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The Effect of Leptin Hormone Levels In Type( II) Diabetic Nephropathy Patients

          Type 2 diabetes Nephropathy complication is one of the most commonest metabolic disorders that becomes an advanced serum level of hormone altered. The objective is to study the effect of leptin levels in Type 2 diabetes nephropathy (D.N) complication and healthy subject.       This study was done in National Diabetes Center (NDC), AL-Mustansriya University;on a total (64) individuals whase age were ranged from(45-60) years,of which (38) patients of  type 2 diabetes nephropathy, and (26) healthy( controls). The collected data ,information concerning the individuals used in the present study were: age, sex , body mass index (BMI) and blood samples to estimate serum leptin levels , fasting plasma glugcose (FPG) , glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), serum creatinine, blood urea , and micral tests (urinary to microalbumine to creatinine ratio). The mean FPG, HbA1c and Micral tests of  type 2 diabetes nephropathy (D.N) showed statistical significant with healthy control ;on the other hard the data shows significant increases in leptin level in type 2 diabetes nephropathy (D.N) ( urinary microalbumin to creatnin ratio ranged  30-300 mg/g) compared with healthy control.  No significant correlation was present between serum leptin and both serum creatinine and blood urea ,so there wasn’t any correlation between BMI and serum leptin levels .In conclusion the results showed that serum leptin level was elevated in type 2 diabetes nephropathy(D.N) because impaired increase with progression of renal disease in diabetic  nephropathy.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Relation between Serum Leptin, Lipid Profiles and other biomarkers levels in patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy

Background: In advanced diabetes mellitus, serum levels of the most hormones are altered due to several interplaying mechanisms. Objective: To assess the relation of serum leptin and lipid profile in type 2 diabetic nephropathy. Patients and Method: Serum leptin levels and its relation to lipid profile were estimated in 62 patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy attending the National Diabetes Center in Al- Mustansiriya University, and (26) healthy individuals considered as control group. The diabetic patients were classified into three groups, (24) pathients with normoalbuminuria (21) patients with microalbuminuria and (17) patients with macroalbuminuria. Fasting plasma glucose, serum creatinine, Hb A1c %, lipid profile (Total c

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Erythrocyte Magnesium Levels in type I and type II Iraq diabetic patients effect of antidiabetic treatment

Background: Direct measurement of intracellular magnesium using erythrocytes has been suggested as a sensitive indicator for the estimation of body magnesium store. Marked depletion in plasma and erythrocyte magnesium levels was particularly evident in diabetic patients with advanced retinopathy and poor diabetic control. While insulin has been shown to stimulate erythrocyte magnesium uptake, hyperglycemia per se suppressed intracellular magnesium in normal human red cells.
Aim of the study: To investigate the erythrocyte magnesium level in Iraqi type I and II diabetic patients, with specific emphasis on the effect of both, metabolic control and the type of antidiabetic treatments.
Methods: Sixty two diabetic patients (7 with type

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Estimation of Apelin Levels in Iraqi Patients with Type II Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) is a chronic and progressive condition, which affects people all around the world. The risk of complications increases with age if the disease is not managed properly. Diabetic neuropathy is caused by excessive blood glucose and lipid levels, resulting in nerve damage. Apelin is a peptide hormone that is found in different human organs, including the central nervous system and adipose tissue. The aim of this study is to estimate Apelin levels in diabetes type 2 and Diabetic peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) Iraqi patients and show the extent of peripheral nerve damage. The current study included 120 participants: 40 patients with Diabetes Mellitus, 40 patients with Diabetic peripheral Neuropathy, and 40 healthy

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 23 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
An Assessment of Salivary Leptin and Resistin Levels in Type Two Diabetic Patients with Chronic Periodontitis (A Comparative Study)

Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitusand chronic periodontitis hold a close relationship that has been the focus of many researches. Currently there is an appreciation to the role of adipose tissue-derived substances "the adipokines" in immune-inflammatory responses; also, there is an interest in using the simple non-invasive saliva in diagnosing and linking oral and general health problems. The current study aims to determine the periodontal health status in the chronic periodontitis patients with and without poorly or well controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus, measure the salivary levels of two adipokines "leptin and resistin", pH and flow rate and then correlate between these clinical periodontal, biochemical and physical parameters in eac

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 11 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Serum Aldosterone Levels in Patients With Diabetic Nephropathy in Relation to Vascular Calcification

Diabetic Nephropathy(DN) is a complex disease manifested by persistence microalbuminuria   occurring due to the interaction between hemodynamic and metabolic pathway that activates the local renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system resulting in a decline in renal functions.

This study aimed to quantify the associations between serum aldosterone concentration and fetuin- A as a marker of calcification in type 2 diabetic patients with and without microalbuminuria from one side, and study the possible relationship between aldosterone and fetuin-A with glycemic indices, serum electrolyte, renal function and microalbuminuria and body mass index from the other side.

A case-control study involved eighty-six adult subjects

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Gender Differences of Serum Leptin Hormone Levels in Iraqi Population


To evaluate and compare serum Leptin hormone level between Iraqi male & female and the relation between this hormone & BMI in these two groups.

A total of 44 normal male & female subjects were included in this study

{Group 1 : 22 female } , { Group 2 : 22 male}.

Serum Leptin hormone ,BMI &fasting blood glucose were measured for both groups.

   Serum Leptin level in group 1 was (8.82 + 2.9 μg/L) where as in group 2 it was (4.65 + 3.2 μg/L) . These changes were statistically significant. Fasting blood glucose levels were technically within the normal value (

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences
Correlation of Kidney Injury Molecule-1 and Nephrin Levels in Iraqi Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is characterized by persistent microalbuminuria and metabolic changes that decline renal functions. Researchers have been prompted to explore new biomarkers such as KIM-1 and nephrin that may enhance the identification of disease. Objective: To Evaluate biomarker levels of kidney injury molculre-1 (KIM-1) concentration and nephrin as early and sensitive markers of nephropathy in type 2 diabetic patients. Method: One hundred T2DM patients were included in a cross-sectional study at the specialized center for endocrinology and diabetes, Baghdad. The first group includes 50 diabetic nephropathy (DN) patients, and the second group includes 50 T2DM patients without DN. Biochemical and clinical parameters were reported for pa

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2010
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham J. Fo R Pure & Appl. Sc I
Biochemical Study on Diabetic Nephropathy Patients

This study deals with thirty non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy in addition to twenty five healthy control.Some biochemical parameters were determined in the serum of all subjects enrolled in the study.These parameters are serum glucose,serum urea,serum creatinine,total serum protein and serum albumin.The aim of the present study was to estimate these parameters in diabetic nephropathy patients. The results of the present study revealed a significant increase in glucose,urea and creatinine in patients as compared to controls . Also a significant decrease was found in total serum protein, serum albumin and albumin to globulin ratio (A/G) in patients compared to controls,whi

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Publication Date
Sun May 21 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Biochemical Study on Diabetic Nephropathy Patients

  This study deals with thirty non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy in addition to twenty five healthy control.Some biochemical parameters were determined in the serum of all subjects enrolled in the study.These parameters are serum glucose,serum urea,serum creatinine,total serum protein and serum albumin.The aim of the present study was to estimate these parameters in diabetic nephropathy  patients.     The results of the present study revealed a significant increase in glucose,urea and creatinine in patients as compared to controls . Also a significant decrease was found in total serum protein, serum albumin and albumin to globulin ratio (A/G) in patients com

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Initial Recognition and Prophecy of Diabetic Nephropathy in Type I Diabetes in a Sample of Iraqi Patients

Back ground: Diabetic nephropathy is rapidly becoming the leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The onset and course of DN can be ameliorated to a very significant degree if intervention institutes at a point very early in the course of the development of this complication.
Objective: The aim of this study was to characterize risk factors associated with nephropathy in type I diabetes and construct a module for early prediction of diabetic nephropathy (DN) by analyzing their risk factors.
Methods: Case control design of 400 patients with type I diabetes mellitus (IDDM), aged 19-45 years. The cases were 200 diabetic patients with overt protein urea while the controls were 200 diabetic patients with no protein urea or micr

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