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Gender Differences of Serum Leptin Hormone Levels in Iraqi Population
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To evaluate and compare serum Leptin hormone level between Iraqi male & female and the relation between this hormone & BMI in these two groups.

A total of 44 normal male & female subjects were included in this study

{Group 1 : 22 female } , { Group 2 : 22 male}.

Serum Leptin hormone ,BMI &fasting blood glucose were measured for both groups.

   Serum Leptin level in group 1 was (8.82 + 2.9 μg/L) where as in group 2 it was (4.65 + 3.2 μg/L) . These changes were statistically significant. Fasting blood glucose levels were technically within the normal value (116.43 + 3.4mg /dl) for group 1 & (118.52 + 2.9 mg /dl) for group 2 . BMI levels were comparable in both groups during the study, with slight elevation in group 1  [ 24 + 1.73 kg /m2 for group 1 &  23 + 1.98 kg /m2for group 2 ] which within the  acceptable limit as far as safety concern.

  Leptin, an adipocyte-derived hormone known to play an important role in body-weight regulation, the result of this study shows that Leptin is presented differentially in Iraqi men and women ; in which it is significantly higher in women than in men serum . These observations are potentially important for the understanding of differences between men and women in regulation of food intake, weight gain, and body fat distribution.The relation between Leptin & the BMI in male and female in this study may open another approach for this hormone to be involved  in –fertility &  in pubertal development.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Leptin Hormone Levels In Type( II) Diabetic Nephropathy Patients
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          Type 2 diabetes Nephropathy complication is one of the most commonest metabolic disorders that becomes an advanced serum level of hormone altered. The objective is to study the effect of leptin levels in Type 2 diabetes nephropathy (D.N) complication and healthy subject.       This study was done in National Diabetes Center (NDC), AL-Mustansriya University;on a total (64) individuals whase age were ranged from(45-60) years,of which (38) patients of  type 2 diabetes nephropathy, and (26) healthy( controls). The collected data ,information concerning the individuals used in the present study were: age, sex , body mass index (BMI) and blood samples to

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Gender differences in achievements among students of the Iraqi college of medicine
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This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that the duration of time spent by the student inside the examination rooms answering the all kinds of written ex-amination questions has some kind of a positive effect on the final score he will get from that exam. And if there arc gender differences in this respect. Students and methods: Data on the final examinations of the autumn quarter was gathered on 892 examina-tions conducted at the end of this quarter , this included male participants of 566 and females of 326. Examinations were on twenty different subjects , including all of the first five years of the undergraduate students of Iraqi College of Medicine for the academic year 2002 — 2003 . The scheduled time of the examinations was

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Serum Leptin levels in ovarian polycystic disease and its correlation to body weight
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Background: Poly cystic ovary syndrome is a common disorder in women of reproductive age, it is associated with disturbance of reproductive, endocrine and metabolic functions. The pathophysiology of PCOS appears to be multifactorial and polygenic. Leptin seems to play an important role in pathophysiology of PCOS especially in women with BMI ≥25kg/m2. Objectives: To assess leptin level in both PCOS and healthy women and explore the relation to their body weight and body mass index. Patient and Methods: A total of 120 women were enrolled in this study, 60 women (50%) had PCOS (study group) and the reminder 60 women (50%) were healthy women and considered as control group. BMI was calculated first. Both groups were further sub

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Serum parathyroid hormone and total serum calcium levels in mild & severe preeclampsia versus normal pregnancy
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Background: Preeclampsia (PE) is a major cause of maternal morbidity and mortality, complicating 3-14% of all pregnancies. Although the etiology remains unknown, placental hypoperfusion and diffuse endothelial cell injury are considered to be the central pathological process; many endocrinological changes have been linked to the etiology of preeclampsia including parathyroid hormone and calcium level. Objective: to compare serum parathyroid hormone and total serum calcium levels in mild and severe preeclampsia versus normal pregnancy. Patients and methods: Serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) level and total serum calcium level were measured in thirty normotensive pregnant women and thirty women with mild preeclampsia and thi

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2024
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Assessing the Effect of Apremilast on Serum Leptin levels in Obese Patients with Psoriasis
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Background: Psoriasis is a common inflammatory condition worldwide, with an average prevalence ranging from 2% to 3%. However, the incidence of psoriasis varies among different ethnic groups and regions. Elevated leptin levels have been associated with increased cellular proliferation, including T-cells. Additionally, high leptin levels may stimulate the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines such as ILـ6 and TNFـα. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of Apremilast on Leptin in obese psoriatic patients. Subjects and Methods: Thirty patients with psoriasis were included in This prospective cohort study to measure the levels of serum Leptin by using the ELISA technique, before and after receiving Apremilast. Result: The present work

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Increase serum leptin level in Helicobacter pylori infection in Iraqi gastritis patients
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Background: H.pylori colonized gastric mucosal
epithelium will virtually develop gastritis and had the
capacity to persist for decades. Pathogenesis is
dependent upon strain, virulence host genetic
susceptibility, and environmental cofactors. Leptin is
a member of the class 1 cytokine family so altered
leptin production during ifnect and inflammation that
leptin part of the cytokine cascade ,which
orchestrates the defense mechanism.
Objective: Examin the effect of H.pylori infection
on serum leptin level.
Methods: One hundred and thirty(130) Patients
attending the Endoscopic Unit at "Gastroenterology
and Hepatology Teaching Hospital/ Baghdad Medical
City"were included in this study with ages rang

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 23 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
An Evaluation of Serum and Salivary Adipokines (Leptin and Resistin) Levels in Periodontal Health and Disease
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Background: With the start of the current century, increased the interest in the role of the adipose tissue derived substances that named adipokines in the inflammatory diseases of the human being including the inflammatory periodontal disease, but scientific evidences were not clearly demonstrate the association between these adipokines and periodontal pathologies. Materials and Methods: Forty two subjects male only with normal body mass index were selected for the study with an age ranged (30-39 years). Samples were divided into three groups of 14 subjects in each group based on clinical periodontal parameters; clinically healthy gingiva (group I), gingivitis group (group II) and chronic periodontitis patients group (group III), from whom

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 03 2013
Journal Name
J. Of University Of Anbar For Pure Science
Determination of thyroid hormone levels in the serum of Non- dialyzed patients with chronic renal failure
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Thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxin (T4) play an important role in growth, development, and physiology of the kidney. The kidney has a central role in metabolism and clearance of these hormones as well as thyroid – stimulating hormone (TSH). Chronic renal failure (CRF) is a state of irreversible deceleration in renal function results in alterations in internal milieu, which affects the synthesis and secretory rate of hormones. To evaluate the thyroid hormone levels in non-dialyzed patients with chronic renal failure (CRF); 24 patients with CRF aged 30-70 years, mean±S.d. (48.458 ± 13.569) and 48 healthy volunteers who served as controls aged 30-70 years (43.104 ± 12.387) were studied for their thyroid function status u

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 12 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Gender Differences in Adverse Drug Reactions Among Adult Patients Reported to the Iraqi Pharmacovigilance Center
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For many years it was argued that there may be a gender differences in adverse drug reactions (ADRs). This assumption was based on many possible factors such as hormonal or behavior differences, and it was not clearly identified since the female gender was not preferred to be enrolled in many clinical trials. The primary aim of this study was to assess the extent of possibly relevant gender differences in drug–ADRs regarding causality, severity, preventability, seriousness, expectedness and outcome. While the secondary aim was to assess for which group of drugs and for which ADRs gender differences are identified most often. The study was a retrospective one that depends on processing a specially selected group of data obtained from th

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Relation between Serum Leptin, Lipid Profiles and other biomarkers levels in patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy
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Background: In advanced diabetes mellitus, serum levels of the most hormones are altered due to several interplaying mechanisms. Objective: To assess the relation of serum leptin and lipid profile in type 2 diabetic nephropathy. Patients and Method: Serum leptin levels and its relation to lipid profile were estimated in 62 patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy attending the National Diabetes Center in Al- Mustansiriya University, and (26) healthy individuals considered as control group. The diabetic patients were classified into three groups, (24) pathients with normoalbuminuria (21) patients with microalbuminuria and (17) patients with macroalbuminuria. Fasting plasma glucose, serum creatinine, Hb A1c %, lipid profile (Total c

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