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Interior Visual Intruders Detection Module Based on Multi-Connect Architecture MCA Associative Memory
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Most recent studies have focused on using modern intelligent techniques spatially, such as those
developed in the Intruder Detection Module (IDS). Such techniques have been built based on modern
artificial intelligence-based modules. Those modules act like a human brain. Thus, they should have had the
ability to learn and recognize what they had learned. The importance of developing such systems came after
the requests of customers and establishments to preserve their properties and avoid intruders’ damage. This
would be provided by an intelligent module that ensures the correct alarm. Thus, an interior visual intruder
detection module depending on Multi-Connect Architecture Associative Memory (MCA) has been proposed.
Via using the MCA associative memory as a new trend, the proposed module goes through two phases: the
first is the training phase (which is executed once during the module installation process) and the second is
the analysis phase. Both phases will be developed through the use of MCA, each according to its process.
The training phase will take place through the learning phase of MCA, while the analysis phase will take
place through the convergence phase of MCA. The use of MCA increases the efficiency of the training
process for the proposed system by using a minimum number of training images that do not exceed 10
training images of the total number of frames in JPG format. The proposed module has been evaluated using
11,825 images that have been extracted from 11 tested videos. As a result, the module can detect the intruder
with an accuracy ratio in the range of 97%–100%. The average training process time for the training videos
was in the range of 10.2 s to 23.2 s.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing‏
Modify Multi-Connect Architecture (MMCA) associative memory‏
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Modify Multi-Connect Architecture (MMCA) associative memory‏

Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Modern Trends In Engineering And Research (ijmter)
An image processing oriented optical mark reader based on modify multi-connect architecture (MMCA)
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Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) is the technology of electronically extracting intended data from marked fields, such as squareand bubbles fields, on printed forms. OMR technology is particularly useful for applications in which large numbers of hand-filled forms need to be processed quickly and with a great degree of accuracy. The technique is particularly popular with schools and universities for the reading in of multiple choice exam papers. This paper proposed OMRbased on Modify Multi-Connect Architecture (MMCA) associative memory, its work in two phases: training phase and recognition phase. The proposed method was also able to detect more than one or no selected choice. Among 800 test samples with 8 types of grid answer sheets and tota

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Taxonomy of Memory Usage in Swarm Intelligence-Based Metaheuristics
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Metaheuristics under the swarm intelligence (SI) class have proven to be efficient and have become popular methods for solving different optimization problems. Based on the usage of memory, metaheuristics can be classified into algorithms with memory and without memory (memory-less). The absence of memory in some metaheuristics will lead to the loss of the information gained in previous iterations. The metaheuristics tend to divert from promising areas of solutions search spaces which will lead to non-optimal solutions. This paper aims to review memory usage and its effect on the performance of the main SI-based metaheuristics. Investigation has been performed on SI metaheuristics, memory usage and memory-less metaheuristics, memory char

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Recent Trends In Engineering & Research
Password Authentication Based On Modify Bidirectional Associative Memory (MBAM)
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Password authentication is popular approach to the system security and it is also very important system security procedure to gain access to resources of the user. This paper description password authentication method by using Modify Bidirectional Associative Memory (MBAM) algorithm for both graphical and textual password for more efficient in speed and accuracy. Among 100 test the accuracy result is 100% for graphical and textual password to authenticate a user.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 20 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hetero-associative Memory Based New Iraqi License Plate Recognition
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As a result of recent developments in highway research as well as the increased use of vehicles, there has been a significant interest paid to the most current, effective, and precise Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). In the field of computer vision or digital image processing, the identification of specific objects in an image plays a crucial role in the creation of a comprehensive image. There is a challenge associated with Vehicle License Plate Recognition (VLPR) because of the variation in viewpoints, multiple formats, and non-uniform lighting conditions at the time of acquisition of the image, shape, and color, in addition, the difficulties like poor image resolution, blurry image, poor lighting, and low contrast, these

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
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Mechanisms of visual attraction in interior spaces
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The visual attraction of the fundamentals that require the availability in the design business, to achieve the needs of different social interactive and the need for recreation or entertainment as well as financial need and as such has considered the importance of a researcher studying the mechanics of visual attractions in the interior spaces have been identified according to the research problem the following question:
What are the mechanisms of visual attractions in the interior spaces and the current research aims to Recruitment mechanisms of visual attractions in the design of interior spaces as determined by three research limits are:
• Reduce the objective: the mechanics of visual attraction.
• Reducing the spatial: S

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
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Visual stimulus in the design of interior spaces
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The visual stimulus is the effective force in visual attraction that achieves visual and perceptual co-optation and is important in wooing the recipient, and many procedural processes in the design are interpreted on it as the visual stimulus achieves visual comfort and a sense of pleasure and gives (place) the interior space a transformation in its plastic structure as well as arousing attention through The kinetic rhythm and the formal diversity, which increases the possibility of breaking the routine and traditional constraints of design patterns through the coating and encapsulation of the vertical and horizontal levels . Thus, the research problem was launched based on the following question: What are the stimuli of the visual stimu

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Research on Emotion Classification Based on Multi-modal Fusion
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Nowadays, people's expression on the Internet is no longer limited to text, especially with the rise of the short video boom, leading to the emergence of a large number of modal data such as text, pictures, audio, and video. Compared to single mode data ,the multi-modal data always contains massive information. The mining process of multi-modal information can help computers to better understand human emotional characteristics. However, because the multi-modal data show obvious dynamic time series features, it is necessary to solve the dynamic correlation problem within a single mode and between different modes in the same application scene during the fusion process. To solve this problem, in this paper, a feature extraction framework of

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Multi-Focus Image Fusion Based on Pixel Significance Using Counterlet Transform
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 The objective of image fusion is to merge multiple sources of images together in such a way that the final representation contains higher amount of useful information than any input one.. In this paper, a weighted average fusion method is proposed. It depends on using weights that are extracted from source images using counterlet transform. The extraction method is done by making the approximated transformed coefficients equal to zero, then taking the inverse counterlet transform to get the details of the images to be fused. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been verified on several grey scale and color test  images, and compared with some present methods.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 23 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Anomaly Detection Approach Based on Deep Neural Network and Dropout
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   Regarding to the computer system security, the intrusion detection systems are fundamental components for discriminating attacks at the early stage. They monitor and analyze network traffics, looking for abnormal behaviors or attack signatures to detect intrusions in early time. However, many challenges arise while developing flexible and efficient network intrusion detection system (NIDS) for unforeseen attacks with high detection rate. In this paper, deep neural network (DNN) approach was proposed for anomaly detection NIDS. Dropout is the regularized technique used with DNN model to reduce the overfitting. The experimental results applied on NSL_KDD dataset. SoftMax output layer has been used with cross entropy loss funct

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