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Role of MRI diffusion weighted imaging in differentiation between benign and malignant ovarian masses

Background: Characterization of the ovarian masses preoperatively is important to inform the surgeon about the possible management strategies. MRI may be of great help in identifying malignant lesion before surgery. Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) is a sensitive method for changes in proton of water mobility caused by pathological alteration of tissue cellularity, cellular membrane integrity, extracellular space perfusion, and fluid viscosity.

Objective: to study the diagnostic accuracy of DWI in differentiation between benign and malignant ovarian masses.

Type of the study:Cross-sectional study.

Methods: this study included  53with complex ovarian mass or masses ,Diffusion Weighted Imaging was obtained to all these patient with correlation to the histopathological results; the Signal Intensity (SI) of the solid and cystic part of the lesions was evaluated on T2 and Diffusion Weighted Imaging  ,with Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) values were also obtained .

Results: 22 masses out of the total 53 were malignant and 31 were benign .On DWI the high SI intensity observed more frequently in the malignant lesions than the benign lesions (p value 0.0293) .There was significant difference between the mean ADC value of the malignant and benign ovarian lesions, with the mean ADC value for the benign lesions solid component =1.05 x10 -3, and the mean ADC value for the malignant lesions solid component =0.91 x10-3. The ROC study reveals that 0.926 x 10 -3  may be the optimal cutoff value  with sensitivity 54.8 %, specificity 59.1%, NPV 48.15 %, PPV 63.39%  , Accuracy 56.6%. With exclusion of the teratoma and endometriomas from statistical analysis the ROC reveals that 0.99 x10 -3  may be the optimal cut off value with sensitivity 76.9 % , specificity 77.3% , PPV 66.67% , NPP 85% and  accuracy 77.14% Conclusions: Combined with conventional pelvic MRI, DWI is a helpful tool in differentiation between benign and malignant ovarian masses, with high signal intensity on DWI more frequently observed in the malignant than benign ovarian lesions.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering

A theoretical analysis of mixing in the secondary combustion chamber of ramjet is presented. Theoretical investigations were initiated to insight into the flow field of the mixing zone of the ramjet combustor and a computer program to calculate axisymmetric, reacting and inert flow was developed. The mathematical model of the mixing zone of ramjet comprises differential equations for: continuity, momentum, stagnation enthalpy, concentration, turbulence energy and its dissipation rate. The simultaneous solution of these equations by means of a finite-difference solution algorithm yields the values of the variable at all internal grid nodes.
The results showed that increasing air mass flow (0.32 to 0.64 kg/s) increases the development o

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Corrosion of Carbon Steel Pipeline in Flow System of water Sweetening Plant

The electrochemical behavior of carbon steel in water sweetening station in Libya has been studied in the range of ( 293–333 oC) using weight loss technique. Measurements were carried out over a range of Reynolds number (5000 – 25000).An apparatus was designed for studying the corrosion process in the turbulent regime, which is of industrial significance. It was found that The corrosion rate of carbon steel in water sweetening station is under diffusion control and increases with increasing Reynolds number. On the other hand the variation of corrosion rate with temperature in the range of (293–333 oC) was found to follow Arrhenius equation and the activation energy approximately the same except at low Reynolds

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Calculation of Pressure Loss of Two Drilling Muds in Noor Oil Field


In this work, calculation of pressure losses in circulating system for two drilling muds is evaluated in Noor oil field. Two types of drilling muds that were used for drilling section 12 1/4" and 8 3/4" which are Salt saturated mud and Ferro Chrome Lignosulfonate-Chrome Lignite mud. These calculations are based on field data that were gathered from the drilling site of well Noor-15, which are included, rheological data, flow data and specification of drill string. Based on the obtained results, the best rheological model that fit their data is the Herschel-Bulkley model according to correlation coefficient value for their two drilling mud. Also, the difference between the calculated pressure lo

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Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Leaching Behavior of Zinc Oxide in Medical Waste of Dental Clinics

Zinc Oxide is an indispensable substance in the field of dental treatment. It is used daily and intensively in all governmental and private dental clinics, leading to the disposal of very high concentrations of zinc with waste and eventually in landfill sites as a final destination for solid waste removal. This indicates the urgent need to investigate its behavior upon disposal due to the surrounding conditions. Approximately 4195 g of mixed dental waste samples were collected from (17) healthcare centers in Baghdad Al-Karkh. The leaching behavior of ZnO powder was investigated through batch reactors using makeup dental solid waste samples. The ZnO leaching was tested with 3 conditions; acidic, alkaline, and Ionic Streng

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Mar 12 2021
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
A Cognitive Stylistic Analysis of Characterization in Golding’s Lord of the Flies

Characterization is commonly known in stylistics to be the cognitive process in the readers' minds when comprehending a fictional character in a literary work .In one approach, it is assumed that characters are the outcome of the interaction between the words in the text on the one hand and the contents of our heads on the other. This paper is an attempt to understand how characterization is achieved by applying Culpeper’s (2001) model which seems to be to present a method of analysis that is more objective and more systematic in analyzing characters. Two characters are selected for discussion; Ralph and Jack from Golding’s (1954) Lord of the Flies. The novel talks about the corruption of human beings and the capacity of evil th

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Sun Jun 15 2008
Journal Name
Al Mustansiriyah Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
The prevalence of Schistosomiasis among children of primary Schools in Balad –Rooz

Balad –Rooz is considered as one of the endemic foci of Schistosomiasisin Iraq.A survey was performed during the first three months of 2002 in fewprimary schools in Balad –Rooz to assess the prevalence among them.

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Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Efficacy of fractional CO2 laser in management of surgical wound scars

Background: Atrophic postoperative and traumatic scarring are common cosmetic problems for patients. Combining CO2 laser ablation with a fractional photothermolysis system in a treatment known as ablative fractional resurfacing fulfilling the new demands for a lesser risk of side effects and minimal or no downtime.Objective: To assess the safety and efficacy of ablation fractional CO2 laser treatments for surgical scarring .methods: Twenty one patient ( 14 women, and 7 men ) with various skin types , I to IV , aged 3 to 48 years , presents with 24 scars between June and December 2012 , four patients excluded from study because they are not continued in follow up , the remaining 17 patient completed all 3 treatments & 6 months follow

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Wed Mar 16 2016
Journal Name
World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
Identification of some species of wireworm Agriotes spp.(Coleoptera: Elateridae) in Baghdad

Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Identification of the main causes of risks in engineering procurement construction projects
Abstract<p>Many risks have adverse consequences for construction projects’ objectives such as quality, schedule, and cost. As engineering procurement construction (EPC) contracts gradually become one of the most common types used in implementing major large-scale construction projects, identifying common risk types and analyzing their root causes is important for developing measures to decrease and eliminate future risks in these types of contracts. The information about the main causes of risks was collected <italic>via</italic> well-structured questionnaires addressed to construction sector professionals and preparing lists of main potential risks in EPC/construction projects throu</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of Quality of Life for Secondary School Students in Kirkuk City

Objective(s):To evaluate the quality of life among secondary and to find out the relationship between students'quality of life and their socio-demographic characteristics of age, gender, residence, marital status, father's and mother's education, and family financial status in Kirkuk City. Methodology: A cross-sectional study is conducted on (100) studentwho are boys and girls aged(13 to 24) years old. These subjects are studying at secondary schools in Kirkuk City.The study is carried out at secondary schools in Kirkuk City from 7th July 7th 2014 to May 7th 2015. A questionnaire is constructed for the purpose

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