Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) is the technology of electronically extracting intended data from marked fields, such as squareand bubbles fields, on printed forms. OMR technology is particularly useful for applications in which large numbers of hand-filled forms need to be processed quickly and with a great degree of accuracy. The technique is particularly popular with schools and universities for the reading in of multiple choice exam papers. This paper proposed OMRbased on Modify Multi-Connect Architecture (MMCA) associative memory, its work in two phases: training phase and recognition phase. The proposed method was also able to detect more than one or no selected choice. Among 800 test samples with 8 types of grid answer sheets and total 58000 questions, the system exhibits an accuracy is 99.96% in the recognition of marked, thus making it suitable for real world applications.
Modify Multi-Connect Architecture (MMCA) associative memory
Most recent studies have focused on using modern intelligent techniques spatially, such as those
developed in the Intruder Detection Module (IDS). Such techniques have been built based on modern
artificial intelligence-based modules. Those modules act like a human brain. Thus, they should have had the
ability to learn and recognize what they had learned. The importance of developing such systems came after
the requests of customers and establishments to preserve their properties and avoid intruders’ damage. This
would be provided by an intelligent module that ensures the correct alarm. Thus, an interior visual intruder
detection module depending on Multi-Connect Architecture Associative Memory (MCA)
Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) is an important technology for applications that require speedy, high-accuracy processing of a huge volume of hand-filled forms. The aim of this technology is to reduce manual work, human effort, high accuracy in assessment, and minimize time for evaluation answer sheets. This paper proposed OMR by using Modify Bidirectional Associative Memory (MBAM), MBAM has two phases (learning and analysis phases), it will learn on the answer sheets that contain the correct answers by giving its own code that represents the number of correct answers, then detection marks from answer sheets by using analysis phase. This proposal will be able to detect no selection or select more than one choice, in addition, using M
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This paper present a new method to protect color image from unauthentication access using watermarking. The watermarking algorithm hide the encoded mark image in frequency domain using Discrete Cosine Transform. The main principle of the algorithm is encode frequent mark in cover color image. The watermark image bits are spread by repeat the mark and arrange in encoded method that provide algorithm more robustness and security. The propos
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The objective of image fusion is to merge multiple sources of images together in such a way that the final representation contains higher amount of useful information than any input one.. In this paper, a weighted average fusion method is proposed. It depends on using weights that are extracted from source images using counterlet transform. The extraction method is done by making the approximated transformed coefficients equal to zero, then taking the inverse counterlet transform to get the details of the images to be fused. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been verified on several grey scale and color test images, and compared with some present methods.
... Show MorePassword authentication is popular approach to the system security and it is also very important system security procedure to gain access to resources of the user. This paper description password authentication method by using Modify Bidirectional Associative Memory (MBAM) algorithm for both graphical and textual password for more efficient in speed and accuracy. Among 100 test the accuracy result is 100% for graphical and textual password to authenticate a user.