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Two – Dimensional Mathematical Model to Study Erosion Problem of Tigris River Banks at Nu’maniyah
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The high and low water levels in Tigris River threaten the banks of the river. The study area is located on the main stream of Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City and the length of the considered reach is 5.4 km, especially the region from 400 m upstream Nu’maniyah Bridge and downstream of the bridge up to 1250 mwhich increased the risk ofthe problemthat itheading towardsthe streetand causingdanger tonearbyareas.

The aim of this research is to identify the reason of slope collapse and find proper treatments for erosion problem in the river banks with the least cost. The modeling approach consisted of several steps, the first of which  is by using “mini” JET (Jet Erosion Test) device provides a simple method of measuring scour depth with the time for the riverbank and finding values of critical shear stress and erodibility factor for ten soil samples taken from right bank and bottom of Tigris River; the second of which involved setting up a static BSTEM software for two models (with and without treatment), then calculating the erosion amounts and factor of safety for the ten soil samples; the third approach involved implementing a two dimensional RMA2 to simulate four scenarios to find  the velocity, water depth, and water surface elevation distributions for two models (with and without treatment). Therefore, observed erosion in other discharges in natural case near the right bank [especially at cross section that are located in Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City from 500 m upstream Nu’maniyah Bridge and cross section that are located from 1800 m downstream Nu’maniyah Bridge] is high because of high erodibility coefficient in those cross sections that  causes high erosion. Also, failure occurs in natural case of Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City  because of erosion near the right bank and does not occur because of slope stability failure for right bank where the range of the velocities near the right bank for the study area for most discharges is  between 0.67 and 0.91 m/s. In addition to experimental work using "mini" JET device shows high erodibility coefficient in those cross sections  and (2+900)  which confirms that this device is  very good indicator for the possibility of bank scour. The velocities upstream of the island and near the right bank in the study area are between 0.64 and 1.47 m/s, while downstream of the island is between 0.64 and 1.04 m/s. In addition to soil of Tigris River right bank at Nu’maniyah is silty soil, the scour velocity is higher than 0.5 m/s, therefore the right bank is safe against scour only when the discharges of Tigris River are less than 500 m3/s. Thus, vegetation is unsafe treatment on right bank of Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City. The velocity causes removal of plants since treatment for river bank is 0.61 m/s where velocities near bank at most discharges are higher than this limit. Thus, treatment by riprap is the proper choice on the right bank of Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City because its cost with maintenance is 2 billion IQD less than gabion treatment in addition to velocity reduction ratio along the right bank by riprap ranges from 15% to 85%, while velocity reduction ratio along the right bank by gabion ranges from 8% to 25%, respectively.


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Publication Date
Sun Feb 02 2020
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad, College Of Education For Pure Sciences / Ibn Al-haitham, Department Of Mathematics
Some Types of Perfect Mappings
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The aims of this thesis are to study the topological space; we introduce a new kind of perfect mappings, namely j-perfect mappings and j-ω-perfect mappings. Furthermore, we devoted to study the relationship between j-perfect mappings and j-ω-perfect mappings. Finally, certain theorems and characterization concerning these concepts are studied. On the other hand, we studied weakly/ strongly forms of ω-perfect mappings, namely -ω-perfect mappings, weakly -ω-perfect mappings and strongly-ω-perfect mappings; also, we investigate their fundamental properties. We devoted to study the relationship between weakly -ω-perfect mappings and strongly -ω-perfect mappings. As well as, some new generalizations of some definitions wh

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Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Enhancement of Hoisting System Performance
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In this paper it is required to enhance the performance of a mechanical system (here: a Hoisting System) where it is preferred to lift a different payloads with approximately the same speed of lifting and keeping at the same time the good performance, and this of course needs some intelligence of the system which will be responsible on measuring the present load and taking into account the speed and performance desired in order to achieve the requirements or the criteria. The process therefore is a Mechatronics System design which includes a measuring system, a control or automation technique, and an actuating system. The criteria built here in this research using a given Hoist system's characteristics and parameters and changing one of

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Characteristic Performance of Deionized Columns
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The reclamation of makeup water is studied in terms of breakthrough time (i.e., the leakage of the cations). Makeup water was subjected to lab-scale ion exchangers of two types: strong acid cation and weak base anion exchanger. The experimental investigation was directed to study the ion exchanger performance in terms of four different parameters (i.e., copper concentration, total dissolved solids (TDS), feed rate and bed depth). Box-Wilson composite rotatable design was adopted in designing the experiments. Breakthrough times of the effluent stream are measured in terms of copper concentration of 2 to 25 ppm, TDS concentration of 250 to 1250 ppm, feed rate of 0.38 to 5.34 l/h and bed depth of 5 to 70 cm. Simulation the effect of the stu

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Scientific And Technical Research
Topological Generalizations of Rough Concepts
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The importance of topology as a tool in preference theory is what motivates this study in which we characterize topologies generating by digraphs. In this paper, we generalized the notions of rough set concepts using two topological structures generated by out (resp. in)-degree sets of vertices on general digraph. New types of topological rough sets are initiated and studied using new types of topological sets. Some properties of topological rough approximations are studied by many propositions.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Optical Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer
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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Cubic Ideals of TM-algebras
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For the generality of fuzzy ideals in TM-algebra, a cubic ideal in this algebra has been studied, such as cubic ideals and cubic T-ideals. Some properties of these ideals are investigated. Also, we show that the cubic T-ideal is a cubic ideal, but the converse is not generally valid. In addition, a cubic sub-algebra is defined, and new relations between the level subset and a cubic sub-algebra are discussed. After that, cubic ideals and cubic T-ideals under homomorphism are studied, and the image (pre-image) of cubic T-ideals is discussed. Finally, the Cartesian product of cubic ideals in Cartesian product TM-algebras is given. We proved that the product of two cubic ideals of the Cartesian product of two TM-algebras is also a cubic idea

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Simulation of Wiped Film Evaporator
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A mathematical model and associated computer program were developed to simulate the steady state operation of wiped film evaporators for the concentration of glycerol-water solution. In this model, various assumptions were made to facilitate the mathematical model of the wiped film evaporator. The fundamental phenomena described were: sensible heating of the solution and vaporization of water. Physical property data were coded into the computer program, which performs the calculations of this model. Randomly selected experiments were carried out in a small scale wiped film evaporator from ALVAL COMPANY, using different concentrations of the glycerol solution (10, 30 and 50 Wt. %) for different feed rates (30, 50, 80, 100 and 120 l/h) and

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Sun Dec 31 2000
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The Preparation of Isosorbide Dinitrate
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Wed Jan 01 2020
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دار الكتب والوثائق العراقيه
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