This study has specified on tasks and their social role in Abbasid age at fourth and fifth Hijri centuries , and it is historical and social study that reveals the different phases of their daily and personal life with its influences on Islamic community in general
Concert place high school in the community Keep pace with societal change and what is going through Iraqi society from the wars and occupation and the sectarian and ethnic conflict and authoritarian policies and Dictator ship .
This is the circumstance of the most important historical stages that require .
Precision sons is Keep up with the progress and development and the advancement of the educational march .
The school is a social institution that organizes the members of society all walks of life and their habitats working on crafting members of the extraordinary alve of progress At the multiplicity of functions and tasks school pequires members qualified scientific and practical Becomes complementary members seek progress a
Minors are considered the category that cannot and does not have the right to protect themselves or obtain their rights, and hence it was necessary to protect and take care of them. The care of minors in its natural form is based on his care within his family and society in general in which he grows up and interacts with his members. Hence, we find the criminal legislator has punished for the actions that It affects the social position of the minor, and for the purpose of explaining the objective criminal protection of the minor from the social point of view, we divided this topic into two sections.
The effectiveness and quality of legislation depends on the extent to which they respond to the political, social, economic and moral reality. The quality of the legislation is not limited to professional drafting, accuracy, clarity, comprehensiveness, accessibility and understanding, but also depends on the reality of this legislation and its acceptance and application by those who are addressed to them. Therefore, any shortage or deficiency in these legislations would make these laws separate from the reality and enter into the circle of legislative alienation. In this study, we tried to focus on the social effects of the legislator's failure to organize all the necessary aspects of the effectiveness of rights or liberties subject of o
... Show Moreيتأسس المسرح من منظومة من الادوات والعناصر، ويتمظهر فيه نسق مهم الا وهو النص المسرحي، باعتبار النص جسراً للتفاعل مع كل التعديلات التي تعّدل من معنى الكلمة ومعنى المحاكاة ومعنى المرجعيات، ويتكون النص من ملفوظ أدبي مستند على شائجة من العلاقات الانسانية والثقافية تنسحب تحت مسمى الشخصية المسرحيةإن الدراما في ملخصها عرض لنماذج حياتية (بشرية)، أنماط سلوكية وأخلاقية، وأنواع من الرغبات، وطرق متعددة في التفكير تت
... Show Moreملخـــص البحــــث
وضح البحث أهمية العلم وتعلمه وحفظه مستدلا بالآيات القرآنية والأحاديث النبوية، وقد ورد في الحديث فضل من حفظ أربعين حديثا، وتفنن علماء الإسلام في ذكر الأربعين، فمنهم من جعلها في أصول الدين كالأربعين النووية، ومنهم من جعلها في مسألة معينة من مسائل الفقه كالصلاة أو الصيام أو الزكاة أو الحج أو الجهاد أو في فضل قيام الليل وغير ذلك، وهناك ر
... Show Moreا. This study is concerned with providing an objective, artistic study of the role of women in the pre-Islamic era, and extracting that status from the most important sources that express the language of that era, which is pre-Islamic poetry. The role of women in contemporary societies, the study sought to clarify those goals from a technical and objective point of view, which contributed to the main purpose of the study, which is the status of women in pre-Islamic poetry. The role of women in pre-Islamic society, and how to describe them in rhetorical sentences in poetry. The study was based on the descriptive analytical approach, which is represented by the use of content analysis,
... Show Moreتؤدي الصحافة المتخصصة دوراً مهماً في حياتنا اليومية وبكل فنونها من خبر وتحقيق وصور كاريكاتورية وتعليق وحوار وتستحق الصحافة الاختصاصية يقظة واهتماما بصدد اهتمامها بالنضال من اجل نظام أعلامي جديد .والتخصص نعني به في الدرجة الاولى تحديد مجالات العمل والتي يعمل فيها الشخص المعني الحائز على معرفة اختصاصية كبرى نتيجة ممارستهُ لها وانشغالهُ بها باستمرار، كما يعني التمكن من تطور كفايات اختصاصية مطلوبة باستمر
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ا.م. نرجس حسين زاير
الجامعة المستنصرية
كلية العلوم السياسية
Wisdom in the verse of the al-hateaa
Ass. Prof. Nargis Hussein Zayer