism for the lower quality of the outputs of these institutions and their inappropriacy to the needs of the job market. The faculty, i.e. teaching staff member, is one of the most important output for his/her responsibility to achieve the stated goals in higher education. This represents a problem that may influence the construction of society which has to limit his tasks, responsibilities, and competencies that should be found in a faculty, and evaluating his teaching profession in light of the prerequisites of the century to become an input to achieve quality assurance in Higher Education. Therefore, the present study aims

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Standard degrees for tests results to some physical abilities and defense rebound for tall players in basketball school
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The test considers from important methods and tools when we using the evaluation because it is a basic role in diagnosis & classification & motive & selection &guiding &prediction and the problem was formatted in some questions like ( what is physical variables that tall players needs n the game and effect on the game ? what is the tests that measures these variables also the defense rebound variable and is there a references standard specialized in that ?) , the aims of research represented by knowing to some physical abilities for tall players in basketball school and their tests and putting new tests to measure defense rebound to one player and tow tall players also limiting the standards degrees ( modified un following method ) to resul

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الدرر اللوامع في أصل مقرأ الإمام نافع لابن بري من مقررات المدرسة اليوسفية في غرناطة
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This paper try to shed light on one of interpretations of the prosody of Ibn Barry “Al-duraru l-lawāmi῾ fi maqra᾽i l-ImāmiNāfi῾” a famous prosody that students still study and spend time in memorize and understand it until this day. This interpretation is considered one of the simplest and appropriate to the nature of teaching in the early stages of education for students of Arabic in general. Also, we try very hard to extract the commons characteristics of this and other interpretation of the text we have, then effort a large text as an example of what we are going to say in conclusions.


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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Common Fears among Pre-School Children and Its Relationship with the Parental Treatment Styles in Al Batinah South Governorate
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The study aims to identify the common fears of preschool children and their relationship to the approaches to parental treatment in South Al Batinah Governorate from their mother’s point of view. Total of (466) mothers were selected as the study sample. The researcher used the scale of common fear and the scale of parental treatment approaches. The results of the study have shown that the most common fear among the study sample was (the fear of darkness) in the first level with a rate of 75.03%, and in the second level came the item (my child is afraid to sleep alone) by 72.74%, in the third level came to the item (fear of seeing insects) with a rate of 67.59%, and the last one was (the fear of rain) w

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of an Educational Program in Light Of Behavioral Cognitive Theory to Develop Efficient Response to Students Affected by Crises
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The aim of this research is to construct an educational program in light of the theory of behavioral cognitive and its impact on the development of the efficient response to students affected by crises (centers of your right to education). To achieve the objectives of the research, two scales were developed by the researcher in addition to two equivalent hypotheses were formulated. The scale contains (26) items divided into five fields; for its validity and reliability were derived based on the measure of efficient response, an educational program based on the theory of behavioral cognition. The test and the educational program were applied to a sample of (60) students from the centers of your right to education, divided into experimenta

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Degree to which Arabic Language Teachers at the Secondary Stage Possess the Teaching Competencies Necessary to Develop the Literary Appreciation Skills of Their Students from the Point of View of Educational Leaders in Bisha Governorate
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This study aims to identify the degree of Arabic language teachers at the secondary stage possessing the teaching competencies necessary to develop the skills of literary savor among their students from the perception of educational leaders in Bisha Province. To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive approach was used by adopting a comprehensive survey method. The study sample consisted of (48) school principals and Arabic language supervisors in Bisha Province who supervise the teaching of Arabic language at the secondary level in Bisha Province. The necessary data was collected using a questionnaire. The results of the study revealed that the evaluation of the study sample for the degree to which Arabic language teachers

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 27 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Level of Depression and Anxiety among School Age Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia under Chemotherapy Treatment at Pediatric Teaching Hospitals in Baghdad City
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Objective(s): To assess the level of depression and anxiety among school age children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia under chemotherapy treatment and to find out the relationship between the level of depression and anxiety among the affected children and their demographic characteristics.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted on school age children both gender having acute lymphoblastic leukemia under chemotherapy treated and their age between 6 years to 12 years. The study started from the period of September, 19th 2020 to March,1st 2021. Non-probability (Purposive) sample of (114) children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia under chemotherapy was selected in attending hospital wards, outpatient and counseling clinics

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Comparison between Ghassan Kanafani's Novel " Ma tabaqa lakom" and William Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury" from the Perspective of the American School (the methodology of the novelistic theme and style): مقایسة دو رمان "ماتبقّي لكم"کنفانی و " خشم و هياهو"ی فاکنر بر اساس مكتب آمريكا (بررسی روش شناختی محتوایی و سبکی )
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     Being the meeting points of the world different languages and out of a scholarly perspective, comparative literature represents a cultural leap as well as an artistic and intellectual development or a global literary movement of both prose and poetry. Such homogenous literary structure requires a systematic and coherent study of the literary output of the people different cultures and civilizations. It also represents the theoretical approach of the present study that debates a systematic comparison between Ghassan Kanafani’s All That's Left to You and William Faulkner’s. The Sound and the Fury.  Within the perspective of the descriptive analysis approach, the present paper discusses th

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The extent to which governmental secondary schools' managers in al-hial province have cognitive management requirements
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The current study aims to examine the level of cognitive management requirement among the governmental secondary schools' managers in al-hial province in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To do this, the author designed a questionnaire comprised (20) item which was applied on (250) managers included (113) manager hold bachelor degree and (137) manager hold master degree. To carry out this study, the researcher utilized the descriptive approach. The findings revealed that a high level of cognitive management requirements among secondary schools' managers as well as there is a significant difference at the (0.05) level regarding degree type, but there is no a significant difference according to gender variable.  

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