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the effect of organizing the university environment on increasing its efficiency and directing economic resiurces
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Technical education in Iraq Composed of, a complex system of technical competence and scientific, technical and administrative, which extends to cover large areas of the country and constitute a vicious circle between economic development, social and cultural rights through middle-management on the one hand, and between academic knowledge and political decision-making, which aims to bring such development On the other hand, in the light of that education is the actual technical extension applied to create the idea of complementarily between them. In Iraq, have been distributed institutes and technical colleges to achieve those goals, in addition to realizing the idea of integration between them and community, and integration of technical colleges developed and technical institutes old (host) through the creation of an environment university is seeking to Investment human and material resources are of workshops and laboratories, clubs, libraries and facilities sports, parks and public spaces, which is serving the students their leisure time, especially as hours of education and training in technical education is supposed to extend to long hours are different from other academic institutions. The current study Focus to examine the university environment with a focus on the idea of complementarily between colleges developed and technical institutes and the investment of available resources, which constitute one of the pillars of the idea of the development of these colleges and their impact in reducing the waste of economic resources, and will be the geographical area elected are complex institutions and technical colleges in Zafaraniya, which includes (Institute of Technology and its relationship with Baghdad College of Technology - Baghdad). This research shows the fragmentation of the university environment and inconsistency at multiple levels of fragmentation events and student activities and devote the idea of separation, isolation and lack of interaction between students within the environment one, plus a lack of investment in human resources varied in that environment and resorting to self-sufficiency, thereby contributing to the lack of direct economic resources properly.

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Publication Date
Tue May 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Modeling and Simulation of Copper Removal from the Contaminated Soil by a Combination of Adsorption and Electro-kinetic Remediation
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Electro-kinetic remediation technology is one of the developing technologies that offer great promise for the cleanup of soils contaminated with heavy metals. A numerical model was formulated to simulate copper (Cu) transport under an electric field using one-dimensional diffusion-advection equations describing the contaminant transport driven by chemical and electrical gradients in soil during the electro-kinetic remediation as a function of time and space. This model included complex physicochemical factors affecting the transport phenomena, such as soil pH value, aqueous phase reaction, adsorption, and precipitation. One-dimensional finitedifference computer program successfully predicted meaningful values for soil pH profiles and Cu

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
AComparative Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Anthraquinone Derivatives in the Roots of Rheum ribes and Rheum emodi by HPLC
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High performance liquid chromatography was applied for the separation and identification of four antharquinone derivatives, aloe emodin, emodin, chrysophanol and physcion. The separation was carried out using Eurospher 100, C18 column (4.6 mm i.d. x 250 mm, 5 µm) under the following conditions: acetonitile (solvent A) and water: acetic acid (99.9: 0.1 v/v, pH 3.5)( solvent B) as a mobile phase with isocratic elution with 30% solvent B at flow rate 0.8 ml/min. The detection wavelength was set at 254 nm. The four antharquinone derivatives were isolated from the Iraqi rhubarb, Rheum ribes root by preparative TLC, their structures were identified by 1H NMR and used as standards for HPLC analysis. The percentages of alo

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 03 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
A Study of Some Biochemical Variables and Functional Indicators and Their Relationship to the Achievement of 200m Young Runners
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ES Hussein

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Measurement of indoor radon levels and assessment of radiological hazards at Al-Tuwaitha nuclear site and the surrounding area
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In the present study the radon concentration was measured in indoor places by the RAD7 (radon detector) was in some locations at Al-Tuwaitha nuclear site and some surrounding areas for the duration from 13/10/2016 to 2/1/2017 and the measurement of the indoor radon concentration ranged from (4.96±4.4 to 102±25) Bq/m3. The high value of radon has been found at decommissioning directorate /emergency room, which is lower than the action value recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which is (148 Bq/m3) while the lowest value has been founded in central laboratories directorate \ models room. These values were used to calculate the annual effective dose and the health risks for cells bronchial which caused by the inhalatio

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 08 2020
Journal Name
Environment, Development And Sustainability
Groundwater availability and water demand sustainability over the upper mega aquifers of Arabian Peninsula and west region of Iraq
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Crossref (69)
Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A comparative Isothermal and Kinetic Study of the Adsorption of Lead (II) from Solution by Activated Carbon and Bentonite
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This work is aiming to study and compare the removal of lead (II) from simulated wastewater by activated carbon and bentonite as adsorbents with particle size of 0.32-0.5 mm. A mathematical model was applied to describe the mass transfer kinetic.

The batch experiments were carried out to determine the adsorption isotherm constants for each adsorbent, and five isotherm models were tested to choose the best fit model for the experimental data. The pore, surface diffusion coefficients and mass transfer coefficient were found by fitting the experimental data to a theoretical model. Partial differential equations were used to describe the adsorption in the bulk and solid phases. These equations were simplified and the

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Using Index of Compaction in interpreting the distribution and shapes of soil map units of Lower Diyala project.: Using Index of Compaction in interpreting the distribution and shapes of soil map units of Lower Diyala project.
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This study was conducted by using soil map of LD7 project to interpret the
distribution and shapes of map units by using the index of compaction as an
index of map unit shape explanation. Where there were wide and varied
ranges of compaction index of map units, where the maximum value was
0.892 for MF9 map unit and the lower value was 0.010 for same map unit.
MF9 has wide range appearance of index of compaction after those indices
were statistically analyzed by using cluster analysis to group the similar
ranges together to ease using their values, so the unit MF9 was considered as
key map unit that appears in the soils of LD7 project which may be used to
expect another map units existence in area of

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Attitudees toward aggresive behaviore for sample of college of education and college of science for womens student: The Attitudees toward aggresive behaviore for sample of college of education and college of science for womens student
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The purposes of this study were to identifying the (attitudes of college of
education and college of science for womens in Baghdad university students
toward aggresive behaviore) and to determine the differences of student's
attitudes due to Specialization.
The study sample consists of (460) Female students.Aquestionave of
(59) items was desiged and distributed selected sample after established it's
validity and reliablity.The results indicated that the attitude of Baghdad
University For College of education and college of science students toward
aggresive behaviore were Negative.
The findings revealed that there were statistically significant differences
in the student's attitudes due to special

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Experienced economic environmentRadical changes at the end of the last century and the beginning of the present century, resulting in new concepts and expectations in all aspects of economic, political, social and even behavioral.Each of these concepts is the result of rapid developments in the intangible space. Competition is no longer limited to the mere possession of tangible material resources, but because of its link to knowledge and technology content and to the comprehensive quality standards and efficient and effective policies of States. With the increasing pace of growth and interdependence among the global economies, this resulted in the birth of a new economic system led by technological development and financial liberalizati

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Influence of substrate temperature on structural and optical properties of SnO2 films
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Tin Oxide (SnO2) films have been deposited by spray pyrolysis technique at different substrate temperatures. The effects of substrate temperature on the structural, optical and electrical properties of SnO2 films have been investigated. The XRD result shows a polycrystalline structure for SnO2 films at substrate temperature of 673K. The thickness of the deposited film was of the order of 200 nm measured by Toulansky method. The energy gap increases from 2.58eV to 3.59 eV when substrate temperature increases from 473K to 673K .Electrical conductivity is 4.8*10-7(.cm)-1 for sample deposited at 473K while it increases to 8.7*10-3 when the film is deposited at 673K

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