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Study of the Friction Stir Welding For A516 Low Carbon Steel
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The main objective of present work is to describe the feasibility of friction stir welding (FSW) for
joining of low carbon steel with dimensions (3 mm X 80 mm X 150 mm). A matrix (3×3) of welding
parameters (welding speed and tool rotational speed) was used to see influence of each parameter on
properties of welded joint .Series of (FSW) experiments were conducted using CNC milling machine
utilizing the wide range of rotational speed and transverse speed of the machine. Effect of welding
parameters on mechanical properties of weld joints were investigated using different mechanical tests
including (tensile and microhardness tests ). Micro structural change during (FSW) process was
studied and different welding zones were investigated using optical microscope. The stir welding
experiments conducted that show the low carbon steel can be welded using (FSW) process with
maximum welding efficiency (100.02%) in terms of ultimate tensile strength using best result of
welding parameters (700 RPM, 25 mm/min, tool rotational speed and welding speed respectively and
0.2 mm plunging depth of welding tool) ,there is afirst time that we obtain the efficiency reach to
100.02 % to weld this type of low carbon steel by FSW. The corrosion resistance was measure which
is the new test on the welding by this way and we obtained different result from the result on
traditional welding processes and the result that obtained show the corrosion resistance for this
welding plate better than the base metal. Maximum temperature has been calculated numerically by
using the ANSYS program. The obtained peak temperature is 1102°C, A percentage minimum of the
melting point .

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 25 2022
Journal Name
Al-mağallaẗ Al-šāmilaẗ Li-l-ḥuqūq
The intention to harm others is one of the forms of abuse of the right - a study in the light of American law
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In a world of limited space, the owners are always surrounded by others next to them, and, consequently, there is hardly any activity which the owner may exercise on his land which would not affect the other owners. If he builds a building, that building may block the sun's rays or the air from the buildings next to it and owned by other people. And if he runs a business, the lands adjacent to that business may be overburdened with the accompanying noise or traffic. If oil is prospected in a land, the neighboring lands may be deprived of oil or their owners may be exposed to toxic fumes. Hence the importance of researching the intention of harming others, as it is one of the most important forms of abuse in the use of the right (especially

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of the Physical and Chemical Treatment of Wastewater for the Dairy Industry
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Dairy wastewater generally contains fats, lactose, whey proteins, and nutrients. Casein precipitation causes the effluent to decompose into a dark, strong-smelling sludge. Fluid waste contains soluble organic matter, suspended solids, and gaseous organic matter, which cause undesirable taste and smell, grant tone and turbidity, and advance eutrophication, which plays an essential role in increasing biological oxygen demand (BOD) in water. It also contains detergents and disinfecting agents from the rinses and washing processes, which increase the need for chemical oxygen (COD). One of the characteristics of dairy effluents is their relatively high temperature, high organic contents, and wide pH range, so the discharge of wastewater into

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Appropriateness Of The Iraqi Environment For Establishment Of Hedge Funds In Iraq
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يهدف البحث إلى وضع إطار معرفي ومفاهيمي شامل لموضوع البحث, واغناء القارئ والمستفيد بالمعلومات الوافية عنه وتقليص الفجوات المعرفية للمهتمين به وقياس مدى ما هو متوفر وغير متوفر من المتطلبات الأساسية والضرورية لإنشاء صناديق التحوط في البيئة العراقية, وتمثلت صناديق التحوط بالمتغير الرئيس للبحث اما المتغيرات الفرعية فشملت (المتطلبات المالية, المتطلبات البشرية, البيئة التشريعية, الب

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Model Development for the Prediction of the Resilient Modulus of Warm Mix Asphalt
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Increasing material prices coupled with the emission of hazardous gases through the production and construction of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) has driven a strong movement toward the adoption of sustainable construction technology. Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) is considered relatively a new technology, which enables the production and compaction of asphalt concrete mixtures at temperatures 15-40 °C lower than that of traditional hot mix asphalt. The Resilient modulus (Mr) which can be defined as the ratio of axial pulsating stress to the corresponding recoverable strain, is used to evaluate the relative quality of materials as well as to generate input for pavement design or pavement evaluation and analysis. Based on the aforementioned preface, it is

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The reality of job engagement for the employees of Iraqi Residency Affairs Directorate
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     The aim of  this paper  is to determine the role of job engagement in the Iraqi Residency Affairs Directorate and its impact on employees, as the job engagement variable based on the Rich’s model included dimensions of cognitive engagement, emotional engagement and physical engagement. This variable has been studied in the Directorate of Residence Affairs which are one of the specialized directorates in the Iraqi Ministry of Interior.   This study  relied on a questionnaire as a main tool for measuring and collecting data based on the random sampling method . The sample size included 206 individuals among 400 individuals. However,  the respondents were 190 whereas the final

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Building the Test of Drawing Skill for the Female students of Kindergartens' Department
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The research issue and its importance concentrate on the importance of choosing and
preparing the kindergarten's teacher educationally ,psychologically and artistically ,and other
aspects because of their need for several skills such as the drawing skill for kindergarten
curriculums include a various artistic experiences and activities as well as for the drawing
importance for the child .And from this, the research goals raise from to prepare a test that
measures the drawing skill for kindergarten students and measure the drawing skill in all four
kindergarten students at the kindergarten department and recognize the differences level for
these students . In order to achieve the first goal in the research ,the resear

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Simulation of Core Displacement Experiments for the Determination of the Relative Permeability
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Computations of the relative permeability curves were made through their representation by two functions for wetting and nonwetting phases. Each function contains one parameter that controls the shape of the relative permeability curves. The values of these parameters are chosen to minimize an objective function, that is represented as a weighted sum of the squared differences between experimentally measured data and the corresponding data calculated by a mathematical model simulating the experiment. These data comprise the pressure drop across core samples and the recovery response of the displacing phase. Two mathematical models are constructed in this study to simulate incompressible, one-dimensional, two-phase flow. The first model d

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Lung Cancer Hazard Due to Radiate Radon Gas for Two Factories in Industrial Region (Shaikh Omar) of Baghdad Governorate
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During the winter, in the industry region (Shaikh Omer) and by applying a passive radon detector (CR-39), lung cancer risk has been measured in twelve rooms of different workshops of two old factories in this site. The radon concentration is ranged from (123.345 Bq/m3) to (328.985 Bq/m3) with an average of (244.19±61.52 Bq/m3). Lung cancer risk ranged from 55.993 to 149.346 per million people and with an average of (110.855 per million people) which were lower than the recommended values (170-230 per million people), so there was no cancer risk on workers in these locations.

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Alexandria Engineering Journal
Batch and continuous study of one-step sustainable green graphene sand hybrid synthesized from Date-syrup for remediation of contaminated groundwater
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Scopus (21)
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Settling Accounts of tax According to the unified Tax A Suggested Mechanism for: Application in the general Commission for Taxes
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Consistent "with the thought of tax talk is unified tax natural evolution for him, as the application leads to the inclusion of tax all branches of income and its sources and through truncated part of this entry through the application of price ascending it, it means the procedures of tax reform. Taxes on total income characterized by giving a clear picture of the total income of the taxpayer and its financial situation and its burden family which allows granting exemptions, downloads, and application of prices that fit this case. This requires reconsideration of the structure of the tax system in force and the transition from a system specific taxes to the tax system on the total income of the integration of income from the rental of re

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