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Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Inserted Twisted Tape inside Submerged Bundle Tubes on its Thermal Performance

Twisted tape insertion in the smooth plain tube is one of the types of passive methods that are used to enhance heat transfer. Swirl fluid flow inside the tube and related heat transfer characteristics are very complex. ANSYS FLUENT (V 16.1) and ASPEN industrial program are used in analyzing this technique for enhancement heat transfer. A circular plain tube has length L=8534mm and 17 mm inner diameter with a twisted tape of twist ratio of y = (H/D) = (150/17) =8.8 along the plain tube were considered for this study. Eight Reynolds numbers (Re) of 784, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000 and 7000 are used to analyze the response of thermal performance. Crude oil API 28 exit temperature, film heat transfer coefficient, Nusselt number and overall enhancement ratio results are presented for both empty and inserted plain tube with a comparison between the two cases. An increase of 0.76 to 2.36 overall enhancement is predicted with twist ratio 8.8 for Reynolds number 784 to 7000 respectively.


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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The fundamentalists' position on the absolute prohibition and its impact          In different jurisprudence

Praise be to God, who started his book with the praise of himself and prayers and peace be upon those who have no prophet after him and his family and companions and those who followed them with charity until the Day of Judgment.
     For it is known to every researcher in jurisprudence and its origins that the semantics in terms of formulas for assignment are divided into an order and a prohibition, and I have seen it necessary to write a small research on the prohibition, and since this topic is complex, and has a great impact on the difference of scholars, I decided to write on one issue of it And it is the absolute prohibition and its effect on the difference of jurists, and what is meant by the absolute p

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Banking Market & Its Effect To Fulfill Competitive Advantage For Banks

As harmony with modernized environmental developments which were appeared within economical , banking areas with what accompanied of chances or challenges , the matter is required to face those modernizations , adaptation with them , as considering them strength points not weak points , and these developments banking marketing as it should be on the Iraqi public banks and private and hybrid to take advantage of this process to increase excellence and the expansion of the banking business opportunities, , enlarge in the banking businesses especially the banking transaction are distinguished by serious competition & strong between banks , and the final result is to serve Iraqi banking system & customers that the national economy ta

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Applied Thermal Engineering
Experimental evaluation of thermal efficiency, electrical efficiency, and power production of low-concentrating photovoltaic-thermal system with micro-jet channel

The efficient behavior of a low-concentrating photovoltaic-thermal system with a micro-jet channel (LCPV/T-JET) and booster mirror reflector is experimentally evaluated here. Micro-jets promote the thermal management of PV solar cells by implementing jet water as active cooling, which is still in the early stages of development. The booster mirror reflector concentrates solar irradiance into solar cells and improves the thermal, electrical, and combined efficiencies of the LCPV/T-JET system. The LCPV/T-JET system was tested under ambient weather conditions in the city of Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia, and all data was recorded between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Parametric studies were conducted to compare the performance of the LCPV/T-JET system

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Future of the Russian- Ukrainian War and the Extent of its Reflection on the Security of Eastern European Countries after 2022

Wars represent one of the most serious threats to the world order; It is considered a violation of international laws and norms, and humanitarian principles. From this point comes the study of the importance of the topic entitled (The Future of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the extent of its Reflection on the security of Eastern European countries after the year 2022). This study is based on reviewing future possibilities (scenarios) of war. The Russian-Ukrainian war, which was launched by the Russian government led by Russian President Vladimir Putin in February 2022, is still ongoing at the time of writing this research. This chapter includes three possibilities (scenarios). The first possibility deals with the development of the war t

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 20 1930
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Public leave for modernists Its benefits and the judgment of its operation

2 The benefit of the leave of our time is the leakage and inclusion in the series of narrators of modern.
3 The leave is therefore permissible to narrate the hadeeth or other sciences from a sheik or sheiks, and not
the talk.
4 It is not necessary that the grantee of the leave has studied the student who is the holder of the leave.
5 - in which a great meaning is the sense of the recipient seeking blessing through the link
With attribution to our master Muhammad peace be upon him.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The relationship between the rule of mental improvement and ugliness and the objectives of Sharia And its impact on rulings

The research addresses a fundamental Islamic jurisprudential Purposeful issue, which is (Sharia), and to indicate the impact of this on Islamic jurisprudence, deriving rulings and extracting purposes, and to repel the illusion that this issue is only doctrinal, and clarifying the aspects of similarities and links between them by explaining the origin of deriving the purposes of Islamic Law (Sharia) through the meanings and wisdom learned from the texts and the explanation of the rulings. The rulings of Islamic Law (Sharia) have urged bringing benefits and repelling harms, and that the path to do so is reason and its production. I began the research by defining the purposes of Islamic Law (Sharia), then defining the rule of rational right

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A study of the Effect of Air Inlet and Exit on Indoor Air Movement

This work consists of a numerical simulation to predict the velocity and temperature distributions, and an experimental work to visualize the air flow in a room model. The numerical work is based on non-isothermal, incompressible, three dimensional, k turbulence model, and solved using a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) approach, involving finite volume technique to solve continuity, momentum and energy equations, that governs the room’s turbulent flow domain. The experimental study was performed using (1/5) scaled room model of the actual dimensions of the room to simulate room air flow and visualize the flow pattern using smoke generated  from burnt herbs and collected in a smoke generator to delivered through

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
Social Graphic Design and its Reflections on The Practices of The Saudi Designer in Designing Awareness Posters

The concept of social graphic design is one of the most critical areas that highlight the designer's knowledge of social responsibility by employing design skills in community awareness. This study focused on defining social graphic design, the meaning, practices, and strategies for designing awareness posters. This study reviewed two examples of awareness posters that reflect the Saudi designer's practices. The results summarized that social graphic design is a concept not taught directly but gained from permanent practice in designing awareness posters that interact with community issues. The designer's understanding of his social events and their sensing in the visual form of a poster reflects the designer's social awareness. Social g

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Relationship Between Blood Types And The Kind Of Food Intake And Its Impact on Human Health

This Study aimed To know The relation between Types of blood and health problems which human Suffered from , and the effect of food intake on health.
Samples of study contained 269 person aged between 30 – 70 years which choiced randomly for sex , we are take all in formation about samples of study by form paper contian sex , age, type of blood , weight (kg) , height (cm) , smoking or.not , sporting or not, problems in digestive tract , sensitivity for foods , heart problems , ratio of cholesterol in blood , Sinusitis , Asthma , diabetic meliuts , arritable bowel syndrome , diaherra , problems in kidney and urination , hypertension , anemia , alternation in liver function , arthritis with form record in daily food intake and its ade

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The conversations of reason and thinking as stated in the Sunnah and its impact on human behavior

The Sunnah of the Prophet has a great impact in building human behavior, and the formation of Islamic thought, has worked to spread science in all of Egypt, as it carried to the people of the eternal prophecy of the love of science, it was a source of knowledge and civilization. It is a generous source, a rich source of the Islamic nation, always tender, and renewed benefit, which is not only a source of legislation and language but is a source of guidance for thought and guidance of behavior, and the Hadith The importance is obvious In the integration of Islam, and show aspects of human integration in the personality of Mustafa , and the Muslims are interested in talking - collected and codification -, and made the effort of the cent

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