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Performance Improvement of the Implementation of Concrete Structures in the Construction Sector In Iraq Using The Modern Management Technique “Six Sigma”
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The reality of the field of construction projects in Iraq refers to needing for the development of performance in order to improve quality and reduce defects and errors and to control the time and cost, so there is needing for the application of effective methods in this area, one of the methods that can be applied in this area is the manner of Six Sigma. This research aims to enhance the performance and quality improvement for the construction projects by improving performance in the work of the implementation of the concrete structure depending on the Six Sigma methodology, and for the purpose of achieving the aim of the research, the researcher firstly depends on the theoretical study that include the concepts of quality and the Six Sigma methodology as a system aims to reduce defects and improve the quality and secondly on the field study carried out by the researcher through conducting the open questionnaire that include interviews conducted by the researcher with a slice of engineers experienced in the implementation of construction projects that leads to design closed questionnaire included the major axes of  the research and distributed on a selected sample of engineers with expertise in this area. The researcher applying the (DMAIC) methodology is one of the methods adopted for the application of Six Sigma on the case study (the project of structures laboratory at University of Baghdad) for the purpose of identifying the most important defects that may appear in the implementation of the concrete structure and assess the quality of implementation of the concrete structure and then analyzing the causes of these defects and propose procedures to enhance the performance and quality improvement depending on the field survey was conducted. The most important research conclusions are sigma level for the case study is 2.35 and the number of defects per million opportunities is 211905 and this Sigma level is very small which indicates the low level of quality for the case study.


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Publication Date
Thu Jan 16 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Fulfill the Requirements of Financial Authority For Adoption Of Financial statements in determining The Tax Base: بحث تطبيقي في الهيئة العامة للضرائب لعينة من الشركات المحدودة
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The Financial authority is considered as one of  the most of benefited parts from financial statements  which depends on it in process of accounting  in taxes as basis to determine The Tax Base , but no confidence from financial authority part in objectivity of income financial information in them for many of limited companies led to no dependence on them to specify taxation contain & dependence on yearly regulations that issued them. To enhance the confidence of financial authority to these lists must meet its requirements, because the menus Fulfill the requirements of the financial authority increases the confidence in these statements and therefore reliable in determining the tax base. So this research aims to speci

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Wood Flour Addition on the Pore Volume and BET Surface Area Properties of the Prepared Gamma Alumina (ɤ-Al2O3) Extrudates Used in Catalyst Carriers
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The effect of Wood Flour addition to the gamma alumina powder used in the preparation of gamma alumina (ɤ-Al2O3) catalyst carrier extrudates on the pore volume and BET surface area physical properties was investigated. Two parameters which are size of wood flour particles and its quantity were studied. The sizes of wood flour particles used are 150 µm, 212 µm and 500 µm and the weight percentage added to the gamma alumina powder during the preparation of the extrudates are (1%, 3%, 5% and 10%). The results showed that the addition of wood flour to the gamma alumina powder in order to get gamma alumina extrudates used as catalyst carrier is one of the successful methods to improve the pore volume

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Efficiency of Apple Vinegar as A Solvent in Comparison to Water and Ethanol for The Extraction of Some Plants used Against Candida Spp. Biofilm Formation
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Apple vinegar has many uses that include burn and wound healing and as an antimicrobial agent against different microorganisms, but not as a solvent. Therefore, this study aimed to use commercial apple vinegar as solvent to the plants of  roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa), green tea (Camellia sinensis), and clove (Syzygium aromaticum). The effects of apple-vinegar extracts of these plants were compared with those of aqueous and ethanolic extracts against biofilm formation by Candida genus. Clove vinegar extract demonstrated antibiofilm activity against C. albicans, alone (2.4907± 0.382) or in combination with the antifungal agents fluconazole (1.689±0.33), nystati

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Символичность деревни (( Джикора )) в лирике иракского поэта Бадра Шакера ас-Саййаба Symbolism of Jekor Village in the Poetry of the Iraqi Poet Badr Shakir as-Sayyab
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       В данном исследовании рассматривается символичность (( Джикора )) в лирике иракского поэта ас-Саййаба и перевода лирики o деревне и городе с арабского на русский. Русский читатель пока не имеет возможности познакомиться с стихотворениями Бадра Шакера.


     The paper aims at making the Russian reader acquainted with the Iraqi Poet Badr Shakir as-Sayyab, and showing the effect of the village an

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Role of the Internet in Spreading Rumors Social networking sites "Facebook" model For the duration of 1-7-2017 until 30-11-2017: يوسف محمد حسين
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This study is about the role of the Internet in spreading rumors, especially through social networking sites "Facebook" model as the effectiveness of social networks lies in the speed of transmission of events; these two characteristics are important to the public, making the Internet a strong contender for television and its relationship with the public. That's why we find that the Internet today has become a fertile environment for the growth and spread of rumors. The more limited the platforms and places of publication, the greater the responsibility in the search for the original source in   spreading this or that rumor, as the Internet is considered an easy means in the production, spreading  and re-spreading  of

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The role of presupposition in the interpretation of the Qur'anic letters (Sharif Morteza, Mullah Sadra and Gonabadi): بررسی تأثیر پیش فهم‌ها بر فهم مفسران از حروف مقطعه در قرآن (شریف مرتضی، ملاصدرا و گنابادی)
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The mysterious letters, the philosophy of existence and the meaning of these letters in the Qur'an is one of the mysterious issues that has always occupied the minds of Interpreters. Each Interpreter has tried to provide his own interpretation and understanding of these mysterious letters. Since these letters are part of the surah of the Qur'an and at the same time, the appearance of these letters, unlike other verses, does not indicate meaning, the commentators have approached these verses with their preconceptions. In this article, an attempt has been made to investigate the role of pre-interpreters of descriptors in a descriptive and analytical method in finding the meaning of syllables. However, each of them has tried to interpret th

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Cognitive Distortions and Time Management as Predictors of Academic Procrastination among Students from Al Aqsa Community College
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The study aimed to reveal the possibility of predicting academic procrastination through both Cognitive distortions and time management among students of Al-Aqsa Community College, as well as to reveal the level of both cognitive distortions, time management, and academic procrastination. Additionally, it aimed to identify the size of the correlation between cognitive distortions, time management, and academic procrastination. The study sample consisted of (250) students from Al-Aqsa community college students. The results of the study concluded that the mean for each level of cognitive distortions and academic procrastination is average. The mean level of time management is high. There is a statistically significant positive relationshi

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigation of Short Square Normal and Hybrid Fiber Reactive Powder Concrete Columns Subjected to Chloride Solution Attack
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In this research, the structural behavior of reinforced concrete columns made of normal and hybrid reactive powder concrete (hybrid by steel and polypropylene fibers) subjected to chloride salts with concentration was 8341.6 mg/l. The study consists of two parts, the first one is experimental study and the second one is theoretical analysis.  Three main variables were adopted in the experimental program; concrete type, curing type and loading arrangement. Twenty (120x120x1200) mm columns were cast and tested depending on these variables. The samples were reinforced using two different bars; Ø8 for ties and Ø12 with minimum longitudinal reinforcement (0.01Ag). The specimens were divided into two main groups based o

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Flexural behavior of concrete beams with horizontal and vertical openings reinforced by glass-fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars
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Abstract<p>This study conducted an analytical investigation on the behavior of concrete beams with openings reinforced by glass-fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars. In this study, five proposed beams reinforced by GFRP bars as flexural and shear reinforcement with openings were numerically examined. The variables were the opening orientation (vertical and horizontal) and the number of openings. These openings were located within the flexural zone of the proposed beams. The result shows that the vertical openings had a significant effect over the horizontal openings on reducing the ultimate load and increasing the mid-span deflection compared with the control beam. Moreover, the results showed t</p> ... Show More
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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Tue Sep 03 2024
Journal Name
Tropical Parasitology
Investigation the effect of the aqueous extract of Chara vulgaris (L.) on visceral leishmaniasis
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Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a parasitic disease that affects public health. It is described by weight reduction, irregular fever bouts, anemia, and amplification of the spleen and liver.

Materials and Methods:

Three concentrations (15.6, 31.2, and 62.5 μg/mL) were used to find the potency of an aqueous extract ofChara vulgarisalgae in the treatment of VL. A cytotoxicity assay was performed to show the cytotoxic effect of this extract on human cells. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) test was done to determine the active compounds in the ext

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