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the effect of organizing the university environment on increasing its efficiency and directing economic resiurces
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Technical education in Iraq Composed of, a complex system of technical competence and scientific, technical and administrative, which extends to cover large areas of the country and constitute a vicious circle between economic development, social and cultural rights through middle-management on the one hand, and between academic knowledge and political decision-making, which aims to bring such development On the other hand, in the light of that education is the actual technical extension applied to create the idea of complementarily between them. In Iraq, have been distributed institutes and technical colleges to achieve those goals, in addition to realizing the idea of integration between them and community, and integration of technical colleges developed and technical institutes old (host) through the creation of an environment university is seeking to Investment human and material resources are of workshops and laboratories, clubs, libraries and facilities sports, parks and public spaces, which is serving the students their leisure time, especially as hours of education and training in technical education is supposed to extend to long hours are different from other academic institutions. The current study Focus to examine the university environment with a focus on the idea of complementarily between colleges developed and technical institutes and the investment of available resources, which constitute one of the pillars of the idea of the development of these colleges and their impact in reducing the waste of economic resources, and will be the geographical area elected are complex institutions and technical colleges in Zafaraniya, which includes (Institute of Technology and its relationship with Baghdad College of Technology - Baghdad). This research shows the fragmentation of the university environment and inconsistency at multiple levels of fragmentation events and student activities and devote the idea of separation, isolation and lack of interaction between students within the environment one, plus a lack of investment in human resources varied in that environment and resorting to self-sufficiency, thereby contributing to the lack of direct economic resources properly.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
2019 First International Conference Of Computer And Applied Sciences (cas)
A Comparison for Some of the estimation methods of the Parallel Stress-Strength model In the case of Inverse Rayleigh Distribution
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
A Vision to Develop the Effectiveness of the Dissemination of Innovations to Rationalize the Use of Irrigation Water in Iraqi Agriculture
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Abstract<p>Iraqi agriculture faces a major water problem, affecting cultivated areas, agricultural production, farmers’ incomes and food security. However, the results achieved in rationalizing the use of irrigation water are still limited and do not match what they should be in order to meet this serious challenge. The study aimed to provide a vision for the development of the effectiveness of the dissemination of innovations to rationalize the use of irrigation water in Iraqi agriculture. In light of the framework of the dissemination of agricultural innovations, factors related to their effectiveness, and the summary of the Iraqi experience in the field of dissemination of modern irrigation</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of the financial Statements in Achieving of the Banking Supervision: An Applied Study in A sample of Iraqi Banks
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Banks are considered the main basis of financial sector ,so they must be submitted to sound and strict regulatory system and so as to ensure their operations and according to instructions and regulations , in order to maintain the integrity of the banking sector and financial sector in general .One of the importance regulatory tools that are adopted by the Iraqi Central Bank to control over the banks an financial and periodic statements that are provided by the banks in accordance with planned schedules .The financial statements of the banks must reflect clearly and accurately financial situation and the result of their activities during the period in which they represent to achiveing its purposes.So it has the goal of Search is statemen

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Role of the Use of Low Molecular Weight Heparin in the Prevention of Deep Venous Thrombosis after Total Knee Arthroplasty
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Background A prospective clinical study was
performed to compare the efficacy of the use of lowmolecular-
weight heparin group (enoxparin group)
with control group in the prevention of deep-vein
thrombosis after total knee arthroplasty.
Aim of the study: to assess the prevalence of DVT
after total knee arthroplasty and evaluate the
importance of the use of low molecular weight
heparin in the prevention of this DVT.
Methods Thirty-three patients undergoing total
knee arthroplasty were randomly divided into two
groups. One group consisted of 12 patients who
received no prophylaxis with an anticoagulant (the
control group), other group consisted of 21 patients
who received the low-molecular-weight h

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Telematics And Informatics
Corrigendum to “Modelling the utilization of cloud health information systems in the Iraqi public healthcare sector” [Telematics and Informatics, 36 (2019) 132–146]
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
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The controversy of aesthetic interpretation between the sculptures and their titles Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture "Experiments in Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture Exhibition as a Model"
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The research tagged with the controversy of aesthetic interpretation between the sculptures and their titles in contemporary Iraqi sculpture, “Exhibition of Experiments in Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture as a Model”, and it is one of the new research that contributes to strengthening the critical path in the Iraqi fine movement, as the first chapter dealt with the research problem stemming from the question: What is the impact of the aesthetic hermeneutic controversy between the title and the title in contemporary Iraqi sculpture?, and do the titles of the sculptural works help to understand or enhance their contents?, The research objective included: To identify the controversy of the aesthetic interpretation of sculptures and their ti

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 12 2022
Journal Name
Surgical Neurology International
“The most inspiring and mind-blowing meetings ever:” Highlights of the 15<sup>th</sup> SNI Baghdad Neurosurgery Online Meeting, from Participants’ Perspectives
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Education by lectures has been standard for 100 years or more. Given the 21st century technology, people can connect with others around the world instantly, electronically. With the pandemic, teaching changed to one-way information transfer with the loss of interpersonal learning experience. SNI® and now SNI Digital have been experimenting with different forms of communication to transfer information.


Using an interactive education model, a meeting for neurosurgeons in Baghdad was held for students, residents, and neurosurgeons

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Construction of Minimal (b,t)-Blocking Sets Containing Conics in PG(2,5) with the Complete Arcs and Projective Codes Related with Them
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A (b,t)-blocking set B in PG(2,q) is set of b points such that every line of PG(2,q) intersects B in at least t points and there is a line intersecting B in exactly t points. In this paper we construct a minimal (b,t)-blocking sets, t = 1,2,3,4,5 in PG(2,5) by using conics to obtain complete arcs and projective codes related with them.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 22 2022
Journal Name
Veterinary Medicine International
Mentha piperita Oil Exerts an Antiepileptic Effect in Pilocarpine and Pentylenetetrazol-Induced Seizures in Mice
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Introduction. Epilepsy is a progressive, chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures. Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) (MP) is one of the most commonly ingested herbal teas or tisanes with a single component. Aim. We aimed to assess the potential antiepileptic and neuroprotective features of MP essential oil (MPO) in pilocarpine (P) and pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) models of epilepsy. Methods. The study used eight groups of mice to assess the anticonvulsant activity of MPO in both the P and PTZ acute models in mice. P (350 mg/kg, i.p.) was given 30 minutes after MPO (1.6, 3.2, and 6.4 ml/kg, i.p.). As a positive control group, diazepam (1 mg/kg, i.p) was used. PTZ (95 mg/kg, i.p.) was given 30 minutes after M

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Bajila role in the Arabic- Islamic history in the early period of Islam: Bajila role in the Arabic- Islamic history in the early period of Islam
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Bajila regarded as descending from Anmar Ibn Nizar. Al-Masudi accepts
Bajila and Khath”am as being of Nizar, and asserts that it was only out of the
enmity that they were said to be from the Yemen.
Al-Ya”qubi tries to harmonize this by assuming that Anmar married a
women of the Yemen and that his sons Bajila and Khath”am are thus
connected to the people of this region only through their mothers line.
Bajila embraced Islam in the period of the prophet. Omar 1 forced this
tribe to go to Iraq instead of Al-_Sham, and gave them the quarter of Al- Saw
ad. Then they prohibited from that quarter by given money as reward that
made them against omar1.
This tribe assisted the forth rightly guided ca

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