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المشكلات التي تواجه الطالبات المطبقات في قسم علوم الحاسبات في كلية التربية للبنات في جامعة بغداد واتجاهاتهن نحو مهنة التدريس
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This study aims at identifying the problems facing the students teachers in the department of Science Computer in the College of Education for Women in Baghdad University during their application in the Schools and their attitudes Towards teaching before and after the application the sample Consists of the Fourth year Students Who did teach in Baghdad (75 Students) The data have been dealt with statistically by using chi – Square, the relative percentage Weight, Person's Correlation Coefficient and the t – test.
After analyzing the results, it has been Shown that the Following are the most important problems :-
1. limitedness of the period of application.
2. Insufficiency of the hours specified for the Computer.
3. Insufficiency of the Computers in the School.
4. Inter ference of both the headmasters and the teacher of the Subject in the method of teaching Followed by the Student teacher.
5. Insufficiency of the Visits before the application.
As for the attitudes, it has been Found that the students' attitudes were better after the application than befor it.
In the Light of Such results, the researcher has reached into the Following recommendations:-

 Giving priority to Solve the problems Which were Considered more important by the sample in the questionnaire.
 Enlightening the Schools managements of the importance of the application.
The researcher has Suggested a number of Suggestions among which Conducting:-

 A study to identify the teaching Competencies required for the graduates of the department of Computers in the College of Education for women in Baghdad University.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Cognitive Linguistic Study of the Present Simple: An Experimental Study in the University of Baghdad
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Some research reports that cognitive grammar (CG) theory has good contributions to teaching English as a foreign language. In this research, the researchers seek to apply this theory and its principles when teaching the simple present tense to Iraqi students who face difficulties in differentiating between the multiple usages of this tense. To achieve this objective, the researchers have conducted an experimental study on a group of 60 Iraqi students in the University of Baghdad, College of Education for Women. Langacker’s (2003) theory has been adopted in the analysis of the cognitive relations to understand the common and different connections of these usages of the simple present. The study has concluded that the cognitive grammar t

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
تقويم اداء تدريسيي دورات التأهيل التربوي واللغوي في جامعة بغداد
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ان بناء اية حضارة يمثل جهداً انسانياً يشترك فيه كل الافراد والمؤسسات ويستلزم حشد القدرات لاسيما النخبة التي توجه الجهود وتعمل على الاستخدام الامثل للموارد في اطار حركة منظمة للمجتمع تنتج وسائلها وتحقق اهدافها ، وان حركة التاريخ والواقع تظهر ان التدريسي الجامعي هو صفوة النخبة والجامعة هي بؤرة المعرفة المؤسسية . ( عبود 2008 : 12 )                         &

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Effect of Teaching Competencies in Enhancing Self-Confidence among Students of Department of Art Education during Application: كنعان غضبان حبيب
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The results of previous scientific studies showed that knowledge is something and application is something else, that's why teachers' preparation programs focused, in the present time, on special standards for knowledge and performance, i.e., who has knowledge is not necessary able to apply it in his life or in his field of work, which led to the existence of a gap between knowledge and application. Based on that, those interested in (teachers' preparation) reconsidered their work evaluation, thus the concept of competency appeared at the end of the sixties of the past century to address the negative in teachers' preparation.
The following contains a number of competency features in teachers' preparation programs:
Teachers' effec

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Envy on Workplace Stress A field Study of Faculty Staff at the Technical College of Management-Baghdad
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The research aims to measure the impact of envy on job stress because the topic of envy represents a negative emotion that exists at all organizational levels, which may cause stress in the work environment.

The Research problem is represented by the lack of perception of most of the faculty staff on the negative effects of envy on their well-being in the Technical College of Management - Baghdad, and what is the impact level of envy on their job stress.

To achieve this, the scale of envy was based on two dimensions (being envied, Envying others), While the job stress scale was based on seven dimensions (workload, conflict role, Family factors, work environment, work relationships

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 09 2021
Journal Name
مجلةالعلوم الاجتماعية
العلاقة بين قلق الاختبار والكفاءة الرياضية لطلبة كلية التربية ابن الهيثم
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يهدف البحث الى التعرف على بقاء اثر المعلومة عن طريق الاجابة عن السؤال: ما مدى بقاء اثر التعلم بين التعليم الالكتروني والتعليم الاعتيادي ( الحضوري )؟ تم تطبيق البحث في العام الدراسي( 2020-2021 م) في العراق. تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي بالاسلوب المقارن في عقد مقارنة بين التعليم الالكتروني والتعليم الاعتيادي. وقد تحدد مجتمع البحث لطلبة المرحلة الرابعة كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة – ابن الهيثم واستخدمت العيتة من قسم

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 16 2019
Journal Name
Route Educational & Social Science Journal
Information awareness of students from Ibn Al-Haytham Education College of pure sciesnces and its influence on their analytical thinking skill
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this research is to identify the level of information awareness of the chemistry students in their fourth year studying at Ibn Al-Haytham Education College of pure sciences at the University of Baghdad. The research sample consisted of (107) male and female students out of the total number of (153) students studying during the (2017-2018) academic year, The sample therefore represents 71% of the total students. The research methodology used consisted of two parts. The first part is concerned with measuring information awareness using a multiple choice type of test related to (40) issues. The students were required to select the between (5) alternative answers for each issue. The objectives of the test and the issues used are to measure the

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The current research aims to identify the visual culture skills of students of the College of Education for Pure Sciences / Ibn Al-Haytham
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  • Identifying the visual culture skills of students of the College of Education for Pure Sciences / Ibn Al-Haytham.
  • Identifying the statistically significant differences in the visual culture skills of students of the College of Education for Pure Sciences / Ibn Al-Haytham according to the gender variable.
  • And the descriptive approach was used, due to its relevance to the nature of the research objective.

    To verify this, the visual culture skills test consisted of (22) items of the multiple choice type, where the (Koder Richardson 20) equation was applied to calculate the stability of the visual culture skills test. For the skill of writing

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Establishment of method and the development of the teaching methods in the late abbissid period and it s impact on the contemporary leading methods
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Every researcher must say that the world in continually progress toward the best and that
the Arab and Islamic civilization had produced much of systems and virtuous educational
practices which raised from Islamic heritage. This nation was not isolated from external
world, but it was made a clear active for promote the banner of other nations which entered
under her influence to promote Islamic banner and Muslims. Consequently also Muslims are
affected and influenced, this resulted a clear impact in the civilization and educational
ideology especially in the contemporary teaching methods.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
تقويم طرائق التدريس والتقنيات التربوية والأختبارات التحصيلية لدى أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في جامعتي بغداد والنهرين
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أن أزدياد أعداد الطلبة في معظم دول العالم ، والتوسع في التعليم العالي ، أدى الى أستيعاب أعداد كبيرة في المؤسسات التعليمية من حملة الشهادات العليا الماجستير خاصة والدكتوراه ، وأن برامج الدراسات العليا وضعت لأعداد باحثين مختصين في مجالات عدة منها التدريس وما يتطلبه من مهارات مختلفة ، فأن قسماً منهم ليست لديه المعرفة النظرية والتطبيق العملي والمهارات اللازمة لأستخدام طرائق التدريس والتقنيات التربوية أث

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
Journal Name
Designing a module in light of cognitive learning theories and their impact on the achievement of students of the Department of Art Education and their motivation in learning the subject of aesthetics.
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This research aims to:
1 – Make a proposed module for (aesthetics) for the second stage - Department of Art Education under education theories.
2 - Verification from the effect of the proposed module on student achievement and motivation towards learning aesthetics material.
To verification the second goal we wording these two hypotheses:
1- There are no individual differences with statistically significant at level (0.05) between the student's scores average. (Experimental group ) who studied according to the proposed module and the average student's scores (control group) who studied in the usual way for the achievement test for the Aesthetics material.
2- There are no individual differences with statistically signifi

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