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The history of political conflicts in Zimbabwe: The history of political conflicts in Zimbabwe
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This research shows the history of political conflicts in Zimbabwe, the
merits of the political struggle for power in this country since the British
colonial period, especially after the British administration announced that
Zimbabwe is a local colony of the British Crown in 1923, as the settlement
process against the wide white deprive local people to own and lease land
and low income, as well as the 1961 Constitution, which granted access to
the white powers in accordance with the authority of the top menu for the
existing lower allocated to blacks.
These events and factors led to a national rejection in Zimbabwe,
which crystallized in the form of parties and political organizations through the
two major parties: Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU) led by Joshua
Nkomo, and African National Union (ZANU), led by Robert Mugabe.
The features of political struggles for power started in Zimbabwe
during the elections in 1962 which made the whites (50) seats guaranteed to
them by the Constitution, and deprived blacks of those seats, a matter which
led the national leadership to engage with the government's white led by (Ian
Smith) in long discussions of settlement of this question which ended with the
expulsion of the country's native citizins from the local authority for ever. That
phase had revealed the dimensions of the struggle for power that was limited
between white settlers and national leaders.
But after independence, especially after the elections of 1979 which
allocated (80) seats for the local population, compared to (20) seats for whites
and the formation of the first black majority government in the country, the
features of another struggle for power between nationalists themselves
appeared, as the outcomes of the elections in 1979 which did not satisfy
some of them and led bishop Mozhuiroa to establish a new party known as
the African National Council party which won the elections, But this led to
question the legitimacy of the elections and declared a state of civil
disobedience to that government, and repeat the elections in which Robert
Mugabe won in 1980, ending by that the phase of the conflict.
The phase of cohabitation between the national party (ZAPU) and
(ZANU) came to an end, with Mugabe's reach to power after he has declared
a one-party politics, which made it more powerful than the first, especially
after the deportation of some his rivals, like Joshua Nkomo outside the
country, the liquidation of other rivals, and the declaration of the presidential
system in the country.
In 2000, another phase of power struggle appeared with the
emergence of a new opposition against the rule of Mugabe, under the name
of the movement for Democratic Change, which compete with Mugabe in the
elections of 2002, and elections of 2008, an issue which has raised a big
storm in the country, ended after the intervention of some African leaders with
Mugabe's concession the opposition as a partner in government after he

changed the form of political regime in Zimbabwe from presidential to
parliamentary, he stayed as the President of the Republic while the leader of
the opposition (Morgan Tsvangirai) became the Chairman of the Zimbabwean

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The contemporary political history of the State of Zimbabwe
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Abstract: This study aims to identify mainly the experience of development of the state of Zimbabwe. The purpose of this study is to explain African studies in our Arab countries . The approach followed in this study is analytical description using also the comparative method as needed. This research division an introduction ,fourth topics and conclusions .The first dealt with the geographical location of the state of the Zimbabwe and explain of the main cities and a general introduction to the Republic of the state of Zimbabwe . The second section reviewed the historical development since the advent of colonial British colonialism and the declaration of Rhodesia Nyasaland in 1953 . As well as to clarify the position of stats and interna

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
International and domestic political conflicts in south Yemen1869-1918
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In the South of yement, when the accupation of Aden in 1839 by the British, British politics has proceeded in accordance with interests in promoting the existence and exploitation of this important site to implement their interests. Historians believe that Britain played a major role in the conflicts that have taken place on the land of Yemen, through a series of military and political dealings between them and the Ottoman Empire prior to withdrawal of Yemen and between local authorities and power to Yemen, such interactions have led to very serious consequences for the future of Yemen and Yemen was often divided into three parts, the northern areas under the authority of Imam Yahya, and the South, under the control of Britain, Asir and

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The important political development in democracy Congo: The important political development in democracy Congo
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The study which carried( The important political development in
democracy Congo).initially deals with The important political events in African
country democracy Congo which know tow political period , and this study
divided tow chapter to expend these periods , the first chapter subject was the
period of mobotow 1965- 1997 . while the second chapter subject was abo

democracy Congo under the rule of loran cabeela who's comes to the rules of
the African country after he lead military movement agents' mobotow .
but the study have aconcluded that the political development in
democracy Congo happened because of the foreigner role , this role keep the
authority of mobotow and in the end let him down

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
¬The Role of the European Union in Conflicts Resolution in the Eastern Neighborhood: Selected Models
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The launch of the EU’s Eastern Partnership in 2009 intended to signal a new, elevated level of EU engagement with its Eastern neighborhood. Yet there remain several long-simmering and potentially destabilizing conflicts in the region, with which EU engagement thus far has been sporadic at best. The Union’s use of its Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) in the region and to help solve these disputes has been particularly ad hoc and inconsistent, wracked by inter-institutional incoherence and undermined by Member States’ inability to agree on a broad strategic vision for engagement with the area.

The three CSDP missions deployed to the region thus far have all suffered from this incoherence to various extents. In particu

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Bajila role in the Arabic- Islamic history in the early period of Islam: Bajila role in the Arabic- Islamic history in the early period of Islam
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Bajila regarded as descending from Anmar Ibn Nizar. Al-Masudi accepts
Bajila and Khath”am as being of Nizar, and asserts that it was only out of the
enmity that they were said to be from the Yemen.
Al-Ya”qubi tries to harmonize this by assuming that Anmar married a
women of the Yemen and that his sons Bajila and Khath”am are thus
connected to the people of this region only through their mothers line.
Bajila embraced Islam in the period of the prophet. Omar 1 forced this
tribe to go to Iraq instead of Al-_Sham, and gave them the quarter of Al- Saw
ad. Then they prohibited from that quarter by given money as reward that
made them against omar1.
This tribe assisted the forth rightly guided ca

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The role of Rabi’a tribe in the history of Iraq in the rightly guided caliph’s period Prof. Dr.: The role of Rabi’a tribe in the history of Iraq in the rightly guided caliph’s period Prof. Dr.
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Rabi’a tribe lived on the land of Euphrates since the first century of the
Christ. Then that land becomes her homeland. The Persians tried many times
to drive her away from that land, but with out result.
In the course of time Rabi’a become more knowledgeable of Persia.
This tribe proved her love and sanctification to the land of Euphrates, in the
battle of Dhyqar.
Rabi’a converted to Islam quickly and helped the Muslims to conquer
Iraq with a big number of fighters in many battles like al- Qadisyyah. That
influenced the anger of Mudriat Arab tribes who were their old enemies.
Mudriat tribes did their efforts to reduce the importance of Rabi’a because of
some its branches were among of t

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Discourse Deixis in the American Political Speeches
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 The feature that prevails in spoken political discourse - especially with regards to the fact
that it is otherwise used in the written one - is relatively high degree of formality. It is then just
logical that formality is usually accompanied with more polite forms and higher degree of
impersonality. Such discourse is characterized by the choice of specific vocabulary and syntactic
structures as well. However, there are some tendencies to bring political speech nearer to the
everyday discourse and that is why political speeches have been becoming more informal and
personal. Like any other types of discourse, the American political speeches are loaded with
deictic expressions that form an essential complementary

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Military institution in the Nigerian Political life
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The intervention in the military institute represents a great role in the Nigerian
political life since 1960. There are many reasons behind this domination. The First is that
many African militants participated in liberating their countries from colonization. The
second is that they tried to stay in power as long as they could stay through the rule of one
There fore, they depend on the process of political and economic reform to get rid of
military rule that dominated the Nigerian Political life to be a civilian state

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Humanitarian Intervention between the Legal And Political Considerations: Humanitarian Intervention between the Legal And Political Considerations
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Humanitarian intervention has taken different forms included within the
peaceful and military means to stop the human suffering, whether caused by
natural disaster or humanitarian disasters.
Intervention can not be acquitted because it carries with it political cover,
but sometimes it may be legitimate cover for the occupation and the violation
of sovereignty. Therefore, the research worked to capture the legal and
political aspects of international law and the role of international organizations
to intervene and the right to use force.
The research concludes that international law had not been fairly
successful in controlling the behavior of some countries in the use of force,
and that there is

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The History of Multi Parties and its Effect on Political System in India
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The History of Multi Parties and its Effect on Political System in India

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