استخدام العينات في بحوث وسائل الاتصال الجماهيري
استخدام خامات محلية في صناعة البوادق الحرارية
ى A ي تعن A ات الت A والدراس (Genre Analysis) يA وع الادب A ل الن A ي تحلی A ات ف A دث الاتجاھ A ع اح A جاماً م A انس
ن AA ابني ونكرس AA ھ-جی AA ون ١٩٩٨ ، بارجلی AA انس و ج AA ودلي-ایف AA ال (دی AA رة الاعم AA الات دائ AA ال الاتص AA ي مج AA اب ف AA بالخط
ر A یل اكث A وبتفاص .(Annual Reports) ١٩٩٩ ) یركز ھذا البحث على نوع مالي معین وھو التقاریر السنویھ
ھ AA ھ بحت AA ا مالی AA ف بكونھ A ي تتص AA نویھ الت AA اریر الس AA ة التق A ان طبیع AA ار بش AA ع الانتش AA اد ا
مكانية استخدام السوق المالية في التنبؤ بالدورات الاقتصادية
استخدام الضمائر انت وانتم في الآدب الروسي الكلاسيكي
في تعزيز بيئة الانتاج الرشيق استخدام اسلوب S -5
اسباب تفرد استخدام خط النسخ في تصميم الحروف الطباعية
This research attempts to trace the most significant development caused by the information revolution, namely "the Communication Technology" which reduced the distances between different urban communities, or within a single one, eliminated the geographical boundaries and the transformed the world into a global village. This led to the emergence of new forms and bodies to those urban communities; perhaps the most important is the fragmentation of the major cities and the emergence of (Satellite Cities) with global links, rather than hinterlands to the local capital cities as in the past. But in spite of the technological tide of communications and its inevitable impacts, it stays, with all its possibilities, a reaction that occurs only i
... Show Moreاستخدام سلاسل ماركوف في التعرف على تعقبات الحامض النووي DNA
The object of this study is to establish a global model to use of DeNovo programming the strategies of multi-Decision making process in the city of Baghdad.
Thus, we have chosen an important and an effective subject in the life of the citizen due to the importance of this subject in the Iraqi citizen of luck of water and for many reasons.
In this thesis, we have tackled the establishment of a global model to be able to reach solution or an alternative model a money the available alternative.
The alternative proposed here utilizes the application of the (DeNovo) programming approach suggested by (1982) in solving t
... Show MoreLanguage is the realistic and sensitive basis for any communication between two or more parties. It is an important workshop that prepares meanings and coding them according to a linguistic structure governed by agreed rules that speak to and coexist with everyone.
Whereas the forms of communication are: personal, mediator and mass, none of them can move away from language in their dealings and communication patterns. Since each has its own characteristics and skills, it must be launched in its fields through verbal and non-verbal symbols and wears the elements of influential language as intended.
It makes the recipient face two things: whether he fails to understand those symbols hence its purpose fail, or he meditates s
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