أجري هذا البحث في العراق/محافظة ديالى، وهدف إلى تعرف أثر إستراتيجية شكل البيت الدائري في الاداء التعبيري لدى تلاميذ الصف الخامس الابتدائي,وبلغت عينة البحث(75) تلميذا بواقع (40) تلميذا في المجموعة التجريبية و(35)تلميذا في المجموعة الضابطة ، وأجرى الباحث بينهما تكافؤا في المتغيرات الآتية (العمر الزمني محسوبا بالشهور، والتحصيل الدراسي للأبوين ، ودرجات اللغة العربية للعام الدراسي السابق واستعمل الباحث أداة موحدة لقياس الأداء التعبيري لمجموعتي البحث ، إذ أعد سلسلة اختبارات تحصيلية صححها على وفق محكات تصحيح جبار(2011)وفي نهاية التجربة استعمل الباحث وسائل إحصائية منها الاختبار التائي لعينتين مستقليتين ,ومعامل الارتباط بيرسون وقد توصل الباحث الى النتائج الاتية :وجود فرق ذي دلالة احصائية بين المجموعتين (التجريبية والضابطة) لمصلحة المجموعة التجريبية التي درست التعبير بأستراتيجية شكل البيت الدائري , وبذلك ترفض الفرضية الصفرية
وظَّفَ الشاعرُ مجد الدين النُّشَّابي الصورة الاستعارية التي شكلت سمةً جمالية بارزة من سماتِ التشكيل الشعري عنده, وأحد المكونات الأساسية في بنية قصائده الشعرية وهي جوهر الإبداع ومحط التذوق عند المتلقي, إذ يشكل الشاعر صوره الاستعارية المتنوعة متولدة من خياله وعواطفه ومتوافقة مع الموضوع لتصبح الصورة الاستعارية ركنًّا من أركان التشكيل الفني الشعري عند الشاعر .
والتصوير الاستعاري له القدرة بالتشكيل ا
... Show MoreThe present study aims at knowing the effect of discussion method for students of fifth grade in preparatory school.
Methodology of the Study:
In order to achieve the objective of the study, the researcher chooses non-randomly the preparatory school affiliated to the District Chamchamal \ Suliemnaniya. The sample attained 64 students in 32 per group (control and experimental) groups. The researcher used the discussion method which was applied on experimental group. She uses the traditional method on the control group.
The researcher matched the two group in ago, intelligence, marks at the Kurdish Language in the previous year , pretest and posts for the indepe
... Show MoreAbstract
The current research aims to identify the typical effect of Flower and Coscroft on expressive performance and the development of lateral thinking among literary fifth-grade students. To achieve the research objective, the researcher chose a sample of (90) female students from the fifth literary grade, with two experimental groups and a control group. The research groups are of six subjects. The research found that the two experimental groups have more expressive performance than the control group. Students of the first experimental group outperformed the students of the second experimental group in expressive performance and lateral thinking tests. In light of the findings of the research, the researcher
... Show MoreThe research aims at identifying The Effect of Woods model in the Acquisition of Grammatical Concepts on students at the Sixth Primary. The total number of students is (49) male and female. students are distributed in two groups . The First group is the experimental group which is taught the( Woods Model) and it is (25) students . The second group is the control group which is taught according to the traditional method of teaching and it is (24) students . The researcher has matched between the two groups by the following variables : the age (in months), their intelligence, their parents, academic level of education . The research has constructed multiple choice test of (20) items . The reliability of The test has been calculated and it
... Show MoreAbstract
The research aims to examine the effect of Hawkins' strategy on students in the fourth grade of primary school in the General Directorate of Education in Baghdad / Karkh 3 for the academic year (2020-2021). The research was limited to the topics of the Arabic language grammar book for the fourth grade of primary school. The researcher developed the research hypothesis, which is: that there is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group students who study using the Hawkins strategy and the average scores of the control group students who study in the traditional method in the achievement test. The researcher set a number of
... Show MoreThe current research aims to identify the impact of the amputated story style in the collection of sixth graders in elementary in the written expression subject.
The researcher, intentionally, chose Al-Ameen primary hybrid school which belongs to the directorate of education in Baghdad / Karkh first. The number of people of the sixth grade three classes. The researcher chose the two classes randomly to represent one of the experimental group, the number (32) pupils (male and female) have studied the expression subject by the amputated story style. Other control group, the number (32) pupils studied according to the traditional method.
The researcher prepared the lesson plans and presented to the experts, the researc
... Show Moreتعاني الطفولة العراقية منذ عدة سنوات نزاعات وحروب جعلت حياتهم رهينة ظروف استثنائية بأستمرار نتيجة تعرضهم للضغوط الصدمية والتي تؤدي الى ارتفاع مستوى التوتر . ومن هنا تبلورت مشكلة البحث الحالي من خلال الاجابة عن الأسئلة التالية :-
- ما هي الضغوط الصدمية التي واجهها تلامذة الصف الخامس الابتدائي .
- ما هي علاقة الضغوط الصدمية بالتحصيل الدراسي لدى تلامذة الصف الخامس ال
The research aims at defining the level of the school environment and the social adjustment of the sample due to the sex and the relation among them. The two researchers have stated the school environment scale counting on the theoretical background and previous studies. As for the social adjustment scale, the researchers have used the scale of (Al-Kindy, 2001) and the school environment scale is implicated on (112) students. The schools and the students were elected in a random way. Whereas the social adjustment scale is implicated on (30) teachers in order to know their ratio of the student's adjustment. The results have appeared the satisfaction of the students on the private school environment within their school aspects (the directo
... Show MoreThis research aims to identify the effect of numbered heads strategy on developing oral expression skills among fifth-grade primary students in Bisha Province. To achieve this, the researcher prepared a research tool represented in the observation card which consists of (27) statements distributed in four axes. The tool was sent to (5) experts in the field to verify their validity. In light of their corrections, the tool was developed to be valid for gathering field information. To verify the validity of the content and the reliability of the tool, the researcher applied it to a sample consists of (20) students from outside the research group. The overall coefficient of correlation between the statements of the tool is as follows: (.95,
... Show Moreتشهد مناهج الرياضيات تطورا ملحوظا على المستوين المحلي والعالمي, تلبية لمتطلبات العصر ومواجهة تحدياته, وماسيفرضه من تطورات وتجديدات لاحقة لذلك عقدت كثير من المؤتمرات واجريت العديد من الدراسات والبحوث في مجال تعلم وتعليم الرياضيات على المستوين الاقليمي والعالمي, فقد ركزت تلك المؤترات والدراسات على العديد من التوصيات التي اصبحت فيما بعد بمثابة اتجاهات حديثة لتعليم وتعلم الرياضيات, لمواكبة التطور الحاص
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