The present study aims at knowing the effect of Woods' model in correcting the geographical missUnderstanding for first stage students. In order to realize the objective of this study, the researcher used an experimental design with partial adjustment which is experimental group with another control group. The research is confined to the first four chapters of the boon of the principles of geography to be studied for the first stage in the academic year (2010/2011) in Iraq. The researcher chooses purposely the chose a staple form the first stage in Hay Al-Jama'a School for boys, in order to apply the experiment. The total number of the sample was (60) students who were distributed randomly as (30)per group. The researcher matched two groups in terms of ( geography diagonal test, intelligence level, Age, parent education). Then, the researcher tried to adjust a series of variables that might affect the variable. The researcher conducted the research on two stages; diagonal stage: in which he tried to analyze the book matter under the experiment and the subjects of geography which were taught to the groups of students in previous years (fifth and sixth primary stages). The repeated concepts were derived in the first stage and the previous stages. They were (20) concepts on the basis of which a diagonal test was adopted the type of multiple choice to measure the level of understanding in the cognitive field of Bloom's classification. The number of items attained (20) items each item one. On that basis the test of the items of wrong understanding. If the error rate exceeded (%34) above for the sample. The validity and constancy was verified and he discriminatory power of the items and the difficulty coefficient. It turned out after analysis that there are (16)concepts of wrong understanding for the second stage, correction. The procedures of this was applied on a diagonal sample which had been already subdivided into two groups; the experimental group which is taught according to Wood's method and the control group which is taught according to traditional methods. After ending the study of the four chapters of the Geography book, and analyzing the data statistically by using Chi square, it was found that the excel of the experimental group which is taught according to Wood's model over the control group which is taught according to traditional methods. In the light of which the following was found: 1. The effectiveness of Wood's model in correcting the wrong concepts more than the traditional ones. 2. The conventional methods have helped only in a limited way to correct some of the wrong concepts for the first stage students. The researcher has come up with the following recommendations: 1. To use Woods' model in teaching the general principles of geography for its effectiveness in correcting the wrong concepts. 2. The necessity that teachers of geography to have knowledge in the teaching models like Woods' Model. 3. Familiarize geography teachers with the methods of diagnosing the wrong conception for students to correct them In the light of the results, the researcher comes up with suggestions like conducting studies in the effect of: 1. Woods' Model on other stages and materials. 2. Woods' Model in variables affiliated to like innovative thinking, motivation and acquisition of the scientific skills. 3. A comparison study between Woods' model and other models not depending on the constructive philosophy.
كيف بنى الشاعر العربي القديم قصيدته موسيقيا ؟ ولماذا تقوم هذه القصيدة على معمار إيقاعي معين دون غيره ؟ ولماذا صار ذلك البناء سمة لتشكيل ذائقتنا الشعرية وترديد مسارها ـ الذي لا يكاد يشابهه ما لدى الأمم الأخرى ـ حتى عصرنا الراهن هذِا ؟ وما علاقة البناء الموسيقي بالانفعالات الشعورية والنفسية المشتجرة في ذات المبدع ؟
أهتم الجغرافيون بالكوارث الطبيعية منذ عشرينيات القرن الماضي وزاد الاهتمام بها بسبب التطور الحضري في العالم والتنمية الاقتصادية مما زاد من قيمة الأصول في الدول مما يعني، من جانب آخر، تزايد الخسائر البشرية والمادية. لكن المهم هو تفاوت هذه الخسائر بين الدول وفي داخلها بين من يملك القدرة على تفادي الكارثة او التكييف لها ومن لا يملك ذلك. وهنا تبرز مشكلة البحث التي تتحدد في بيان مدى قدرة الدول على مواجهة زيادة عد
... Show Moreالبيروني مؤلف عربي، أصله فارسي ، رحل للهند ودرس لغتها وثقافتها وديانتها، نبغ في كثير من العلوم فأضحى مؤرخاً ولغوياً وأدبياً وعالماً بالرياضيات والطبيعيات والفلك والطب والفلسفة والتصوف والأديان ، ولهُ بتلك العلوم مصنفات قيمة تمتاز بالبحث الدقيق والإحاطة الشاملة ، وسائل في المعادن والتنجيم، كما له مراسلات وموازنات قيمة بين المذاهب الفلسفية والصوفية عند الهند والمسيحيين والمسلمين
This study examines the factors that affect oral participation of six Arab postgraduate students (two Iraqis, two Jordanians, and two Libyans), namely, three male participants and three female participants. For this purpose, a semi-structured interview was employed. The results showed that female as well male interviewees share some factors that make oral participation in classroom disheartening. These factors include high levels of anxiety, lack of confidence, shyness, and lack of preparation. It was also that there is no difference between male and female interviewees in relation to the factors that make them feel disheartened from oral classroom participation.
This research aims to identify the effectiveness of counseling by using the technique of self-talkin developing the habits of mind among middle school students by testing important hypotheses, and choosing the experimental design for the two groups (experimental - control). The classification of "Costa & Kallick" was adopted to measure the habits of the mind, and the scale consisted of (64) items, and after confirming the psychometric properties of the scale, the researcher applied it to the research sample (487) students from middle school students. One of the students who got the lowest marks after answering the scale. purpose of applying the experiment. He divided them into two groups, one of them is experimental (10) students, as
... Show MoreMany studies dealt with the consequences of SARS CoV-2 (which cause COVID-19 infection) on the nervous system especially sensory nerves where the virus causes loss of taste and smell as it’s known, and may affect auditory nerves and be the expected cause of some hearing problems. A case-control analytic study was performed on a connivance sample of society of university students from a medical faculty. Each participant filled out a questionnaire contains demographic data and general, auditory and respiratory health condition, in addition to vaccination status. In the other side, the audio- examinations were performed on the study sample including Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) and tympanometry. Two statistical methods; chi-square and t
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... Show Moreأجري هذا البحث في العراق/محافظة ديالى، وهدف إلى تعرف أثر إستراتيجية شكل البيت الدائري في الاداء التعبيري لدى تلاميذ الصف الخامس الابتدائي,وبلغت عينة البحث(75) تلميذا بواقع (40) تلميذا في المجموعة التجريبية و(35)تلميذا في المجموعة الضابطة ، وأجرى الباحث بينهما تكافؤا في المتغيرات الآتية (العمر الزمني محسوبا بالشهور، والتحصيل الدراسي للأبوين ، ودرجات اللغة العربية للعام الدراسي السابق واستعمل الباحث أداة م
... Show Moreوظَّفَ الشاعرُ مجد الدين النُّشَّابي الصورة الاستعارية التي شكلت سمةً جمالية بارزة من سماتِ التشكيل الشعري عنده, وأحد المكونات الأساسية في بنية قصائده الشعرية وهي جوهر الإبداع ومحط التذوق عند المتلقي, إذ يشكل الشاعر صوره الاستعارية المتنوعة متولدة من خياله وعواطفه ومتوافقة مع الموضوع لتصبح الصورة الاستعارية ركنًّا من أركان التشكيل الفني الشعري عند الشاعر .
والتصوير الاستعاري له القدرة بالتشكيل ا
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