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Accuracy Assessment of Stonex X-300 Laser Scanner Cameras
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Assessment the actual accuracy of laboratory devices prior to first use is very important to know the capabilities of such devices and employ them in multiple domains. As the manual of the device provides information and values in laboratory conditions for the accuracy of these devices, thus the actual evaluation process is necessary.

In this paper, the accuracy of laser scanner (stonex X-300) cameras were evaluated, so that those cameras attached to the device and lead supporting role in it. This is particularly because the device manual did not contain sufficient information about those cameras.

To know the accuracy when using these cameras in close range photogrammetry, laser scanning (stonex X-300) device is used to obtain photos of a board including (23) ground control points on it, those observed from two stations and adjusted by using equations of the 3D adjusted triangulation networks by lengths and angles (hybrid routine). (10) GCPs and (13) checkpoints were used to compare the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of checkpoints that result from using laser scan cameras with (RMSE) of the same checkpoints that result from using digital photos (Nikon 5200D).

The result of (RMSE) comparison was ) in the X direction, ) in the Y direction and ) in the Z direction.


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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2024
Journal Name
Geomatics And Environmental Engineering
Error Analysis of Stonex X300 Laser Scanner Close-range Measurements
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This research reports an error analysis of close-range measurements from a Stonex X300 laser scanner in order to address range uncertainty behavior based on indoor experiments under fixed environmental conditions. The analysis includes procedures for estimating the precision and accuracy of the observational errors estimated from the Stonex X300 observations and conducted at intervals of 5 m within a range of 5 to 30 m. The laser 3D point cloud data of the individual scans is analyzed following a roughness analysis prior to the implementation of a Levenberg–Marquardt iterative closest points (LM-ICP) registration. This leads to identifying the level of roughness that was encountered due to the range-finder’s limitations in close

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Aug 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Accuracy Assessment of Various Resolutions Digital Cameras For Close Range Photogrammetry Applications
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Due to the great evolution in digital commercial cameras, several studies have addressed the using of such cameras in different civil and close-range applications such as 3D models generation. However, previous studies have not discussed a precise relationship between a camera resolution and the accuracy of the models generated based on images of this camera. Therefore the current study aims to evaluate the accuracy of the derived 3D buildings models captured by different resolution cameras. The digital photogrammetric methods were devoted to derive 3D models using the data of various resolution cameras and analyze their accuracies. This investigation involves selecting three different resolution cameras (low, medium and

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 31 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A Study of the Spectroscopic Performance of Laser Produced CdTe(x):S(1-x) Plasma
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In this work, the plasma parameters (electron temperature (Te), electron density( ne), plasma frequency (fp) and Debye length (λD)) have been studied by using the spectrometer that collect the spectrum of Laser produce CdTe(X):S(1-X) plasma at X=0.5 with different energies. The results of electron temperature for CdTe range 0.758-0.768 eV also the electron density 3.648 1018 – 4.560 1018 cm-3  have been measured under vacuum reaching 2.5 10-2 mbar .Optical properties of CdTe:S were determined through the optical transmission method using ultraviolet visible spectrophotometer within the r

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Publication Date
Wed May 15 2019
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal Of Pure Science
Improvement of Alert System against Tampering and Theft in Surveillance Cameras
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Use of Surveillance cameras in houses and markets became common, that resulted to minimize theft and make it a difficult task because it let recording and viewing what is going around. The wide application of these cameras, pushed thieves to seek new ways for abolition of the surveillance system and digital recording of events, such as cutting the signal wire between the camera and Digital video recorder or changing the direction of the camera away from the focus spot or damaging the camera or steal the device which means the loss of the recorded media. This paper focuses on such abolitions and fixed it by suggesting a way to notify the administrator immediately and automatically by Email about any violation of the system using MATLAB, whic

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Assessment of X-Ray Effects on HF Radio Communications
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Abstract<p>This study aims to determine the effect of x-ray radiation resulting from solar flares in high-frequency radio wave communications through the ionosphere and to study the radio blackout events that occur over Iraq, located within (38,28) latitude, and (38,49) longitude. Using X-ray data during strong X flares and radio wave absorption data across the D ionosphere for 10 years from 2012 to 2021. The study concluded that there were 43 events of x-flare, most of which were during years of high solar activity. All of these flares produced X-rays that caused a radio blackout, R3 and only 13 events affected Iraq.</p>
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Assessment of Some Enhancement Methods of Renal X-ray Image
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The study focuses on assessment of the quality of some image enhancement methods which were implemented on renal X-ray images. The enhancement methods included Imadjust, Histogram Equalization (HE) and Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE). The images qualities were calculated to compare input images with output images from these three enhancement techniques. An eight renal x-ray images are collected to perform these methods. Generally, the x-ray images are lack of contrast and low in radiation dosage. This lack of image quality can be amended by enhancement process. Three quality image factors were done to assess the resulted images involved (Naturalness Image Quality Evaluator (NIQE), Perception based Image Qual

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Feb 16 2021
Journal Name
Applied Physics A
Widening of the optical band gap of CdO2(1-X)Al(X) thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition
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In this study, doped thin cadmium peroxide films were prepared by pulsed laser deposition with different doping concentrations of aluminium of 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 wt.% for CdO2(1-X)Al(X) and thicknesses in the range of 200 nm. XRD patterns suggest the presence of cubic CdO2 and the texture factor confirms that the (111) plane was the preferential growth plane, where the texture factor and the grain size decreased from 2.02 to 9.75 nm, respectively, in the pure sample to 1.88 and 5.65 nm, respectively, at a concentration of 0.5 wt%. For the predominant growth plane, the deviation of the diffraction angle Δθ and interplanar distance Δd from the standard magnitudes was 2.774° and 0.318 Å, respectively, for the pure sample decreased to

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Synthesis and Characterization of (CdO)_1-x Mg_x films by pulsed laser deposition
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In this study, the effect of grafting with magnesium (Mg) ratios (0.1, 0.3, 0.5) on the structural and optical properties of cadmium oxide films (CdO) was studied, as these films were prepared on glass bases using the method of pulse laser deposition (PLD). The crystallization nature of the prepared membranes was examined by X-ray diffraction technique (XRD), which showed that the synthesis of the prepared membranes is polycrystalline, and (AFM) images also showed that the increased deformation with magnesium led to an increase in the grain size ratio and a decrease in surface roughness, as well as the absorption coefficient was calculated. And the optical energy gap for the prepared membranes, where it was found that the absorption coef

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 27 2024
Journal Name
Tem Journal
Supervised Classification Accuracy Assessment Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
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Assessing the accuracy of classification algorithms is paramount as it provides insights into reliability and effectiveness in solving real-world problems. Accuracy examination is essential in any remote sensing-based classification practice, given that classification maps consistently include misclassified pixels and classification misconceptions. In this study, two imaginary satellites for Duhok province, Iraq, were captured at regular intervals, and the photos were analyzed using spatial analysis tools to provide supervised classifications. Some processes were conducted to enhance the categorization, like smoothing. The classification results indicate that Duhok province is divided into four classes: vegetation cover, buildings,

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Scopus (6)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jan 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Assessment of Long Distance Chasing Photometer (NAG-ADF-300-2) by Estimating the Drug Atenolol with Povidone Iodine Via CFIA
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     Atenolol was used with povidone iodine to prove the efficiency, reliability and repeatability of the long distance chasing photometer (NAG-ADF-300-2) using continuous flow injection analysis. The method is based on reaction between atenolol and povidone iodine in an aqueous medium. Optimum parameters was studied to increase the sensitivity development of method. Calibration graph was linear in the range of 2-19 mmol/L for cell A and 5-19 mmol/L for cell B. Limit of detection 146.4848 ng/55 µL and 2.6600 µg/200 µL respectively to cell A and cell  B. Correlation coefficient (r) 0.9957 for cell A and 0.9974 for cell. Relative standard deviation (RSD %) was lower than 1%, (n=8) for the determination of

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