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The Effect of Leptin Level in Pregnancy Complicated by Intrauterine Growth Restriction on Neonatal Outcome, in an Iraqi Center
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Background: Fifteen percent of small for gestational age are small as a result of fetal growth restriction, which could be due to maternal, placental or fetal factors. It is an important clinical problem associated with increase perinatal mortality and morbidity. Leptin is a protein that produced by many tissues including the placenta (syncytiotropholoast). Dysregulation of leptin metabolism may be implicated in preeclampsia and IUGR pathogenesis.
Aim of the study: To study the trend of leptin level alteration in maternal serum and cord blood in pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction and its relation with fetal outcome.
Methods: An Analytic, cross- sectional study conducted in Al-Elwyia Maternity Teaching Hospital and Alkindy College of Medicine, from October 2009 to June 2010. Sixty seven pregnant women were included and they were divided into two groups: The first group (A) included 34 pregnant women with Intrauterine growth restricted fetuses with and without maternal diseases and the second group (B), included 33 pregnant women with normal pregnancies. Samples from maternal blood and umbilical cord blood were obtained at the time of delivery and leptin level was measured by Enzyme linked immunesorbant assey (ELISA) test.
Results:Umbilical cord leptin level was significantly lower in group A (medain1ng/ml) compared with group B (median10.2ng/ml); P<0.001, and maternal serum leptin was also significantly lower in group A (median19.8ng/ml) compared to control group B (median31.8ng/ml), P 0.042.
Newborn weight for age (Z score) and maternal body mass index were the most important and the only statistically significant determinants of cord blood leptin, while only maternal body mass index had a strong and statistically significant positive association with maternal serum leptin.
In group A, there was a linear correlation between cord blood leptin and placental weight, P<0.001, and a linear correlation between Apgar score at 5minutes and cord blood leptin level, P<0.001.
Conclusion: Women who had growth restricted fetuses had significantly lowered umbilical cord leptin level and maternal serum leptin level than women who had normal fetuses and the outcome of such fetuses could be related to leptin level.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The effect of cigarette smoking on the clinical outcome of pulmonary tuberculosis in Iraq
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Background: Tobacco smoking and tuberculosis (TB) are two major public health problems; Associations between smoking and tuberculosis including death from tuberculosis have been reported , A reduction in smoking could be expected to have a significant impact on TB incidence and prevalence .
Objectives: to assess the effect of smoking on tuberculosis.
Methods: This study was conducted from June 2011 to June 2012 in 200 patients, adult ( aged 17 years and more), newly diagnosed patients of pulmonary tuberculosis, at the chest and Respiratory Disease Specialized Center in Baghdad. Demographic data, presenting symptoms, data on smoking, and recurrence of disease were compared. Information on smoking status, tobacco smoking was collecte

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Rawal Medical Journal
Procalcitonin Level In COVID-19 Patients: A single center study
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Objective: The study the association of procalcitonin (PCT) and c-reactive protein (CRP) levels in COVID-19 patients and it's role as a guide in progress and management of those patients. Methodology: This cross-sectional study analyzed 200 CIOVID-19 patients in a single privet center in Baghdad, Iraq from January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2022. Demographic data like age, sex, and clinical symptoms were recorded. High sensitivity CRP and PCT in the serum were measured via dry fluorescence immunoassay (Lansionbio-China). Results: Out of 200 patients, 50 had moderate Covid and 150 had severe disease. Mean serum PCT levels was 0.039±0.05 ng/mL in the moderate group (range 0.011-0.067) and 0.43±0.21 ng/mL in the severe group (range 0.21

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochemical & Cellular Archives
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vitrofertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection-embryo transfer (IVF/ICSI-ET) for infertile patients. Insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF1), Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and Total Testosterone (TT) may have a role on follicle growth, oocyte quality, embryo quality and subsequent pregnancy in patients undergoing IVF cycles. To explore the possibility of using DHEAS, TT and IGF1 as predictive indicator for successful pregnancy in patients undergoing (IVF/ICSI-ET). A prospective study was performed enrolling (12) non pregnant control group,(7) pregnant control group,(18) non-pregnant PCOS group and (12) pregnant PCOS group. The collection of blood and follicular fluid (FF) samples was done at the day of oocyte aspiration. Electroch

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Gender Differences of Serum Leptin Hormone Levels in Iraqi Population
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To evaluate and compare serum Leptin hormone level between Iraqi male & female and the relation between this hormone & BMI in these two groups.

A total of 44 normal male & female subjects were included in this study

{Group 1 : 22 female } , { Group 2 : 22 male}.

Serum Leptin hormone ,BMI &fasting blood glucose were measured for both groups.

   Serum Leptin level in group 1 was (8.82 + 2.9 μg/L) where as in group 2 it was (4.65 + 3.2 μg/L) . These changes were statistically significant. Fasting blood glucose levels were technically within the normal value (

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effects of bisphosphonate administration on teeth development and growth of the jaw bones in neonatal rats (histological and immunohistochemical study)
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Background: Bisphosphonates are potent inhibitors of osteoclastic bone resorption and widely used for the treatment of osteoporosis, and osteogenesis imperfecta in children. Clinical and experimental studies have demonstrated that Bisphosphonates delay or inhibit tooth eruption. This study tries to focus on the effect of bisphosphonate on teeth development and jaw bones growth. Materials and methods: The present study includes 65 neonatal rats during lactation period from 15 Albino Wister rats mother. Alendronate (one type of Bisphosphonates) was administrated orally (15 mg/kg) into 10 pregnant rats two times a week, while other 5 rats regard as control. Then the neonatal rats sacrificed in I, 6, 11, 16 and 21 days. The lower first molar we

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Medical Research & Health Sciences
The Influence of Thyroid Hormones on Leptin and Resistin Levels in Hyperthyroid Female Patients
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Hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis occurs due to excess release of thyroid hormone. These hormones regulate the body’s energy balance and have effects on adipokine level. There are several reports suggesting interrelation between adipokines (resistin and leptin) with thyroid dysfunction. Objectives: This study was established to investigate the effect of thyroid hormones in hyperthyroidism state on the level of some adipokines, leptin and resistin; in comparison with control. Patients and Methods: The present study included 50 Iraqi female patients with hyperthyroidism with age ranged between 30-58 years and 30 healthy controls with age ranged between 30-53 years. Serum samples were collected from study groups. The levels of thyroid hormon

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    The aim of the current study is to demonstrate the effect of honey on the sperms characteristics (sperm concentration, sperm motility, grade of activity and sperm normal morphology) as well as pregnancy rate in mice. Sperms were obtained from caudal epididymis of male mice and prepared by adding10% of honey to the IVF medium using direct sperms activation technique for 30 minute incubation period before artificial insemination.


    The study revealed a significant (P > 0.05) increase in active sperm motility (grade A and grade B) 49% and pregnancy rate 53.3% in female mice artificially inseminated with sperms. On the other hand, there were no significant differences in sperm con

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Property Tax and its Effect in increasing Tax outcome: (An applied Research at The General Commission of Taxes)
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The Search stressed on the importance of the role of property tax as a tributaries of the state budget that depend on it to cover the side of public expenditures, along with the rest of the other types of taxes through a review of the tax  framework and tax proceeds and stand on the research problem and its effects, according to the following logic  questions : -

  1. What is the contribution of property tax in the overall tax revenue?
  2. Are there any certain problems in collection of property tax?
    3. What are the factors that lead to a negative impact on the outcome of the property tax?
    4. How do we strengthen the role of the property tax in the overall tax revenue?

   This r

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Preliminary study of the insulin growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP3) level in Iraqi women with breast cancer
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Here, a high sensitive method for biomarker identification according to nanostructure, using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), called Nano-ELISA, was presented. Different shapes of gold nanostructures (star and sphere; GNSs and GNPs) with a particle size of 40 nm for sphere particles were altered with a monoclonal antibody (Ab) as a detector Ab. To amplify the optical signal, gold nanostructures were employed as carriers of the signaling specific antibody against insulin growth factor binding protein- 3 (IGFBP-3). The substrate was catalytically oxidized by the Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) conjugated gold nanostructure, and HRP also enhanced the optical signals, reflecting the amount of the targeting IGFBP-3. In comparison to t

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Scopus (6)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Aug 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Leptin Hormone Levels In Type( II) Diabetic Nephropathy Patients
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          Type 2 diabetes Nephropathy complication is one of the most commonest metabolic disorders that becomes an advanced serum level of hormone altered. The objective is to study the effect of leptin levels in Type 2 diabetes nephropathy (D.N) complication and healthy subject.       This study was done in National Diabetes Center (NDC), AL-Mustansriya University;on a total (64) individuals whase age were ranged from(45-60) years,of which (38) patients of  type 2 diabetes nephropathy, and (26) healthy( controls). The collected data ,information concerning the individuals used in the present study were: age, sex , body mass index (BMI) and blood samples to

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