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The impact of supporting the pricing policy to improve the production of wheat in Iraq since 2008 through 2014



Despite the fact of the importance and effectiveness of supporting the pricing policy for agriculture sector in Iraq, but this policy has stopped in supporting those agriculture production needs, and it was confined to support the final product only, and supporting the strategic corps exclusively after the U.S. Invasion in 2003, but after 2008 the state has returned to support some of this policy activities through providing financial loans through the agricultural initiative campaign, with trillions of iraqi dinars without any use, also providing support to some of the agricultural production needs such as fertilizers , tractors and agricultural combines, in addition supporting the pricing policy for the final product of wheat. 

Despite the increase of prices to buy wheat, but the impact of  wheat production pricing was  fragile, this is not because of the pricing but due to the huge increase in the production cost caused by the limited and weak support of government for the production requirements, and It was limited to fertilizers, tractors and agriculture combines. Also the support was stopped for the improved seeds and pesticides. Another factor is the huge increase in petroleum products pricing, in which can be used in most of the agriculture operations through Diesel generators for irrigation, tractors and combine harvesters. Pulse the increase in transportation fees, manpower and lack of government support comparing it to the huge increase that happened in the pricing for those agriculture products.  Furthermore the remarkable lack in financial and technological aspects for the Iraqi farmer. Facing the monopolization of international companies for the agriculture products in which led to not export those products. 

So this research is to highlight the impact of pricing policy on the production of wheat in Iraq, and this research conclude that this weakness is because of the high increase in the prices of the production requirements, furthermore this research conclude to focus more on supporting the pricing for production products more than supporting the prices of the final product

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Dumping Policy & Its Impact In The Development of Agricultural Production In Iraq (2003- 2009)

Dumping policy considered as one of the policies occurs severe damages to the developing countries apparently this is happens due to the potential weakness in (productive, technical, legislative, legal institutions) comparing with other developed countries who are members in WTO.

Iraq consider as one of the developing countries that has been effected by the dumping policy, the events in Iraq since downfall of the formal regime, and the allied forces domination of Iraq have all together accelerated in the apace of deterioration , particularly , after the temporary coalition authority  has forced Iraq to adopt a free foreign trade policy& exclusion of the state from the market mechanism & to consolidate import and deac

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Production of Protease Enzyme from Wheat Straw

      Protease enzyme production was studied and optimized as  a first step to collect information about solid state fermenter) to produce protease enzyme. A local isolated Aspergillus niger was used for this study with constant spores feeding in every experiment at (105/g). Experiments carried out in conical flasks with (250 ml) containing (10 g) of wheat straw as a substrate with different conditions included temperature, pH, hydration ratio, and fermentation time, the results comprised by measuring protease activity (u). The results showed that the best activity can be obtained at (T = 32°C, t= 100 hrs, pH= 2.5 and hydration ratio is 1:3). On the other hand the results is courage to p

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Supporting the Microfinance Industry In Iraq

The Economist opinion (views) gathered on the great Importance’s of small enterprise on the production sectors at Developed or in developing countries, statistics indicate that these enterprise represent almost 90% of the total enterprises in most economies in the world.

Many of these enterprises have originated in Iraq since the beginning of last century and the question of financing these enterprises remained an issue facing the most of workers in this sector, because of the peculiarty of which are characterized by which as a lack of financial abilities and the difficulty of obtain the sources of financing in Iraq and considered the enterprise as the guarantor of fulfilling Financial obligations. Afte

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of the Financing Policy for Sustainable Social Development in Iraq for the Period (2014-2016)

The development of a future mechanism for sustainable development in Iraq to meet the current and future challenges requires an analysis of the indicators of sustainable development. This research aims at presenting and analyzing the social care aspect and highlighting the important role of taxes with a focus on social sustainable development to determine the extent and direction of changes. Level of progress, the researcher concludes the weakness of the financial allocations to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and in line with the large number of people who apply the conditions and controls, and recommends the researcher the necessity of participation of all segments of society between the public and private sector In terms of o

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Trends of Fiscal Policy in bearing the financial burden of the government and the Extent Leadership in Iraq during the period 2004- 2014


There has been a heated controversy over the role the financial policy plays and how sufficient   it   is   in affording   the   financial   burden. This   burden   is   known as the operational   current expenses   which   the   governments   of   various countries mainly afford,   despite the   discrepancy   in   the   government’s   economic   policy.   After   the deterioration and deficit in the state budget in all countries nowadays, it was necessary to find an appropri

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of irrigation type and method on the cost of producing dunum of wheat crop


Abstract :  This research is concerned with studying the best type and method of  irrigation as well as the best cultivated area to reduce the cost of producing  dunums of wheat crop in Iraq , and was based on data taken from the Ministry of Planning / Central Statistical Organization About cost of wheat crop production for (12) Iraqi governorates except Kurdistan, Nineveh, Salah al-Din, Anbar) and the sample size (554) according to the cost survey carried out by the Ministry of Planning / Central Statistical Organization for 2017, The results of the research showed that there are significant statistical differences between production costs when using t

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of governmental consumer spending on the development of the current account balance in Iraq for the period (1990-2014) using ARDL model

To avoid the negative effects due to inflexibility of the domestic production inresponse to the increase in government consumption expenditure leads to more  imports to meet the increase in domestic demand resulting from the increase in government consumption expenditure. Since the Iraqi economy economy yield unilateral depends on oil revenues to finance spending, and the fact government consumer spending is a progressive high flexibility the increase in overall revenues, while being a regressive flexibility is very low in the event of reduced public revenues, and therefore lead to a deficit in the current account position. And that caused the deficit for imbalance are the disruption of the

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 12 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The stage of change and institution-building and its impact on the structure of housing policy in Iraq
The research examines the reality of the housing sector in Iraq and the stage of change and institution-building, which is increasingly challenging to respond to development needs. The legal legislation in Iraq over the last five years indicates a significant shift towards decentralization, with powers and services being delegated from federal ministries to regional levels Localization and growth in cities and urban centers is an added factor that requires responses from local governments to strengthen the capacity of their institutions to engage in national policy debate at the re
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The political role of social movements In Iraq for the period 2003-2014

The phenomenon of the social movements of researchers, based on the scope of their influence on political events, and the nature of the wide role played, and its ability to influence, through its activities and various activities and various. It has practiced its activities through new and non-traditional peaceful means, with clear slogans and specific objectives. And was able to mobilize activists from different strata of the Iraqi people, and its categories and social strata. As the demands focused on freedoms, rights, dignity and social justice

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of some short-term debt instruments on the money supply and its effect on the production of wheat crop in Iraq during the period (1990_2018).

The research aims to show the effect of some short-term debt instruments (central treasury transfers, cash credit granted to the government by commercial banks) on the production of the wheat crop in Iraq, through its effect on money supply during the period (1990-2018), As the study includes two models according to the statistical program (Eviews9), the first model included measuring the effect of short-term debt instruments on money supply, and the second measuring the extent of the money supply's impact on Wheat crop production, as the results of the standard analysis showed that the short-term debt instruments used in the model were Significant effect on wheat crop production indirectly through its effect on money supply, As

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