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A Population based Study on Self Medication Practice in Pakistan
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Background: The risk of antibiotics resistance (AR) increases due to excessive of antibiotics either by health care provider or by the patients.

Objective: The assessment of the self-medication Practice of over the counter drugs and other prescription drugs and its associated risk factor.

Subjects and Methods: Study design: A descriptive study was conducted from “20th December 2019 to 08th January 2021”. A pre validated and structured questionnaire in English and Urdu language was created to avoid language barrier including personal detail, reasons and source and knowledge about over the counter drugs and Antibiotics. Sample of the study was randomly selected. Data was analyzed by software SPSS version 22.

Results: Out of n=3388 respondents, the prevalence of self -medication practice of OTC drugs and antibiotics as self – medication practice in all of the respondents is 88% and 85.9% respectively. Knowledge of the respondents about the use of the antibiotics as well as side effects of antibiotics was 40.7% and 15.3% respectively. Headache, fever, cough and stomach problem were the minor ailments for which   majority of OTC drugs and antibiotics used respectively. The commonly used OTC drugs and OPDEA were Paracetamol and Omeprazole. The commonly used antibiotics were Metronidazole, Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid and Ciprofloxacin.

Conclusion: Government should make policies to train pharmacist in the community for antibiotics stewardship and standard treatment guidelines through educational workshops. Our future study will be on how to minimize antimicrobial resistance in the developing countries

  1.  Conclusion: Government should make policies to train pharmacist in the community for antibiotics stewardship and standard treatment guidelines through educational workshops. Our future study will be on how to minimize antimicrobial resistance in the developing countries.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Fifth International Conference On Applied Sciences: Icas2023
Facial deepfake performance evaluation based on three detection tools: MTCNN, Dlib, and MediaPipe
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2022
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Hybrid Intrusion Detection System based on DNA Encoding, Teiresias Algorithm and Clustering Method
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Until recently, researchers have utilized and applied various techniques for intrusion detection system (IDS), including DNA encoding and clustering that are widely used for this purpose. In addition to the other two major techniques for detection are anomaly and misuse detection, where anomaly detection is done based on user behavior, while misuse detection is done based on known attacks signatures. However, both techniques have some drawbacks, such as a high false alarm rate. Therefore, hybrid IDS takes advantage of combining the strength of both techniques to overcome their limitations. In this paper, a hybrid IDS is proposed based on the DNA encoding and clustering method. The proposed DNA encoding is done based on the UNSW-NB15

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Interior Visual Intruders Detection Module Based on Multi-Connect Architecture MCA Associative Memory
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Most recent studies have focused on using modern intelligent techniques spatially, such as those
developed in the Intruder Detection Module (IDS). Such techniques have been built based on modern
artificial intelligence-based modules. Those modules act like a human brain. Thus, they should have had the
ability to learn and recognize what they had learned. The importance of developing such systems came after
the requests of customers and establishments to preserve their properties and avoid intruders’ damage. This
would be provided by an intelligent module that ensures the correct alarm. Thus, an interior visual intruder
detection module depending on Multi-Connect Architecture Associative Memory (MCA)

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Improve Akaike’s Information Criterion Estimation Based on Denoising of Quadrature Mirror Filter Bank
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Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) is a popular method for estimation the number of sources impinging on an array of sensors, which is a problem of great interest in several applications. The performance of AIC degrades under low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). This paper is concerned with the development and application of quadrature mirror filters (QMF) for improving the performance of AIC. A new system is proposed to estimate the number of sources by applying AIC to the outputs of filter bank consisting quadrature mirror filters (QMF). The proposed system can estimate the number of sources under low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Development of Iraqi License Plate Recognition System based on Canny Edge Detection Method
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In recent years, there has been expanding development in the vehicular part and the number of vehicles moving on the road in all the sections of the country. Vehicle number plate identification based on image processing is a dynamic area of this work; this technique is used for security purposes such as tracking of stolen cars and access control to restricted areas. The License Plate Recognition System (LPRS) exploits a digital camera to capture vehicle plate numbers is used as input to the proposed recognition system. Basically, the developing system is consist of three phases, vehicle license plate localization, character segmentation, and character recognition, the License Plate (LP) detection is presented using canny

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design of New Hybrid Neural Controller for Nonlinear CSTR System based on Identification
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This paper proposes improving the structure of the neural controller based on the identification model for nonlinear systems. The goal of this work is to employ the structure of the Modified Elman Neural Network (MENN) model into the NARMA-L2 structure instead of Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) model in order to construct a new hybrid neural structure that can be used as an identifier model and a nonlinear controller for the SISO linear or nonlinear systems. Two learning algorithms are used to adjust the parameters weight of the hybrid neural structure with its serial-parallel configuration; the first one is supervised learning algorithm based Back Propagation Algorithm (BPA) and the second one is an intelligent algorithm n

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Robot Arm Path Planning Using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization based on D* algorithm
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Much attention has been paid for the use of robot arm in various applications. Therefore, the optimal path finding has a significant role to upgrade and guide the arm movement. The essential function of path planning is to create a path that satisfies the aims of motion including, averting obstacles collision, reducing time interval, decreasing the path traveling cost and satisfying the kinematics constraints. In this paper, the free Cartesian space map of 2-DOF arm is constructed to attain the joints variable at each point without collision. The D*algorithm and Euclidean distance are applied to obtain the exact and estimated distances to the goal respectively. The modified Particle Swarm Optimization al

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Crossref (8)
Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Coronavirus Disease Diagnosis, Care and Prevention (COVID-19) Based on Decision Support System
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              Automated clinical decision support system (CDSS) acts as new paradigm in medical services today. CDSSs are utilized to increment specialists (doctors) in their perplexing decision-making. Along these lines, a reasonable decision support system is built up dependent on doctors' knowledge and data mining derivation framework so as to help with the interest the board in the medical care gracefully to control the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) virus pandemic and, generally, to determine the class of infection and to provide a suitable protocol treatment depending on the symptoms of patient. Firstly, it needs to determine the three early symptoms of COVID-19 pandemic criteria (fever, tiredness, dry cough and breat

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Scopus (10)
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Dec 03 2018
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Condition assessment and rehabilitation for trunk sewer deterioration based on Semi-Markov model
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An accurate assessment of the pipes’ conditions is required for effective management of the trunk sewers. In this paper the semi-Markov model was developed and tested using the sewer dataset from the Zublin trunk sewer in Baghdad, Iraq, in order to evaluate the future performance of the sewer. For the development of this model the cumulative waiting time distribution of sewers was used in each condition that was derived directly from the sewer condition class and age data. Results showed that the semi-Markov model was inconsistent with the data by adopting ( 2 test) and also, showed that the error in prediction is due to lack of data on the sewer waiting times at each condition state which can be solved by using successive conditi

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 21 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Development of Iraqi license plate recognition system based on Canny edge detection method
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In recent years, there has been expanding development in the vehicular part and the number of vehicles moving on the road in all the sections of the country. Vehicle number plate identification based on image processing is a dynamic area of this work; this technique is used for security purposes such as tracking of stolen cars and access control to restricted areas. The License Plate Recognition System (LPRS) exploits a digital camera to capture vehicle plate numbers is used as input to the proposed recognition system. Basically, the developing system is consist of three phases, vehicle license plate localization, character segmentation, and character recognition, the License Plate (LP) detection is presented using canny Edge detection algo

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