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A Study of the Hydrodynamics Behavior of Cylindrical Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds for pharmaceutical material “Paracetamol “

The hydrodynamics behavior of gas - solid fluidized beds is complex and it should be analyzed  and understood due to its importance in the design and operating of the units. The effect of column inside diameter and static bed height on the minimum fluidization velocity, minimum bubbling velocity, fluidization index, minimum slugging velocity and slug index have been studied experimentally and theoretically for three cylindrical columns of 0.0762, 0.15 and 0.18 m inside diameters  and 0.05, 0.07 and 0.09 m static bed heights .The experimental results showed that the minimum fluidization and bubbling velocities had a direct relation with column diameter and static bed height .The minimum slugging velocity had an inverse relation with static bed height and a direct one with column diameter .There was no agreement between the experimental and calculated values of Umb for Di=0.0762m ,this was a result to the assumption used in the correlation development. The fluidization index values were around 1 in all cases and that proved that the material is of Geldart type B. There was not a significant dependence of fluidization index and slug index on static bed height and column diameter.     


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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of a novel coating material on the microleakage of glass hybrid restoration in primary teeth – An in vitro study

Background: Glass ionomer restorations are widely employed in the field of pediatric dentistry. There is a constant demand for a durable restoration that remains functional until exfoliation. This study aimed to measure and compare the effect of a novel coating material (EQUIA Forte Coat) on the microleakage of glass hybrid restoration (EQUIA Forte HT) in primary teeth. Material and method: Thirty cavitated (class-II) primary molars were allocated randomly into two groups based on the coat application; uncoated (control) and coated group (experimental). Cavities were prepared by the use of a ceramic bur (CeraBur) and restored with EQUIA Forte HT with or without applying a protective coat (EQUIA Forte Coat). Samples went through the

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 19 2020
Journal Name
Applied Water Science
Spiral path three phase fluidized bed reactor for treating wastewater contaminated with engine oil
Abstract<p>In this study, a new type of circulating three-phase fluidized bed reactor was conducted by adding a spiral path and was named as spiral three-phase fluidized bed reactor (TPFB-S) to investigate the possibility for removing engine oil (virgin and waste form) from synthetic wastewater by using Ricinus communis (RC) leaves natural and activated by KOH. The biosorption process was conducted by changing particle diameter in the range 150–300 and 300–600 µm, liquid flow rate in the range 2.5–4.5 L/min and gas flow rate in range of 0–1 L/min, while other parameters initial oil emulsion concentration, pH, adsorbent concentration, agitation speed and contact time were kept constant at 2000 mg/L, 2,</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

A numerical investigation has been performed to study the effect of eccentricity on unsteady state, laminar aiding mixed convection in a horizontal concentric and eccentric cylindrical annulus. The outer cylinder was kept at a constant temperature
while the inner cylinder was heated with constant heat flux. The study involved numerical solution of transient momentum (Navier-Stokes) and energy equation using finite difference method (FDM), where the body fitted coordinate system (BFC) was
used to generate the grid mesh for computational plane. The governing equations were transformed to the vorticity-stream function formula as for momentum equations and to the temperature and stream function for energy equation.
A computer progra

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Multicomponent Biosorption of Heavy Metals Using Fluidized Bed of Algal Biomass

This paper aims to study the biosorption for removal of lead, cadmium, copper and arsenic ions using algae as a biosorbent. A series of experiments were carried out to obtain the breakthrough data in a fluidized bed reactor. The minimum fluidization velocities of beds were found to be 2.27 and 3.64 mm/s for mish sizes of 0.4-0.6 and 0.6-1 mm diameters, respectively. An ideal plug flow model has been adopted to characterize the fluidized bed reactor. This model has been solved numerically using MATLAB version 6.5. The results showed a well fitting with the experimental data. Different operating conditions were varied: static bed height, superficial velocity and particle diameter. The breakthrough curves were plotted for each metal. Pb2+ s

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Effect of Plant Pathogenic Fungi in solid media in comparison with common Fungicide

A study carried out for study effect of furfural that extracted from corn cobs by using specialized reaction system laboratory on phytopathogenic fungi: Pythium aphanidermatum, Rhizoctonia solani, Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium solani in addition to biocontrol fungus Trichoderma viride were isolated from infected plants and from their rhizosphere . The preparation results of different concentrations from stock solution in concentration 1% of furflural showed that The concentration was 100 ppm of furfural was inhibited the growth of P. aphanidermatum46.7 % and the was in concentration 400 ppm. while the concentration 500 ppm caused inhibition 50% and 41.1% of R. solani and F. solani respectively. Whereas the concentration 500 pp

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Study the nonlinear behavior of MWCNTs and ZnO/Se/MWCNTs

MWCNTs and hybrid nanocomposite ZnO/Se/MWCNTs have been prepared via Solvothermal technique using Parr reactor at the temperature 180°C and SeCl2 as a catalyst. The obtained MWCNTs and ZnO/Se/MWCNTs are investigated using the FE-SEM, XRD, UV-VIS Spectroscopy and Z-Scan. The novelty of this research is studying the nonlinear optical properties for these prepared materials and the results exhibit that the thickness of the deposited film for hybrid nanocomposite ZnO/Se/MWCNTs is increased, which in turn, increase the nonlinear phase shift of the laser beam compared with the MWCNTs.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences
Pharmaceutical pollution of the world’s rivers

Environmental exposure to active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) can have negative effects on the health of ecosystems and humans. While numerous studies have monitored APIs in rivers, these employ different analytical methods, measure different APIs, and have ignored many of the countries of the world. This makes it difficult to quantify the scale of the problem from a global perspective. Furthermore, comparison of the existing data, generated for different studies/regions/continents, is challenging due to the vast differences between the analytical methodologies employed. Here, we present a global-scale study of API pollution in 258 of the world’s rivers, representing the environmental influence of 471.4 million people across

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
Journal Name
Chemical Papers
Nile red based dye D–π–A as a promising material for solar cell applications

A recently reported Nile red (NR) dye conjugated with benzothiadiazole species paves the way for the development of novel organic-based sensitizers used in solar cells whose structures are susceptible to modifications. Thus, six novel NR structures were derived from two previously developed structures in laboratories. In this study, density functional theory (DFT) calculations and time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT) were used to determine the optoelectronic properties of the NR-derived moieties such as absorption spectra. Various linkers were investigated in an attempt to understand the impact of π-linkers on the optoelectronic properties. According to the findings, the presence of furan species led to the planarity of the molecule and a reduction

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
A Phase Behavior Compositional Model for Jambour Cretaceous Oil Reservoir

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparative Study between the Behavior of the Concrete Thrust Block and the Restraint Joint in a Water Distribution System; Review

Thrust blocks and restraint joints are the two most popular methods of counteracting the thrust force that generated at pipe fittings (bends, Tee, wye, reducers, dead ends, etc…). Both systems perform the same function, which is to prevent the joints from separating from the pipes. The aim of the study is to review previous studies and scientific theories related to the study and design of thrust blocks and restraint joints to study the behavior of both systems under thrust force and to study the factors and variables that affect the behavior of these systems. The behavior of both systems must be studied because they cannot be abandoned, as each system has conditions whose use is more feasible, scientific, and economic

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