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Effectiveness of cooperative learning in at the implementation of floral material for celli graph and decoration
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The purpose of this resesrh know (the effectiveness of cooperative lerarning implementation of floral material for calligraphy and ornamentation) To achieve the aim of the research scholar put the two zeros hypotheses: in light of the findings of the present research the researcher concluded a number of conclusions, including: -
1 - Sum strategy helps the learner to be positive in all the information and regulations, monitoring and evaluation during the learning process.
2 - This strategy helps the learner to use information and knowledge and their use in various educational positions, and to achieve better education to increase its ability to develop thinking skills and positive trends towards the article.
In light of this, the researcher put a number of recommendations concerning the results of research, including: - the need to adopt a strategic Tags in teaching, which enables students to employ their skills in guiding thought processes, and take personal responsibility in learning, based on the principle of self-learning.
To complement the aspects of research suggest that the researcher the following:a similar study of the current study to know the impact of strategic Tags in variables other than a collection (such as motivation, direction and orientation towards the material, and expressive performance, and reasoning, etc.).

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الاداب جامعة بغداد
العلاقات العامة وادارة الازمات في المؤسسات الصحية دراسة مسحية لبرامج وزارة الصحة الخاصة بمرض الكوليرا لسنة 2008
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تواجه المؤسسات المختلفة تحديات كثيره تختلف نوعيتها باختلاف توجهات المؤسسه سياسيه او اقتصادية او اجتماعيه ... مما يشكل تهديدا لوجود المؤسسة وسمعتها وبخاصه عند تحول تلك التحديات الى ازمات يجب على المؤسسه التعامل معها والسيطره عليها واحتوائها وهنا ياتي دور ادارة العلاقات العامه في المؤسسه المعنيه للعمل والقيام باعداد برامج خاصه بالتعامل مع الازمات وهو مايعرف ببرامج اداره الازمات . وبطبيعة الحال تختلف عملية

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 08 2022
Journal Name
مجلة الجامعة العراقية
أولويات ترتيب امتلاك المها ا رت الاتصالية عند المحررين الصحفيين د ا رسة مسحية في جريدة الزمان
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تبحث هذه الدراسة في المهارات االتصالية عند المحررين الصحفيين وترتيب أولويات امتالكها لديهم إذ تلعب المهارات االتصالية دورا مهما في نجاح عملية التحرير الصحفي للرسالة بكل أنواعها سواء كانت خبرا أو مقاال أو تقريرا أو تحقيقا أو حديثا ، وتتنوع هذه المهارات بين األساسية المتعلقة باالتصال والمالحظة القوية وسرعة التعبير وبين المكملة لها المتعلقة باللغة والمعنى واإلرسال واالستقبال ، وتأتي هذه الد ارسة لتركز الضوء

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تقويم وقياس العائد على الاستثمار في تدريب الموارد البشرية: بحث ميداني لعينة مختارة من الشركات العراقية الخاصة
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The great challenge that will face the management in the developed and developing countries at the same time as core issue is represented in the question of the labor productivity in the field of in the Training Of human which is believed that it will prevail upon the jobs of their organization for many coming decades in in next years. Farther more, it will limit the construction of the communities and the quality of this life. Therefore, the priority of the economics of those countries will be headed toward increasing this productivity and giving it tried finally to control economically and managerially. In the light of information era, every organization should become knowledgeable enterprise. And for this reason, the achievement of su

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
قياس مستوى جودة الحياة لدى أعضاء هيئة التدريس في الجامعة (دراسـة ثقافيـة مقارنة) لعينـات ( ليبيـة وعراقية ومصرية )
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The current study aims at identifying of the differences of life quality level for the academic instructors at Omar Al-Mukhtar University / Libya according to the city variable that the instructor belong to ( Libya, Iraq, Egypt ), and also according to gender Variable (Male - Female),To achieve the aims of study ,the researcher chose a sample consists of (210) instructors ( 170 males and 40 females) from four colleges at Omar Al- Mukhtar University/ Darna . The researcher built the scale of life quality which consists of (42) items in last version . The researcher has conducted the validity and reliability of the scale. and by using Analysis of Variance via (SPSS program). The research reaches the following results : 1-The life quality o

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Soil Science
تقييم بعض الصفات الكيميائية للترب الصحراوية في تحديد دليل نوعيتها * وصحتها لمشروع مزرعة فدك/ محافظة النجف االشرف
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أختير مشروع مزرعة فدك في محافظة النجف االشرف المستثمر من العتبة العلوية المقدسة. يقع المشروع في الجهة الشمالية شرقا ة عرض ''54.38 '57 º31 الـــــــــــى ً الغربية لمحافظة النجف االشرف بين خطي طول ''18.78 '0 º 44 الى ''53.46 '7 º44 ودائر ''17.53 '2 º32 شماال بمساحة اجمالية للمشروع تقدر بـــ 35493 هكتار لتقييم بعض الصفات الكيميائية للترب الصحراوية في تحديد دليل نوعيتها وصحتها لمشروع مزرعة فدك/ محافظة النجف االشرف، اذ تم اخذ 40 عينة سطحية

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 22 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
منهج القزويني "ت682هـ ـ 1283م " في دراسة النبات بكتابهِ "عجائب المخلوقات وغرائب الموجودات " أ.د. الاء نافع جاسم
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    he is one of the most prominent Arab personalities who contributed in the Arab Muslim world, scholars and historians who appeared in the seventh century AH - the thirteenth century AD, contributed to enrich the Arab scientific heritage in his distinguished book “The Wonders of Creatures and the Strangeness of Existences” because it contained what God Almighty created and the oddities on dry land and water

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
 المسائل المتعلقة بالأسماء الثابتة لله (عزوجل) الواردة في (مرعاة المفاتيح شرح مشكاة المصابيح، لأبي الحسن المباركفوري (ت1414هـ).
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The research deals with the issues related to the fixed names of God U, which are from a set of issues mentioned in the Book of Observations of the Keys Explaining the Mishkat al-Masbah by Abu Al-Hasan Al-Mubarakfory (d. 141 AH). It included five demands: the first of them is in proving and identifying the most beautiful names and divisions of God, and the second in the name, name and name. And the third: It was in their number, while the fourth: in deriving the names, is it suspensive or not? And Fifth: The Compilation of Allah’s Most Beautiful Names.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
دراسة العلاقة بین وجبة الأفطار والمستوى الاقتصادي وعدد إفراد الأسرة وتأثیرھا في القابلیات الذھنیة لطلبة المرحلة الابتدائیة
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Five mixed primary schools from the district of Tikrit/ Salah al- din province
with a total of 100 male and female pupils and two ages(8-9 and 10-11 years),
were selected randomly to study the relationship between the breakfast meal and
the academic level, the socioeconomic situation, and the number of family
members. The study showed a positive linear correlation between the morning
meal, and academic level of students for both two covered ages, also showed a
clear impact between the development of family's socioeconomic situation and
their nutrition level. There were an increase in the percentage of pupils aged 8-9
years with a poor nutrition when they were belonged to a poor or medium
socioeconomic families,

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-dhad Book Store And Publishing
Calculus part 1
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This book includes three main chapters: 1. Functions & Their Derivatives. 2. Minimum, Maximum and Inflection points. 3. Partial Derivative. In addition to many examples and exercises for the purpose of acquiring the student's ability to think correctly in solving mathematical questions.

Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Teen-Computer Interaction: Building a Conceptual Model with Thoughts- Emotion-Behaviour
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Teen-Computer Interaction (TeenCI) stands in an infant phase and emerging in positive path. Compared to Human-Computer Interaction (generally dedicated to adult) and Child-Computer Interaction, TeenCI gets less interest in terms of research efforts and publications. This has revealed extensive prospects for researchers to explore and contribute in the region of computer design and evaluation for teen, in specific. As a subclass of HCI and a complementary for CCI, TeenCI that tolerates teen group, should be taken significant concern in the sense of its context, nature, development, characteristics and architecture. This paper tends to discover teen’s emotion contribution as the first attempt towards building a conceptual model for TeenC

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