"Prime ?-ring
Semi prime ?-ring
Strong commutativity preserving (?
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Let R be a Г-ring, and σ, τ be two automorphisms of R. An additive mapping d from a Γ-ring R into itself is called a (σ,τ)-derivation on R if d(aαb) = d(a)α σ(b) + τ(a)αd(b), holds for all a,b ∈R and α∈Γ. d is called strong commutativity preserving (SCP) on R if [d(a), d(b)]α = [a,b]α(σ,τ) holds for all a,b∈R and α∈Γ. In this paper, we investigate the commutativity of R by the strong commutativity preserving (σ,τ)-derivation d satisfied some properties, when R is prime and semi prime Г-ring.