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A Study of the Hydrodynamics Behavior of Cylindrical Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds for pharmaceutical material “Paracetamol “
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The hydrodynamics behavior of gas - solid fluidized beds is complex and it should be analyzed  and understood due to its importance in the design and operating of the units. The effect of column inside diameter and static bed height on the minimum fluidization velocity, minimum bubbling velocity, fluidization index, minimum slugging velocity and slug index have been studied experimentally and theoretically for three cylindrical columns of 0.0762, 0.15 and 0.18 m inside diameters  and 0.05, 0.07 and 0.09 m static bed heights .The experimental results showed that the minimum fluidization and bubbling velocities had a direct relation with column diameter and static bed height .The minimum slugging velocity had an inverse relation with static bed height and a direct one with column diameter .There was no agreement between the experimental and calculated values of Umb for Di=0.0762m ,this was a result to the assumption used in the correlation development. The fluidization index values were around 1 in all cases and that proved that the material is of Geldart type B. There was not a significant dependence of fluidization index and slug index on static bed height and column diameter.     


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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
Studying the impact of condensate blockage on gas production: A review
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When the drawdown pressure amounts to a value below the dew point pressure, a minor droplet of condensate is shaped and accumulated in the close area of wellbore. As the accumulation happens, the saturation of the liquid will grow and a reduction in gas relative permeability will happen, therefore it will affect the productivity. Generally, condensate baking problem in gas wells is being deliberated and studied and numerous techniques have been suggested to solve the problem. The studying of condensate banking dynamics is essential to evaluate the productivity and behavior of the wells of the gas fields.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 11 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Gas lift optimization: A review
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Optimization of gas lift plays a substantial role in production and maximizing the net present value of the investment of oil field projects. However, the application of the optimization techniques in gas lift project is so complex because many decision variables, objective functions and constraints are involved in the gas lift optimization problem. In addition, many computational ways; traditional and modern, have been employed to optimize gas lift processes. This research aims to present the developing of the optimization techniques applied in the gas lift. Accordingly, the research classifies the applied optimization techniques, and it presents the limitations and the range of applications of each one to get an acceptable level of accura

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A study of predation behavior of Macrocyclops albidus (Jurine) on Culex quinquefasciatus larvae
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The experiment was conducted to investigate the predation behavior of crustacean
zooplankton M. albidus for first instar mosquito larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus, which may
be represented as an indicator of the species activity for biological control of mosquito larvae.
Results revealed that females spend 6.30 min. as average to find the mosquito larval and
to catch it, whereas it consumed 7.20 min. in digestion of the prey. On the other hand the
corresponding means for male were 10.29 and 4.00 min. respectively. Differences between
females and males were not significant for the time consumed to catch the prey whereas the
differences were significant (P < 0.05) in regard to the time consumed to digest the p

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Auditing Board of supreme audit for solid waste management
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Solid waste is considered to be one of the rescuers of pollution in case of     neglecting conditions and procedures relating to specific processes of laws, systems, and contracts requirements in addition to recommendations of organizations concerned with environment issue. The environments auditing groups of intosai have taking into account the environments control by various conference and recommended that the Board of supreme audit have and environments controlling taking into consideration auditing procedures on waste management ,and also offered on evidences for experiences of members of countries in order to exchange their knowledge's and experiments .the definition of solid waste and their resources ,risks ,man

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Microchemical Journal
A flow analysis system integrating an optoelectronic detector for the quantitative determination of active ingredients in pharmaceutical formulations
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 08 2022
Journal Name
An Experimental Study of Granular Material Using Recycled Concrete Waste for Pavement Roadbed Construction
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Rapid worldwide urbanization and drastic population growth have increased the demand for new road construction, which will cause a substantial amount of natural resources such as aggregates to be consumed. The use of recycled concrete aggregate could be one of the possible ways to offset the aggregate shortage problem and reduce environmental pollution. This paper reports an experimental study of unbound granular material using recycled concrete aggregate for pavement subbase construction. Five percentages of recycled concrete aggregate obtained from two different sources with an originally designed compressive strength of 20–30 MPa as well as 31–40 MPa at three particle size levels, i.e., coarse, fine, and extra fine, were test

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Study of the Performance of Paraffin Wax as a Phase Change Material in Packed Bed Thermal Energy Storage System
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The present work deals with an experimental investigation of charging and discharging processes in thermal storage system using a phase change material PCM. Paraffin wax was used as the PCM which is formed in spherical capsules and packed in a cylindrical packed column which acted as an energy storage system. Air was used as the heat transfer fluid HTF in thermal storage unit. The effect of flow rate and inlet temperature of HTF on the time of charging and discharging process were studied. The results showed that the faster storage of thermal energy can be made by high flow rate of heat transfer fluid HTF and high inlet temperature of heat transfer fluid. It was found that at 65°C HTF inlet temperature, the melting and solidification pr

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Adsorption of Congo red Dye from Aqueous Solution onto Wheat Husk in a Fluidized Bed Reactor
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The purpose of this paper is to examine absorbance for the removal of the Red Congo using wheat husk as a biological pesticide. Several experiments have been conducted with the aim of configuring breakthrough data in a fluidized bed reactor. The minimum fluidized velocities of the bed were found to be 0.031 mm/s for mish sizes of (250) µm diameter with study the mass transfer be calculated KL values. The results showed a well-fitting with the experimental data. Different operating conditions were selected: bed height (2, 5 and 10) cm, flow rate (90, 100and 120) ml/sec and particle diameter (250, 600, 1000) µm. The breakthrough curves were plotted for Congo Red, Values showed that the lower the bed, the lower the number of ad

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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A field study was conducted on a sample of the public in Baghdad to study the audience's exposure to the television promotion of pharmaceutical products and their trends in order to determine the rate of exposure of the public to the television promotion of pharmaceutical products according to the theory of uses and rumors and to determine the public's attitudes towards television promotion of pharmaceutical products. A survey of (25) a questions was distributed to a sample of the audience of 150 people. The statistical program SPSS was used to unload the data and for the calculation of frequencies and percentages and correlation coefficients. The research reached several results, Most importantly, the television promotion is well receiv

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Investigation of plasma characteristics of center region of post cylindrical magnetron sputtering device
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A d.c. magnetron sputtering system was designed and fabricated. The chamber of this system is consisted from two copper coaxial cylinders. The inner one used as the cathode and the outer one used as anode with magnetic coil located on the outer cylinder (anode). The axial behavior of the magnetic field strength along the cathode surface for various coil current (from 2A to 14A) are shown. The results of this work are investigated by three cylindrical Langmuir probes that have different diameters that are 2.2mm, 1mm, and 0.45mm. The results of these probes show that, there are two Maxwellian electron groups appear in the central region. As well as, the density of electron and ion decreases with increases of magnetic field strengths.

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