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بناء اختبار لتقييم مستوى انتاجية وثبات الانتباه عند اطفال الرياض
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Attention is one of the mental processes of knowledge that play an important role in the life of the individual in general and the child's life, in particular, the child relates to the external environment through its interaction with it, to achieve the adjustment with his environment and harmony with his community.

Much ness and multiplicity of information sources make the child need to scan and exploration to provide the appropriate response by handling sensory stimuli involving the discovery of stimulus and receive it by sensory devices then pay attention to it and realizing and storing it in memory and restoring it in the next positions, The attention is essential for any learning process and there is no choice but the availability of high level of attention of learners from kindergarten to all school stages, so the current research aimed at building a test to assess the level of attention of children in the kindergarten of Baghdad departments on both sides Karkh and Rusafa for the academic year 2010/2011.

According to the objective of this research, there was identification assess the level productivity& stability of attention, and there was a formulation of an item for each domain, where the number items of the productivity and stability (5), it has also been set beginning in front of each item (0, 1, 2) and the test is coupled with specific time, it was ( 15) seconds of each item of the test, the research sample  included (300) boys and girls, it have been extracted coefficient of difficulty and discriminatory power, coefficient of difficulty ranging between (0.54­0.79) The value of T (T-test) of the test items is between (8.359-10.997) , it has been shown, that all test items were featured at the level of sense (0,05) and the degree of freedom (160), and verifying the truth of test through the apparent validity and sincerity of construction by finding the correlation coefficient (Pearson) between the item and the domain that belongs to it and between the item and the total of test, as shown by the amount of persistence (0.85) in a re-test, and (0.92) in a manner to Alfakronbakh, and so it has been obtained to test consisting of (5) items formatted to apply to the children of kindergarten to assess the level productivity & stability of attention they have         

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The talent and its relation with some changes for the Kindergarten children
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The current research aims to distinguish the talent for the kindergarten
children and its relation with some changes . The research included ( 170 )
child (male , female ) from the kindergarten children on the year 2009 – 2010
the researcher had used PRED meter to achieve the goals of this research
after being sure from the honesty and the prove and the ( person ) connection
coefficient had been used to discover the relation between the talent and the
changes which had been mentioned in the research . The result proved that
the children had talents the toys and the educational scientifically scholarship
finally the researcher had presented some recommendations and suggestions
for other studies .<

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Building the Test of Drawing Skill for the Female students of Kindergartens' Department
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The research issue and its importance concentrate on the importance of choosing and
preparing the kindergarten's teacher educationally ,psychologically and artistically ,and other
aspects because of their need for several skills such as the drawing skill for kindergarten
curriculums include a various artistic experiences and activities as well as for the drawing
importance for the child .And from this, the research goals raise from to prepare a test that
measures the drawing skill for kindergarten students and measure the drawing skill in all four
kindergarten students at the kindergarten department and recognize the differences level for
these students . In order to achieve the first goal in the research ,the resear

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
بناء اختبار القدرة على التفكير الإبداعي اللفظي لدى طلبة جامعة بغداد
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على الرغم من إن الابداع والمبدعين وخصائصهم العقلية والشخصية تعد من المفاهيم المهمة والشائعة في الحياة بمجالاتها كافة، ففي الوقت الذي نجد فيه العديد من الدراسات والمقالات العربية والاجنبية التي تناولته بشكل او باخر، لكنها جميعها اعتمدت على المقياس الخاص بالتفكير الابداعي لمؤسسه الاول تورانس منذ عام (1967)، متجاهلة التغيير والتطور المعلوماتي ولا سيما في الانترنيت والحاسوب وما افرزه هذا من مفردات شاعت وتداول

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mental-math level of intermediate school students
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The study seeks to explore the mental-math level among intermediate-school students. To this end, the researcher raised a question. What the level of mental math among students in the intermediate stage? Total of (576) male and female students were chosen from different schools at Al-karkh side \ general directorate of Baghdad education. So as to answer research question and hypothesis, a questionnaire of (30) items designed by the authors was administered to the study sample. T-test was used to analyze the collected data at the level of significance (0.05). Expectancy means (15) showed significant difference comparing to the achieved mean (10, 10) on mental-math test. The study concluded with students has a low level of mental math. The

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Low Cost Hardware Back Propagation Algorithm
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The first successful implementation of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) was published a little over a decade ago. It is time to review the progress that has been made in this research area. This paper provides taxonomy for classifying Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) implementation of ANNs. Different implementation techniques and design issues are discussed, such as obtaining a suitable activation function and numerical truncation technique trade-off, the improvement of the learning algorithm to reduce the cost of neuron and in result the total cost and the total speed of the complete ANN. Finally, the implementation of a complete very fast circuit for the pattern of English Digit Numbers NN has four layers of 70 nodes (neurons) o

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Low Cost Hardware Back Propagation Algorithm
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The first successful implementation of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) was published a little over a decade ago. It is time to review the progress that has been made in this research area. This paper provides taxonomy for classifying Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) implementation of ANNs. Different implementation techniques and design issues are discussed, such as obtaining a suitable activation function and numerical truncation technique trade-off, the improvement of the learning algorithm to reduce the cost of neuron and in result the total cost and the total speed of the complete ANN. Finally, the implementation of a complete very fast circuit for the pattern of English Digit Numbers NN has four layers of 70 nodes (neurons) o

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مداخل تعزيز انتاجية العامل
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كل منا يتعلم بشكل مختلف، حيث توجد اربع مداخل رئيسة للتعلم، فعندما يمنح صاحب العمل الوقت اللازم لدراسة كيفية تعليم الفرد العامل، وتزويده بالمعلومات الكافية، يمكنه ايجاد البيئة الملائمة لنقل المعرفة بالطريقة الصحيحة التي يستلمها. وهنا يؤكد السيد (Webb Edwards) رئيس شركة (Wells Fargo Service) الامريكية بانه عندما نضع العاملين لدينا بالوظيفة المناسبة، بحيث يصرفون وقتهم نحو اداء المه

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders ADHD
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زاد الاهتمام بالأطفال ذوي اضطراب الانتباه المصحوب بالنشاط الزائد نظراً لانتشاره بين الأطفال في عمر المرحلة الابتدائية حيث تراوحت نسبته ما بين  3% إلى 20%  ومعظمهم من الذكور ، وأن انتشاره يقع في مختلف الطبقات الاجتماعية بالنسبة لعوائل هؤلاء الأطفال كما أن المشكلات المتعلقة به لا تنتهي بانتهاء مرحلة الطفولة ، وغالباً ما تمتد إلى مرحلة المراهقة حيث توصل ويز و هتكمانWeiss&Hechtman,1989  إلى أن هناك علامات م

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Constructing and Standardizing A Test For Measuring Legs' Vertical Strength Defined by Speed in Youth Basketball
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The tests that measure special strength defined by speed contributes a great deal in evaluating the players' weaknesses and strengths so as to aid coaches judge their players according to scientific and objective measurements. The problem of the study lies in answering the following question : is there a test that measures legs' vertical strength defined by speed especially for youth basketball players? The aim of the research was to construct and standardize a test for measuring legs' vertical strength defined by speed in youth basketball. The subjects of the study were 74 youth basketball players from Baghdad. The researchers concluded that the test measures leg's vertical strength defined by speed for youth basketball players as well as

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Building and rationing test to measure the kinetic response to the movement of the player defender basketball junior time
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The researchers believe the problem of searching the scarcity or limited tests of time kinetic response led to scarcity or limited availability of experimental research in exercises codified within the training curriculum for the junior class, and therefore has been weakening this physical variable as an important episode in the development of the players physical capacities as well as the lack of measure for this variable within the defensive skills in general and the skill of the player movement defender in particular, and it represents the goal of research in the treatment of the above through the construction and rationing test to measure the kinetic response to the movement of the player defender basketball junior time. Chosen as the r

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