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A Study of the Hydrodynamics Behavior of Cylindrical Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds for pharmaceutical material “Paracetamol “
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The hydrodynamics behavior of gas - solid fluidized beds is complex and it should be analyzed  and understood due to its importance in the design and operating of the units. The effect of column inside diameter and static bed height on the minimum fluidization velocity, minimum bubbling velocity, fluidization index, minimum slugging velocity and slug index have been studied experimentally and theoretically for three cylindrical columns of 0.0762, 0.15 and 0.18 m inside diameters  and 0.05, 0.07 and 0.09 m static bed heights .The experimental results showed that the minimum fluidization and bubbling velocities had a direct relation with column diameter and static bed height .The minimum slugging velocity had an inverse relation with static bed height and a direct one with column diameter .There was no agreement between the experimental and calculated values of Umb for Di=0.0762m ,this was a result to the assumption used in the correlation development. The fluidization index values were around 1 in all cases and that proved that the material is of Geldart type B. There was not a significant dependence of fluidization index and slug index on static bed height and column diameter.     


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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences 318, 03002 (2021)
A Comparative Study on Behavior of RC Columns Strengthened by CFRP and Steel Jacket
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This paper studies the behavior of axially loaded RC columns which are confined with carbon fiber reinforced polymers’ sheet (CFRP) and steel jackets (SJ). The study is based on twelve axially loaded RC columns tested up to failure. It is divided into three schemes based on its strengthening type; each scheme has four columns. The main parameters in this study were the compressive strength of the concrete and steel reinforcement ratio. Furthermore, the results of the experimental test showed a substantial enhancement in the column's load-carrying capacity. When compared to the original columns, the CFRP sheet had a significant effect on improving the ductility of the column by increasing the axial deformation by about 59.2 to 95.7

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Implementation of a Pharmaceutical Inventory Database Management System
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The main aim of this paper are the design and implementation of a pharmaceutical inventory database management system. The system was implemented by creating a database containing information about the stored medicines in the inventory, customers making transactions with the pharmaceutical trading company (which owns the inventory), medical suppliers, employees, payments, etc. The database was connected to the main application using C sharp. The proposed system should help in manag inginventory operations which include adding/updating employees’ information, preparing sale and purchase invoices, generating reports, adding/updating customers and suppliers, tracking customer payments and checking expired medicines in order to be disposed

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Numerical Study of Solid Core Photonic Crystal Fibres with Endlessly Single Mode
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       In this work, a solid core photonic crystal fibre (SC-PCF) has been designed with endlessly single mode of which both centerd core and holes in the cladding are organized by circles. The designed SC-PCF has a single solid centerd core which is ringed by a six rings hexagonal cladding. The computation of  SC-PCF is  achieved by using the finite element method (FEM) with perfectly matched layer (PML) boundary condition. All the designed factors like dimensions and distance of both core and cladding areas have varied with an optimized structure. After ending the numerical calculation, the results shows that there are a link between the air hols in the cladding ,  and the different normaliz

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Removal of Fluoride Ions from Wastewater Using Green and Blue-green Algae Biomass in a Fluidized Bed System
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The removal of fluoride ions from aqueous solution onto algal biomass as biosorbent in batch and continuous fluidized bed systems was studied. Batch system was used to study the effects of process parameters such as, pH (2-3.5), influent fluoride ions concentration (10- 50 mg/l), algal biomass dose (0–1.5 g/ 200 ml solution), to determine the best operating conditions. These conditions were pH=2.5, influent fluoride ions concentration= 10 mg/l, and algal biomass dose=3.5 mg/l. While, in continuous fluidized bed system, different operating conditions were used; flow rate (0.667- 0.800 l/min), bed depth (8-15 cm) corresponded to bed weight of (80- 150 g). The results show that the breakthrough time increases with the inc

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Visual Modeling Language for Agent Treasury Pharmaceutical
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The researches to discover useful ways to represent the agents and agent-based
systems are continuous. Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a visual modeling language
used for software and non software modeling systems. The aim of this paper is: using UML
class diagram to design treasury pharmaceuticals agent and explain its internal action. The
diagram explains the movement of the agent among other nodes to achieve user's requests
(external) after it takes them. The paper shows that it is easy to model the practical systems by
using agent UML when they are used in a complex environment.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Some Variables Affecting the Formulation of Pentoxifylline (PTX) as a Solid Sustained Release Dosage Form
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An inert matrix  that is used to control the release of  (PTX) was prepared using Eudragit RL100 and RSPM types as matrix forming agent . The matrices were prepared by either dry granulation(slugging) , or wet granulation method using chloroform as a solvent evaporation vehichle. The cumulative release was adjusted by using polyvinylpyrollidone (PVP) or ethylcellulose (EC) polymers .The results indicated that   both methods of preparation were valid for incorporation PTX as a sustained release granules .Moreover ,the results revealed that best polymer used  was Eudragit RSPM in 3:20 polymer drug ratio .Besides to that ,   the results indicated that the release profiles were affected by  pH- medium&

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study of the Effect of Magnetic Abrasive Finishing on the Material Removal of AA1100 Aluminum Alloy
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This study evaluates the performance of magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) of aluminum alloy in terms of achieving materials removal (MR). A vertical milling machine is used to perform the finishing process using a developed MAF unit that consists of an inductor made out of a 150 mm long and 20 mm diameter iron core wound with 1500 turns and 0.5 mm copper wire. The commutator and magnetic pole are attached at the top and bottom of the inductor, respectively. The required current is supplied using a DC power supply. The South Pole workpiece is a 100×50×3 mm3 plate of AA 1100 aluminum alloy, whereas the magnetic pole represented the North Pole. Pole rotational speed, applied current, and abrasive finishing time was selected as

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Curtin University
Gas hydrates investigation: flow assurance for gas production and effects on hydrate-bearing sediments
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This thesis was aimed to study gas hydrates in terms of their equilibrium conditions in bulk and their effects on sedimentary rocks. The hydrate equilibrium measurements for different gas mixtures containing CH4, CO2 and N2 were determined experimentally using the PVT sapphire cell equipment. We imaged CO2 hydrate distribution in sandstone, and investigated the hydrate morphology and cluster characteristics via μCT. Moreover, the effect of hydrate formation on the P-wave velocities of sandstone was investigated experimentally.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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The piled raft is a geotechnical composite construction consisting of three elements: piles, raft and soil.
In the design of piled rafts, the load shared between the piles and the raft, and the piles are used up to a
load level that can be of the same order of magnitude as the bearing capacity of a comparable single
pile or even greater. Therefore, the piled raft foundation allows reduction of settlements in a very
economic way as compared to traditional foundation concepts.
This paper presents experimental study to investigate the behavior of piled raft system in sandy
soil. A small scale “prototype” model was tested in a sand box with load applied to the system through
a compression machine. The settlement was

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Wed Oct 25 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The effect of fainting on a person’s behavior in (worship)
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The Messengers and the Imam of the God-fearing, Muhammad is God, his family, and all of his companions. As for what comes after... Fainting is one of the involuntary symptoms and states that occur to a person when carrying out his life’s tasks suddenly due to his loss of sense and movement, so he loses consciousness for a period of time that is short or may be long, and the person is held accountable and responsible for every moment of his life. He is required to perform duties specified by Sharia law, such as prayer, fasting, and Hajj...and fainting prevents him from performing these actions. We must consider the opinions of jurists and know the legal implications resulting from it. It was said that a person has a capacity that enable

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