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Two – Dimensional Mathematical Model to Study Erosion Problem of Tigris River Banks at Nu’maniyah
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The high and low water levels in Tigris River threaten the banks of the river. The study area is located on the main stream of Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City and the length of the considered reach is 5.4 km, especially the region from 400 m upstream Nu’maniyah Bridge and downstream of the bridge up to 1250 mwhich increased the risk ofthe problemthat itheading towardsthe streetand causingdanger tonearbyareas.

The aim of this research is to identify the reason of slope collapse and find proper treatments for erosion problem in the river banks with the least cost. The modeling approach consisted of several steps, the first of which  is by using “mini” JET (Jet Erosion Test) device provides a simple method of measuring scour depth with the time for the riverbank and finding values of critical shear stress and erodibility factor for ten soil samples taken from right bank and bottom of Tigris River; the second of which involved setting up a static BSTEM software for two models (with and without treatment), then calculating the erosion amounts and factor of safety for the ten soil samples; the third approach involved implementing a two dimensional RMA2 to simulate four scenarios to find  the velocity, water depth, and water surface elevation distributions for two models (with and without treatment). Therefore, observed erosion in other discharges in natural case near the right bank [especially at cross section that are located in Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City from 500 m upstream Nu’maniyah Bridge and cross section that are located from 1800 m downstream Nu’maniyah Bridge] is high because of high erodibility coefficient in those cross sections that  causes high erosion. Also, failure occurs in natural case of Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City  because of erosion near the right bank and does not occur because of slope stability failure for right bank where the range of the velocities near the right bank for the study area for most discharges is  between 0.67 and 0.91 m/s. In addition to experimental work using "mini" JET device shows high erodibility coefficient in those cross sections  and (2+900)  which confirms that this device is  very good indicator for the possibility of bank scour. The velocities upstream of the island and near the right bank in the study area are between 0.64 and 1.47 m/s, while downstream of the island is between 0.64 and 1.04 m/s. In addition to soil of Tigris River right bank at Nu’maniyah is silty soil, the scour velocity is higher than 0.5 m/s, therefore the right bank is safe against scour only when the discharges of Tigris River are less than 500 m3/s. Thus, vegetation is unsafe treatment on right bank of Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City. The velocity causes removal of plants since treatment for river bank is 0.61 m/s where velocities near bank at most discharges are higher than this limit. Thus, treatment by riprap is the proper choice on the right bank of Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City because its cost with maintenance is 2 billion IQD less than gabion treatment in addition to velocity reduction ratio along the right bank by riprap ranges from 15% to 85%, while velocity reduction ratio along the right bank by gabion ranges from 8% to 25%, respectively.


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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Assess the level of achievement
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This work, in fact, is an English language teaching study (henceforth, ELT) which may provide the inspiration for much –needed research on issues such as testing students' level of achievement in articulatory phonetics at the university level. It attempts to answer two questions: 1)What is college students' level of achievement in articulatory phonetics? 2- Are there any statistical significant differences in the achievement of college students in articulatory phonetics between the production and recognition testing techniques? This research falls into three sections: Section one indicates the problem, the aims, the hypotheses, the procedures, the limits and the value of the study. Section two provides a general overview of the articul

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Research
Prenatal Markers of Foetal Complications
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Prenatal markers are commonly used in practice to screen for some foetal abnormalities. They can be biochemical or ultrasonic markers in addition to the newly used cell free Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) estimation. This review aimed to illustrate the applications of the prenatal screening, and the reliability of these tests in detecting the presence of abnormal chromosomes such as trisomy-21, trisomy-18, and trisomy-13 in addition to neural tube defects. Prenatal markers can also be used in the anticipation of some obstetrical complications depending on levels of these markers in the mother’s circulation. In the developed countries, prenatal screening tests are regularly used during antenatal care period. Neural tube defects, numer

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Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation of phenolic resin complexes
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in this worl three types of complexed phenolic resins were prepared using various additives such as and improving the aim of this work higher mechanical properties this work is done

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Act Of An Operator
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In this paper we will study some of the properties of an operator by looking at the associated S-act of this operator, and conversely. We look at some operators, like one to one operators, onto operators. On the other hand, we look at some act theoretic concepts, like faithful acts, finitely generated acts, singular acts, separated acts, torsion free acts and noetherian acts. We try to determine what properties of T make the associated S-act has any of these properties.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Propagation of Chickpea in vitro
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Apical meristems, lateral buds, anthers of immature flowers and immature embryos of chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.) were cultured on MS media with different growth regulators and incubated for 6 weeks at 25-27?C with 16 hrs photoperiod for callus initiation. Results indicated that 1 and 0.1 mg/l of 2,4-D and BA were suitable for callus initiation when apical meristems and lateral buds were used. While 2 and 0.5 mg/l of both growth regulators were essential for immature embryos. It was noticed that using chickpea anthers of the MS medium must contain 1mg/l 2ip and 0.5 mg/l IAA. However, MS medium supplemented with 1-3 mg/l of BA and 2,4-D respectively was good for callus initiation from lateral buds, anther and immature embryos.

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Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
modification of polystyrene co butadiene
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During this research accomplish some chemical modifications on the Poly for new modified polymers with Kimaaaúah qualities, physical and unexpected new applications that the first of these chemical modifications that was completed is the introduction of a poly styrene butadiene swash and then this group

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Thu Jul 01 1999
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
Hydrophilidae of Iraq (insect , Coleopterws)
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This work reports thirty three Iraqi species and one subspecies of Hydrophilidae, distributed in eleven genera under four subfamilies. Of them two species namely Laccobius gracilis Motsch and Laccobius syriacus Guilleb. Are new records for Iraq. The locality data were mentioned for each species.

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Thu Apr 11 2019
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Political Sciences Journal
Scientific Activities College of branches
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Scientific Activities College of branches

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Thu Mar 16 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Translation Studies
Problems of Translating Computer Collocations
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Space of Fuzzy Orderings
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In this paper the chain length of a space of fuzzy orderings is defined, and various properties of this invariant are proved. The structure theorem for spaces of finite chain length is proved. Spaces of Fuzzy Orderings Throughout X = (X,A) denoted a space of fuzzy orderings. That is, A is a fuzzy subgroup of abelian group G of exponent 2. (see [1] (i.e. x 2 = 1,  x  G), and X is a (non empty) fuzzy subset of the character group  (A) = Hom(A,{1,–1}) satisfying: 1. X is a fuzzy closed subset of  (A). 2.  an element e  A such that (e) = – 1    X. 3. X :={a  A\ (a) = 1    X} = 1. 4. If f and g are forms over A and if x  D(

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