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Performance Improvement of the Implementation of Concrete Structures in the Construction Sector In Iraq Using The Modern Management Technique “Six Sigma”
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The reality of the field of construction projects in Iraq refers to needing for the development of performance in order to improve quality and reduce defects and errors and to control the time and cost, so there is needing for the application of effective methods in this area, one of the methods that can be applied in this area is the manner of Six Sigma. This research aims to enhance the performance and quality improvement for the construction projects by improving performance in the work of the implementation of the concrete structure depending on the Six Sigma methodology, and for the purpose of achieving the aim of the research, the researcher firstly depends on the theoretical study that include the concepts of quality and the Six Sigma methodology as a system aims to reduce defects and improve the quality and secondly on the field study carried out by the researcher through conducting the open questionnaire that include interviews conducted by the researcher with a slice of engineers experienced in the implementation of construction projects that leads to design closed questionnaire included the major axes of  the research and distributed on a selected sample of engineers with expertise in this area. The researcher applying the (DMAIC) methodology is one of the methods adopted for the application of Six Sigma on the case study (the project of structures laboratory at University of Baghdad) for the purpose of identifying the most important defects that may appear in the implementation of the concrete structure and assess the quality of implementation of the concrete structure and then analyzing the causes of these defects and propose procedures to enhance the performance and quality improvement depending on the field survey was conducted. The most important research conclusions are sigma level for the case study is 2.35 and the number of defects per million opportunities is 211905 and this Sigma level is very small which indicates the low level of quality for the case study.


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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Effect of Carbon Fiber Volume Fraction and their Orientations on the Thermal Conductivity of the Polymer Composite Materials.
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      The effect of fiber volume fraction of the carbon fiber on the thermal conductivity of the polymer composite material was studied. Different percentages of carbon fibers were used (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%). Specimens were made in two groups for unsaturated polyester as a matrix and carbon fibers, first group has parallel arrangement of fibers and the second group has perpendicular arrangement of fibers on the thermal flow, Lee's disk method was used for testing the specimens. This study showed that the values of the of thermal conductivity of the specimens when the fibers arranged in parallel direction was higher than that when the fibers arranged in the perpendicular direction  


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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study of The Variations Effect of Tngiston Lamp Lightening on Standard Deviation for the Captured ImagesVia Web Camera (ENET)
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  The system of work has been built , which consists of dark box with dimensions      (61 cm ï‚´74 cm ï‚´120 cm) when the distance between the testing image and the light source is (120   cm) .                                                                                    &n

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 15 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study of the Spectral Energy Distribution Model of the Protoplanetary Disk Geometric around the Brown Dwarf CFHT-BD-Tau 4
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The accretion circumstellar disk of young stars and the Brown dwarf plays an essential role in the formation and evaluation of the planet. Our main work in this paper is to investigate the geometrical shape model for the protoplanetary disk around one of the Brown Dwarfs. The photometric measurements for the brown dwarf CFHT-BD-Tau 4 were extracted from the Vizier archive. We used a numerical simulation to build a model of the spectral energy distribution of our target CFHT-BD-Tau 4. The spectral energy distribution model was fitted with observational data for the brown dwarf CFHT-BD-Tau 4. A transitional disk has been assumed around CFHT-BD-Tau 4. We obtained physical properties of the two disks and the size of the gap between them

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Al-kut University College Of Humanities
The values ​​of environmental sustainability among the student-teacher at the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Ibn al-Haytham
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 1990
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Duration of each developmental stage of the house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus together with the mortality percentage were observed at a combination of five different temperatures namely 20C°, 22.5C°, 25C°, 27.5C° and 30C° and four different humidities namely 55%, 75%, 85% and 95% r. h. Results showed that temperature had the greatest effect on the life cycle period. The higher the temperature the shorter the life cycle was aid versa verea. On the other hand, humidity seems to be less effectiveness, though at the higher temperature and humidity no development was occured. Mortality among all temperatures and humidities appeared nearly the same, but at higher temperature and higher humidity and because of mould g

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Economics And Finance Studies
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Scopus (29)
Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Influence of Irradiation on Electronic Transition of (CuO) Films Prepared by Chemical Spray Paralysis Technique
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  In this  research,  We  study the effect  of  irradiation  by  gamma rays from (Cs137) source  for the period time (21) days on optical propertices such as absorption coeffeicient ()and  energy gap (Eg) for  copper oxides thin films (CuO) prepared by the chemical spray pyrolysis and deposited on glass substrates at (350oC) for two different thicknesses  (  1000Ã…and 3000Ã…) .

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 28 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering & Technology
Modified Strut Effectiveness Factor for FRP-Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams
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A few examinations have endeavored to assess a definitive shear quality of a fiber fortified polymer (FRP)- strengthened solid shallow shafts. Be that as it may, need data announced for examining the solid profound pillars strengthened with FRP bars. The majority of these investigations don't think about the blend of the rigidity of both FRP support and cement. This examination builds up a basic swagger adequacy factor model to evaluate the referenced issue. Two sorts of disappointment modes; concrete part and pulverizing disappointment modes were examined. Protection from corner to corner part is chiefly given by the longitudinal FRP support, steel shear fortification, and cement rigidity. The proposed model has been confirmed util

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Producing Green Concrete with Plastic Waste and Nano Silica Sand
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Industrial and urban development has resulted in the spread of plastic waste and the increase in the emissions of carbon dioxide resulting from the cement manufacturing process. The current research aims to produce green (environmentally friendly) concrete by using plastic waste as coarse aggregates in different proportions (10% and 20%) and nano silica sand powder as an alternative to cement in different proportions (5% and 10% by weight). The results showed that compressive strength decreased by 12.10% and 19.23% for 10% and 20% plastic waste replacement and increased by 12.89% and 20.39% for 5% and 10% silica sand replacement respectively at 28 days. Flexural strength decreased by 12.95% and 19.64% for 10% and 20% plastic waste r

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Crossref (9)
Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using of concepts "conservatism & accrual" and their reflection in enhancing of quality of financial reporting
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The use of Conservatism  significant impacts on the financial statements and thus on financial reporting which is produced by these lists so Rate Some of the professionals that the principle of accounting while Rate of others as a constraint, and brought this category based on the uses of this restriction sometimes used the accountant this restriction and especially with the uncertainties in the Sometimes it may collide with some of the cases in which the accountant may be forced to leave in custody as a result of emergence of economic events that gave rise to rights or future commitments should be disclosed.

The emergence in custody mainly was due to the uncertainty and its essence is to report on a

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