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An Improved Adaptive Spiral Dynamic Algorithm for Global Optimization
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This paper proposes a new strategy to enhance the performance and accuracy of the Spiral dynamic algorithm (SDA) for use in solving real-world problems by hybridizing the SDA with the Bacterial Foraging optimization algorithm (BFA). The dynamic step size of SDA makes it a useful exploitation approach. However, it has limited exploration throughout the diversification phase, which results in getting trapped at local optima. The optimal initialization position for the SDA algorithm has been determined with the help of the chemotactic strategy of the BFA optimization algorithm, which has been utilized to improve the exploration approach of the SDA. The proposed Hybrid Adaptive Spiral Dynamic Bacterial Foraging (HASDBF) algorithm is designed so that the chemotaxis phase of bacteria represents the exploration part of the search operation. In contrast, the SDA represents the exploitation part.

Additionally, to improve search operation efficiency, the spiral model's radius and angular displacement are adaptively set according to a linear correlation concerning the fitness value. An additional phase, the elimination and dispersal phase, is obtained from BFA and added to the end of the SDA. This phase aims to improve the algorithm's final solution's accuracy by enhancing the algorithm's search strategy and performance. Simulation tests are run on unimodal and multimodal standard benchmark functions to verify the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm significantly outperforms SDA and Adaptive SDA (ASDA) algorithms regarding fitness value and accuracy.


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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Efficient Task Scheduling Approach in Edge-Cloud Continuum based on Flower Pollination and Improved Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm
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The rise of edge-cloud continuum computing is a result of the growing significance of edge computing, which has become a complementary or substitute option for traditional cloud services. The convergence of networking and computers presents a notable challenge due to their distinct historical development. Task scheduling is a major challenge in the context of edge-cloud continuum computing. The selection of the execution location of tasks, is crucial in meeting the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of applications. An efficient scheduling strategy for distributing workloads among virtual machines in the edge-cloud continuum data center is mandatory to ensure the fulfilment of QoS requirements for both customer and service provider. E

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Fme Transactions
FAT-based adaptive backstepping control of an electromechanical system with an unknown input coefficient
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This paper is focused on orthogonal function approximation technique FAT-based adaptive backstepping control of a geared DC motor coupled with a rotational mechanical component. It is assumed that all parameters of the actuator are unknown including the torque-current constant (i.e., unknown input coefficient) and hence a control system with three motor control modes is proposed: 1) motor torque control mode, 2) motor current control mode, and 3) motor voltage control mode. The proposed control algorithm is a powerful tool to control a dynamic system with an unknown input coefficient. Each uncertain parameter/term is represented by a linear combination of weighting and orthogonal basis function vectors. Chebyshev polynomial is used

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An Adaptive Digital Neural Network-Like-PID Control Law Design for Fuel Cell System Based on FPGA Technique
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This paper proposes an on-line adaptive digital Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control algorithm based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Model. This research aims to design and implement Neural Network like a digital PID using FPGA in order to generate the best value of the hydrogen partial pressure action (PH2) to control the stack terminal output voltage of the (PEMFC) model during a variable load current applied. The on-line Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is used for finding and tuning the optimal value of the digital PID-NN controller (kp, ki, and kd) parameters that improve the dynamic behavior of the closed-loop digital control fue

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Optimization of Horizontal Well Location and Completion to Improve Oil Recovery for an Iraqi Field
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Exploitation of mature oil fields around the world has forced researchers to develop new ways to optimize reservoir performance from such reservoirs. To achieve that, drilling horizontal wells is an effective method. The effectiveness of this kind of wells is to increase oil withdrawal. The objective of this study is to optimize the location, design, and completion of a new horizontal well as an oil producer to improve oil recovery in a real field located in Iraq. “A” is an oil and gas condensate field located in the Northeast of Iraq. From field production history, it is realized the difficulty to control gas and water production in this kind of complex carbonate reservoir with vertical producer wells. In this study, a horizont

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
2019 International Symposium On Networks, Computers And Communications (isncc)
An Interference Mitigation Scheme for Millimetre Wave Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Network with Dynamic RRH Clustering
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Symmetric- Based Steganography Technique Using Spiral-Searching Method for HSV Color Images
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Steganography is defined as hiding confidential information in some other chosen media without leaving any clear evidence of changing the media's features. Most traditional hiding methods hide the message directly in the covered media like (text, image, audio, and video). Some hiding techniques leave a negative effect on the cover image, so sometimes the change in the carrier medium can be detected by human and machine. The purpose of suggesting hiding information is to make this change undetectable. The current research focuses on using complex method to prevent the detection of hiding information by human and machine based on spiral search method, the Structural Similarity Index Metrics measures are used to get the accuracy and quality

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Building an Analytical Method to Study Cantilever Beam Dynamic Response
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Cantilever beams are used in many crucial applications in machinery and construction. For example, the airplane wing, the microscopic probe for atomic force measurement, the tower crane overhang and twin overhang folding bridge are typical examples of cantilever beams. The current research aims to develop an analytical solution for the free vibration problem of cantilever beams. The dynamic response of AISI 304 beam represented by the natural frequencies was determined under different working surrounding temperatures ((-100 ℃ to 400 ℃)). A Matlab code was developed to achieve the analytical solution results, considering the effect of some beam geometrical dimensions. The developed analytical solution has been verified successful

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Building an Analytical Method to Study Cantilever Beam Dynamic Response
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Cantilever beams are used in many crucial applications in machinery and construction. For example, the airplane wing, the microscopic probe for atomic force measurement, the tower crane overhang and twin overhang folding bridge are typical examples of cantilever beams. The current research aims to develop an analytical solution for the free vibration problem of cantilever beams. The dynamic response of AISI 304 beam represented by the natural frequencies was determined under different working surrounding temperatures ((-100 ℃ to 400 ℃)). A Matlab code was developed to achieve the analytical solution results, considering the effect of some beam geometrical dimensions. The developed analytical solution has been verified successfully wi

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of Nonlinear PID Neural Controller for the Speed Control of a Permanent Magnet DC Motor Model based on Optimization Algorithm
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In this paper, the speed control of the real DC motor is experimentally investigated using nonlinear PID neural network controller. As a simple and fast tuning algorithm, two optimization techniques are used; trial and error method and particle swarm optimization PSO algorithm in order to tune the nonlinear PID neural controller's parameters and to find best speed response of the DC motor. To save time in the real system, a Matlab simulation package is used to carry out these algorithms to tune and find the best values of the nonlinear PID parameters. Then these parameters are used in the designed real time nonlinear PID controller system based on LabVIEW package. Simulation and experimental results are compared with each other and showe

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology
An efficient artificial fish swarm algorithm with harmony search for scheduling in flexible job-shop problem
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Flexible job-shop scheduling problem (FJSP) is one of the instances in flexible manufacturing systems. It is considered as a very complex to control. Hence generating a control system for this problem domain is difficult. FJSP inherits the job-shop scheduling problem characteristics. It has an additional decision level to the sequencing one which allows the operations to be processed on any machine among a set of available machines at a facility. In this article, we present Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm with Harmony Search for solving the flexible job shop scheduling problem. It is based on the new harmony improvised from results obtained by artificial fish swarm algorithm. This improvised solution is sent to comparison to an overall best

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