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Conjugate Heat Transfer of Laminar Air Flow in Rectangular Mini Channel

Conjugate heat transfer has significant implications on heat transfer characteristics, particularly in thick wall applications and small diameter pipes. In this study, a three-dimensional numerical investigation was carried out using commercial CFD software “ANSYS FLUENT” to study the influence of conjugate heat transfer of laminar flow in mini channels at constant heat flux wall conditions. Two parameters were studied and analyzed: the wall thickness and thermal conductivity and their effect on heat transfer characteristics such as temperature profile and Nusselt number. Thermal conductivity of (0.25, 10, 202, and 387) W/m2C and wall thickness of (1, 5, and 50) mm were used for a channel of (1*2) mm cross-sectional dimensions. Taking the Reynolds number 800 for all cases. The results demonstrate that the conjugate conduction impact is observed at high conductivities and for large wall thicknesses in the studied materials. This impact flattened the wall temperature distribution along the channel wall instead of being an augmented linear profile. Also, it flattens the local Nusselt number due to the axial heat conduction along the walls. It reduces the effect of the entrance region of high Nusselt number while making the fluid temperature profile curved and redistributing the wall heat flux and accumulating it toward the leading edge. A decrease was observed in the average Nusselt number of 8% when increasing wall thickness from 1 mm to 50 mm for the same thermal conductivity of 10 W/m2C, while an increase in Nusselt number of 19% with thermal conductivity changes from 0.25 W/m2C to 10 W/m2C.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

Experimental study has been conducted for laminar natural convection heat transfer of air flow through a rectangular enclosure fitted with vertical partition. The partition was oriented parallel to the two vertical isothermal walls with different temperatures, while all the other surfaces of the enclosure were insulated. In this study a test rig has been designed and constructed to allow studying the effect of Rayleigh number, aperture height ratio, partition thickness, the position of aperture according to the side walls and according to the height, the position of the partition according to the hot wall, and partition inclination. The experiments were carried out with air as the working fluid for Rayleigh number range (5*107 – 1.3*10

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Air Bubbles on Heat Transfer Coefficient in Turbulent Convection Flow

Experimental and numerical studies have been conducted for the effect of injected air bubbles on the heat transfer coefficient through the water flow in a vertical pipe under the influence of uniform heat flux. The investigated parameters were water flow rate of (10, 14 and 18) lit/min, air flow rate of (1.5, 3 and 4) lit/min for subjected heat fluxes of (27264, 36316 and 45398) W/m2. The energy, momentum and continuity equations were solved numerically to describe the motion of flow. Turbulence models k-ε was implemented. The mathematical model is using a CFD code Fluent (Ansys15). The water was used as continuous phase while the air was represented as dispersed. phase. The experimental work includes design, build and instrument a test

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 29 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanics Of Continua And Mathematical Sciences

The laminar fluid flow of water through the annulus duct was investigated numerically by ANSYS fluent version 15.0 with height (2.5, 5, 7.5) cm and constant length (L=60cm). With constant heat flux applied to the outer duct. The heat flux at the range (500,1000,1500,2000) w/m2 and Reynolds number values were ≤ 2300. The problem was 2-D investigated. Results revealed that Nusselt number decrease and the wall temperature increase with the increase of heat flux. Also, the average Nusselt number increase as Re increases. And as the height of the annulus increase, the values of the temperature and the local and average Nusselt number increase.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effects of Vortex Generator Types on Heat Transfer and Flow Structure in a Rectangular Duct Flows

    In this numerical study a detailed evaluation of the heat transfer characteristics and flow structure in a laminar and turbulent flow through a rectangular channel containing built-in of different type vortex generator has been a accomplished in a range of Reynolds number between 500 and 100,000.A modified version of ESCEAT code has been used to solve Navier-Stokes and energy equations. The purpose of this paper is to present numerical comparisons in terms of temperature, Nusselt number and flow patterns on several configurations of longitudinal vortex generator including new five cases. The structures of heat and flow were studied, using iso-contours of velocity components, vortices, temperature and Nusselt n

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
The Scientific World Journal
Heat Transfer Enhancement of Laminar Nanofluids Flow in a Circular Tube Fitted with Parabolic-Cut Twisted Tape Inserts

Numerical investigation has been carried out on heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of copper-water nanofluid flow in a constant heat-fluxed tube with the existence of new configuration of vortex generator using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation. Two types of swirl flow generator: Classical twisted tape (CTT) and Parabolic-cut twisted tape (PCT) with a different twist ratio (y= 2.93, 3.91 and 4.89) and different cut depth (w= 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 cm) with 2% and 4% volume concentration

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 03 2013
Journal Name
Heat Transfer-asian Research
CFD Simulation of Heat Transfer Augmentation in a Circular Tube Fitted with Alternative Axis Twisted Tape in Laminar Flow under a Constant Heat Flux

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 03 2014
Journal Name
Heat Transfer - Asian Research
CFD Simulation of Heat Transfer Augmentation in a Circular Tube fitted with Alternative Axis Twisted Tape in Laminar Flow under the Constant Heat Flux

Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Simulation of Natural Convection Heat Transfer from Interrupted Rectangular Fins

      Numerical simulations have been investigated to study the external free convective heat transfer from a vertically rectangular interrupted fin arrays. The continuity, Naver-Stockes and energy equations have been solved for steady-state, incompressible, two dimensional, laminar with Boussiuesq approximation by Fluent 15 software. The performance of interrupted fins was evaluated to gain the optimum ratio of interrupted length to fin length (

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2015
Journal Name
Energy Conversion And Management
Laminar convective heat transfer of hexylamine-treated MWCNTs-based turbine oil nanofluid

Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were functionalized by hexylamine (HA) in a promising, cost-effective, rapid and microwave-assisted approach. In order to decrease defects and remove acid-treatment stage, functionalization of MWCNTs with HA was carried out in the presence of diazonium reaction. Surface functionality groups and morphology of chemically-functionalized MWCNTS were characterized by FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (DTG), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). To reach a promising dispersibility in oil media, MWCNTs were functionalized with HA. While the cylindrical structures of MWCNTs were remained reasonably intact, characterization results consistently confirmed the sidewall-functionalization o

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Thermal Analysis And Calorimetry
Heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics over a backward-facing step (BFS) containing square-rectangular ribs integrated as forward-facing steps (FFS)

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