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Satisfaction of Patients with Type II Diabetes on Health Service in Specialized Center for Endocrinology and Diabetes /Baghdad 2019
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Background: Patient satisfaction is of increasing importance and widely recognized as an important indicator of quality of the medical care. There was no homogeneous definition of patient satisfaction, since satisfaction concerns different aspects of care or settings, as well as care given by various professions.

Objective: The objective of this study is to assess the patients’ level of satisfaction with diabetes care and to identify the underlying factors influencing it.

Methods: This cross-sectional study had been conducted in the Specialized Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology in Baghdad Al- Rusafa 2018. Where150 type two diabetic patients attending their follow-up were requested to fill the questionnaire. The questionnaire identified patients, doctors, and practice related factors. For statistical analysis of the data, SPSS Version 24 was used, and the Chi-square statistical test was applied, A p-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: The study showed that the overall level of satisfaction was 79.3%. There was a statistically significant association between age group, gender, profession, educational level and marital status where P value 0.001 for all variables.

Conclusion: It was concluded from the study that patients’ satisfaction was high. Majority of the diabetic patients were satisfied with health services, the level of satisfaction increases with age, female gender, and married patients, but it decreases with a high level of education and profession. High level of dissatisfaction seen on treatment services


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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effectiveness of Nanomaterial in the Roof of the Building to Achieve Energy Conservation for Indoor Environment of the Building
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The construction sector consumes large amounts of energy during the lifetime of a building. This consumption starts with manufacturing and transferring building materials to the sites and demolishing this building after a long time of occupying it. The topic of energy conservation and finding the solution inside the building spaces become an important and urgent necessity. It is known that the roof is exposed to a high amount of thermal loads compared to other elements in a building envelope, so this needs some solutions and treatments to control the flow of the heat through them. These solutions and treatments may be achieved by using nanomaterials. Recently, nanomaterials have high properties, so that this made them go

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Preparation of Design Charts for Estimation of the Length of an Upstream Impervious Blanket in a Homogenous Earth Dam
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Preparation of Design Charts for Estimation of the Length of an Upstream Impervious Blanket in a Homogenous Earth Dam
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Earth dams are constructed mainly from soil. A homogenous earth dam is composed of only one material. The seepage through such dams is quite high. Upstream impervious blanket is one of the methods used to control seepage through the dam foundations. Bennet's method is one of the commonly used methods to design an impervious upstream blanket. Design charts are developed relating the length of blanket, total reservoir head, total base width of the dam (excluding downstream drainage), the coefficient of permeability of the blanket material, blanket thickness, foundation thickness, and coefficient of permeability of the foundation soil, based on the equations governing the Bennet's method for a homogenous earth dam with a blanket of uniform

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 21 2021
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Computer And Mathematics Education
Algebraic thinking skills included in the mathematics textbook for middle third grade
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The aim of the current research is to find out the extent to which algebraic thinking skills are included in the mathematics textbook for the third intermediate grade for the academic year (2020-2021) by answering the main research question:What algebraic thinking skills are included in the mathematics textbook for middle third grade?The descriptive and analytical approach was used, and to achieve the goal of the research, a list of the main algebraic thinking skills and the sub-skills were prepared, and after analyzing the content of the mathematics textbook, the stability of the analysis was verified through the analysis over time and across individuals using the Holsti equation, and

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 29 2022
Journal Name
Current Trends In Geotechnical Engineering And Construction
Calculating the Real Need for Fire Brigade Stations in Al-Samawah City
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The location of fire brigade stations and equipment has a significant impact on the efficacy and efficiency of fire brigade department services. The challenge addressed by this study was that the fire brigade department required a consistent and repeatable technique to assess the response capabilities and safeguarding levels offered as the city of Samawah/Iraq grew and changed. Evaluating the locations of the current fire brigade stations in the city of Samawah is the aspect addressed by the research to determine the accuracy and validity of the locations of these stations by the competent authorities and their suitability to the area of the city’s neighborhoods and its residents. The Iraqi Ministry of Housing, Construction, Municipalitie

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 06 2001
Journal Name
المجلة العراقية للعلوم الاحصائية
Suggest formulas for estimating carry-over effects in two-period changeover design
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This research aims to suggest formulas to estimate carry-over effects with two-period change-over design, and then, all other effects in the analysis of variance of this design, and find the efficiency of the two-period change-over design relative to another design (say, completely randomized design).

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Technical University Of Munich
Conditions for Applying Public Private Partnership PPP in Iraq Infrastructure Projects Successfully
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Public private partnership PPP is a method to procure public projects in order to achieve additional value for money in terms of efficiency and quality of services. This thesis studies the concepts of PPP, advantages and disadvantages of PPP. In addition, current Iraq infrastructure projects situations and needs, as well as, some aspects relating to the Iraq’s construction market, legal and contract systems were discussed. A financial model was carried out and applied to a real-life case study project. Finally, a survey targeted researchers; public and private- sectors were applied.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
5th Iet International Conference On Renewable Power Generation (rpg), 2016, London, Uk
Electrical Machine Design for use in an External Combustion Free Piston Engine
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Quest for an Ideal Beauty in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye
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In The Bluest Eye (1970), the American-African writer, Toni Morrison explores how
Western standards of ideal beauty are created and propagated with and among the black
community. The novel not only portrays the lives of those whose dark skinned and Negroid
features blight their lives; it also shows how the standard of white beauty, when imposed on
black youth, can drastically damage one’s self-love and esteem which usually occurs when
beauty goes unrecognized. Morrison in this novel focuses on the damage that the black
women characters suffer through the construction of femininity in a racialised society where
whiteness is used as a standard of beauty.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Organization, Technology And Management In Construction: An International Journal
Using the ordinal priority approach for selecting the contractor in construction projects
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Abstract<p>Effective decision-making process is the basis for successfully solving any engineering problem. Many decisions taken in the construction projects differ in their nature due to the complex nature of the construction projects. One of the most crucial decisions that might result in numerous issues over the course of a construction project is the selection of the contractor. This study aims to use the ordinal priority approach (OPA) for the contractor selection process in the construction industry. The proposed model involves two computer programs; the first of these will be used to evaluate the decision-makers/experts in the construction projects, while the second will be used to formul</p> ... Show More
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