This paper is concerned with preliminary test single stage shrinkage estimators for the mean (q) of normal distribution with known variance s2 when a prior estimate (q0) of the actule value (q) is available, using specifying shrinkage weight factor y( ) as well as pre-test region (R). Expressions for the Bias, Mean Squared Error [MSE( )] and Relative Efficiency [R.Eff.( )] of proposed estimators are derived. Numerical results and conclusions are drawn about selection different constants including in these expressions. Comparisons between suggested estimators with respect to usual estimators in the sense of Relative Efficiency are given. Furthermore, comparisons with the earlier existing works are drawn to shown the usefulness of the proposed estimators.
The present paper agrees with estimation of scale parameter θ of the Inverted Gamma (IG) Distribution when the shape parameter α is known (α=1), bypreliminarytestsinglestage shrinkage estimators using suitable shrinkage weight factor and region. The expressions for the Bias, Mean Squared Error [MSE] for the proposed estimators are derived. Comparisons between the considered estimator with the usual estimator (MLE) and with the existing estimator are performed .The results are presented in attached tables.
The present paper concern with minimax shrinkage estimator technique in order to estimate Burr X distribution shape parameter, when prior information about the real shape obtainable as original estimate while known scale parameter.
Derivation for Bias Ratio, Mean squared error and the Relative Efficiency equations.
Numerical results and conclusions for the expressions mentioned above were displayed. Comparisons for proposed estimator with most recent works were made.
The Estimation Of The Reliability Function Depends On The Accuracy Of The Data Used To Estimate The Parameters Of The Probability distribution, and Because Some Data Suffer from a Skew in their Data to Estimate the Parameters and Calculate the Reliability Function in light of the Presence of Some Skew in the Data, there must be a Distribution that has flexibility in dealing with that Data. As in the data of Diyala Company for Electrical Industries, as it was observed that there was a positive twisting in the data collected from the Power and Machinery Department, which required distribution that deals with those data and searches for methods that accommodate this problem and lead to accurate estimates of the reliability function,
... Show MoreThis paper concerned with estimation reliability ( for K components parallel system of the stress-strength model with non-identical components which is subjected to a common stress, when the stress and strength follow the Generalized Exponential Distribution (GED) with unknown shape parameter α and the known scale parameter θ (θ=1) to be common. Different shrinkage estimation methods will be considered to estimate  depending on maximum likelihood estimator and prior estimates based on simulation using mean squared error (MSE) criteria. The study approved that the shrinkage estimation using shrinkage weight function was the best.
This paper is concerned with Double Stage Shrinkage Bayesian (DSSB) Estimator for lowering the mean squared error of classical estimator ˆ q for the scale parameter (q) of an exponential distribution in a region (R) around available prior knowledge (q0) about the actual value (q) as initial estimate as well as to reduce the cost of experimentations. In situation where the experimentations are time consuming or very costly, a Double Stage procedure can be used to reduce the expected sample size needed to obtain the estimator. This estimator is shown to have smaller mean squared error for certain choice of the shrinkage weight factor y( ) and for acceptance region R. Expression for
... Show MoreThis paper concerns with deriving and estimating the reliability of the multicomponent system in stress-strength model R(s,k), when the stress and strength are identical independent distribution (iid), follows two parameters Exponentiated Pareto Distribution(EPD) with the unknown shape and known scale parameters. Shrinkage estimation method including Maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), has been considered. Comparisons among the proposed estimators were made depending on simulation based on mean squared error (MSE) criteria.
This article co;nsiders a shrunken estimator ·Of Al-Hermyari· and
AI Gobuii (.1) to estimate the mean (8) of a normal clistributicm N (8 cr4) with known variance (cr+), when <:I guess value (So) av11il ble about the mean (B) as· an initial estrmate. This estimator is shown to be
more efficient tl1an the class-ical estimators especially when 8 is close to 8•. General expressions .for bias and MSE -of considered estitnator are gi 'en, witeh some examples. Nut.nerical cresdlts, comparisons and
conclusions ate reported.