This study aims at identifying the problems facing the students teachers in the department of Science Computer in the College of Education for Women in Baghdad University during their application in the Schools and their attitudes Towards teaching before and after the application the sample Consists of the Fourth year Students Who did teach in Baghdad (75 Students) The data have been dealt with statistically by using chi – Square, the relative percentage Weight, Person's Correlation Coefficient and the t – test.
After analyzing the results, it has been Shown that the Following are the most important problems :-
1. limitedness of the period of application.
2. Insufficiency of the hours specified for the Computer.
3. Insufficiency of the Computers in the School.
4. Inter ference of both the headmasters and the teacher of the Subject in the method of teaching Followed by the Student teacher.
5. Insufficiency of the Visits before the application.
As for the attitudes, it has been Found that the students' attitudes were better after the application than befor it.
In the Light of Such results, the researcher has reached into the Following recommendations:-
Giving priority to Solve the problems Which were Considered more important by the sample in the questionnaire.
Enlightening the Schools managements of the importance of the application.
The researcher has Suggested a number of Suggestions among which Conducting:-
A study to identify the teaching Competencies required for the graduates of the department of Computers in the College of Education for women in Baghdad University.
The research aims at:
- Identifying the problems facing kindergarten teachers.
- Identifying the nature of the problems facing kindergarten teachers.
To achieve the aim of the research, the researcher prepared a questionnaire to identify the problems that face the teachers of kindergartens. The questionnaire was subjected to the consultation of a group of specialized expertise in the educational and psychological sciences to certify the propriety of the items of the questionnaire and it gained a rate of (80%), and the stability of the scale gained (0.91) and it stands for a correlation parameter with a statistical significance and it was calculated by using Person’s R Corre
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لقد تفاقمت مشكلة تلوث البيئة في السنوات الأخيرة من العقد الأخير والعقد الأول من القرنين العشرين والحادي والعشرين على التوالي بشكل يلفت النظر. إذ انتشر الاستعمال غير العقلاني للموارد الطبيعية من مياه ملوثة وسكن غير صحي وغير ملائم وسؤ التغذية وظروف الصحة العامة الرديئة وانتشار العوادم التي تحدثها المركبات والمولدات التي انتشرت في أحياء المدن العراقية لتزوي
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So three tools had been used to achieve the procedures of the research which are: the scale of positive thinking constracted by Abdal satar Ibrahim year 2010, the scale of self academicmotivation constracted by (Gottfried) and adapted by Hanan Hussan year 2010, the scale of teaching profession trend constracted by Enayat Zaki year 1974.
And by using the statistical means of person
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The results show that the attitudes of the students are Positive, there are no differences in the attitudes toward marriage according to sex variable (males and females) and there are differences in the variable of grade toward marriage for the First Class. In the lights of these results the researcher suggests making improvements in the attitudes toward marriage suiting the social value and customs of Iraqi
تولي المجتمعات المتقدمة اجتماعياً واقتصاديا وثقافيا وعلميا اهتماما بارزا للعنصر البشري واستثماره على أفضل صورة ممكنة لتحقيق التقدم والرفاهية لتلك المجتمعات وللأفراد على حد سواء , وتحتل تنمية الثروة العقلية واستثمارها محل الصدارة حيث يبذل اهتمام خاص للكشف عن المواهب والكفاءات المبدعة وتنميتها وتوجيهها ورعايتها علميا وتربويا ومهنيا وذلك لان العنصر البشري يعد جزءا لا يتجزأ من الثروة القومية للأمة حيث
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And the research goal is summarized in identifying the difficulties that is facing the scientific research at Baghdad university from the point of view of the lecturers, and also to ide
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وعليه فان ليس كل من تتقدم للعمل في رياض الاطفال تصلح ان تكون معلمة ناجح
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